Accessibility and support
Accessibility and support – for people with disabilities and in a difficult life situation
Recommended foundations
We also recommend contacting the following organizations, which provide support in making people with disabilities active in the workforce:
1. Fundacja Aktywizacja
2. Fundacja Rakiety
3. Stowarzyszenie Otwarte Drzwi
4. Platforma Integracji Osób Niepełnosprawnych PION
5. Stowarzyszenie SPOZA
6. Fundacja Aktywnej Rehabilitacji
7. Fundacja Aktywności Zawodowej
8. Labour Office – Department of Services for People with Disabilities
9. Fundacja Instytut Rozwoju Regionalnego
Rector’s Proxy for Accessibility
e-mail adress:
phone number: 22 519 21 66
The Rector of Kozminski University has appointed Marzena Indra as the Proxy for Accessibility. The main responsibilities of the Proxy include coordinating all activities related to accessibility of the university – elimination of barriers that make it impossible or considerably difficult for people with disabilities to benefit from the available education opportunities.
The Proxy for Accessibility is also committed to supporting the academic community, particularly those members thereof with disabilities and those who are disadvantaged, in a difficult life situation. In addition, the Proxy for Accessibility examines and identifies the needs, problems, and expectations of students with disabilities and supports them in finding the right solutions. She works closely with the KU Office for Scholarships and for Students with Special Needs to initiate and implement activities aimed at creating favorable conditions for students to take full advantage of the process of education. She also manages the work of a team of experts, who make sure that KU develops in a comprehensive manner in the area of broadly defined accessibility within the framework of the project titled “ACCESSIBLE – OPEN – CREATIVE. Kozminski University – a university of equal opportunities” (PL: “Dostępna – Otwarta - Kreatywna. ALK uczelnią równych szans”).
KU accessibility strategy