14 Stycznia

ACCA Professional Open Day

Together with our partner, we are delighted to invite you to the Open Day introducing to the ACCA Professional Postgraduate Studies, jointly organized by Kozminski University and EY Academy of Business. During the session, you will have the unique opportunity to meet Brian Connolly, an experienced trainer, who will delve into the key aspects of the SBR exam, a vital component of the ACCA Professional Postgraduate program. Additionally, you will meet the program leader and administrative representatives from both Kozminski University and EY Academy of Business, who will be on hand to guide you, answer your questions. Don’t miss this chance to gain valuable insights into the program and prepare for your ACCA journey! The meeting will be conducted in English and will be free of charge.

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Wydarzenie poprowadzą

dr Iwona Cieślak

Doktor nauk ekonomicznych w zakresie nauk o zarządzaniu. Członek Zarządu Kozminski Business Hub. Pracownik Katedry Rachunkowości Akademii Leona Koźmińskiego. Kierownik merytoryczny studiów podyplomowych audyt wewnętrzny. Specjalistka z zakresu audytu wewnętrznego i rachunkowości. Certyfikowany trener biznesu i szkoleniowiec.

Prowadzi badania z zakresu teorii i standardów sprawowania kontroli, ustawodawstwa dotyczącego prowadzenia ksiąg finansowych i sporządzania sprawozdawczości finansowej, wpływu oszustw na sytuację finansową przedsiębiorstwa, jak i wiarygodność sprawozdań finansowych. Praktyk audytu wewnętrznego i kontroli zarządczej. Certyfikowany menedżer zarządzania ryzykiem. Autorka licznych publikacji z zakresu rachunkowości. Współtworzy i prowadzi zajęcia objęte akredytacją ACCA w Akademii Leona Koźmińskiego. Dyrektor Centrum Transferu Technologii ALK.

Brian Connolly
Brian Connolly, BComm, ACA, ACMA, AITI

Brian graduated in 1985 from University College, Dublin, where he studied Commerce (BComm). Following graduation he trained as an accountant and auditor with  BDO and in 1989 he became a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland (ICAI). Brian is also a member of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (ACMA) where he obtained first place in Ireland in the professional exams leading to ACMA. He is now a Fellow Chartered Accountant (FCA) and also holds the Irish Taxation Institute Qualification (AITI) 
For a period of 3 years he worked as an auditor in Ernst & Young Poland where he gained experience in the manufacturing, retail and distribution sectors. 
Subsequently Brian worked in Ernst & Young Academy of Business as both a trainer and developer of training programmessuch as the Executive Studies in Finance with the Warsaw School of Economics. Brian has also developed and trained comprehensive accounting programmesunder IFRS and US GAAP as well as teaching the accounting and audit papers in the ACCA professional qualification. 
Brian Connolly has been training managers and partners for Ernst Young in the Middles East in IFRS and developed training programmesunder IFRS in the region. 
