Can public stimulate reporting of violence against women? Policy Implications Podcast #7

A new episode of the Policy Implications Podcast is now up on our YouTube channel - "Can public stimulate reporting of violence against women?"

Guest: dr Abhilasha Sahay

In this episode of the Policy Implications Podcast together with dr Abhilasha Sahay from the World Bank Group we discuss whether increased awareness of violence against women can increase the reporting of these crimes. Also, we try to understand why women tend to not report violence against them and how this reporting can be stimulated. More details about the paper discussed in this episode can be found here.

Policy Implications Podcast is a show where we discuss the most recent research in economics and finance. During each episode, we talk about the main ideas of the research and what we can learn from it paying special attention to how its results can be used by the policymakers. The show is hosted by dr Olha Zadorozhna and is part of the Kozminski Insights series.

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