Incoming Students


Incoming Students

Welcome to the webpage for International Exchange Students!
We would be glad to welcome you in Warsaw for your exchange experience.
Please check information below as it might be useful to prepare you you for a study period at the Kozminski University.

Hope you will enjoy your stay at our University!



The Admission process starts at your Home University. Your Home Institution shall send to KU the official nomination, your personal contact details together with information about your level of studies and period of stay.


May 1st Nomination deadline for Fall semester or Academic Year

December 1st Nomination deadline for Spring semester

June 1st To apply for Fall Semester or Academic Year 

January 1st To apply for Spring Semester

More information about the procedure.

We encourage all Incoming Students to check FAQ section, available: here


Schedule & Study Regulations of the Academic Year


List of courses and classes

Courses offer for Incoming Exchange Students in Fall 2024/2025

Courses offer for Incoming Exchange Students in Spring 2024/2025


Full course outlines/syllabis are available on our online platform. You will create your own schedule and register for the courses at our online platform around 1-2 weeks before the beginning of the semester. The information about the enrollment dates will be provided by the Incoming Students Coordinator.


Course Catalog

Erasmus+ non-EU (KA 171 Project)

If there is an Erasmus +  Agreement signed between the non- EU partner university and KU, and KU was granted the scholarship for the Students’ Exchange program, KU will open a call for applications and collect required documents from the students. The Scholarship Committee will decide which of the applicants will receive scholarship during their Exchange program.  Each year,  KU applies for the grant; therefore, the number of the scholarships differ from year to year. Details about program will be available in September.

The procedure of applying for E+ student’s scholarship is presented here

E+ Scholarship consists of Individual Support and Travel Support, according to the EU Commission rates - presented below.

Students, coming to KU receive 800 EUR monthly of individual support.

For more information please check here

Mandatory documents for KA 171:






More information about the program, rules and rates are available here.


Free Movers

Students, willing to take part in Free Mobility Program, are requested to contact the Incoming Students Coordinator at the International Relations Office of KU, informing about the wish to apply, mentioning the cycle and program willing to take:

Program is available only for the students with valid student status.

Incoming Students Coordinator checks the possibility and informs the student about the decision.

Student has to submit Application package, after the positive decision is given.

Details about the Program.

free movers


Kozminski University does not have on-campus accommodation. However to facilitate you the process of finding a proper place to stay in Warsaw during your exchange semester, please check some tips to help you in finding a proper place to stay in Warsaw during your exchange semester.


Kozminski International Society

Kozminski International Society (KIS) is an organization that brings together ambitious and active students who want to learn about new cultures and stay in an international environment. Their goal is to integrate exchange students and help them settle in our country. Through the organization of various cultural and social events, KIS not only shows Polish culture and customs to foreign students but also helps to establish valuable social ties. 

KIS is also responsible for promoting international exchanges among students of Kozminski University and encouraging them to broaden their horizons at foreign universities. 

Facebook: here 

kozminski international society
Virtual visit of KU
Aleksandra Ryniewicz

Digitalization of Mobility Manager

Taking care of incoming students in regard to academic and formal aspects of their mobilities, including courses selection, coordinates the process of registration for courses, verifies and approves LA.
She is also responsible for implementation of systems and platforms oriented on digitalization of mobilities, following recommendations of European Commission and Erasmus Without Paper initiative.

Together with that Aleksandra is also coordinating International Summer School program - prepares courses offer and their schedules, is responsible for the admission proces and all the formal and academic aspects of the program, prepares final documents. She's also responsible for the promotion of the program.

Katarzyna Krawiec

Responsible for the application process of students coming for international exchange under the Erasmus program, International School, and Free Mover.
She is in charge of assisting incoming students with formal and academic matters at the university and receives nominations from partner universities.