Office for Scholarships and for Students with Special Needs
Office for Scholarships and for Students with Special Needs
The Office of Scholarships and Students with Special Needs supports both students with disabilities and those disadvantaged, in a difficult life situation. In its daily practice, it supports individuals whose health condition prevents them from taking full advantage of the process of education – people both with and without a disability certificate. It looks into the needs of people with disabilities and tries to respond to them individually. The staff offers comprehensive care and support to all people whose health condition significantly affects their ability to make the most of the learning process. At the same time, it is a unit that is in charge of the process of awarding scholarships and grants: special grants for disabled persons, maintenance grants, Rector’s scholarships, Minister’s scholarships, and assistance grants.
All students with disabilities or in difficult life situation who wish to apply for a scholarship/grant and/or need support in the process of learning (e.g. provision of sign language interpreter services, stenographer assistant services, individual English classes, physical education class adjustments, etc.) are encouraged to contact our office for support. Moreover, our office staff offers support in contacting vice-deans who, upon a student’s request, provide individual support in adapting the course of study to the individual abilities of the applying student with a disability.
Contact person
- Specialist for Scholarships and Students with Special Needs - Magdalena Skopiec, tel. no. 22 519 21 80
- Accessibility and Scholarship Specialist – Paulina Stępniak, tel. no. 22 519 22 17
If you would like to receive immediate support in your day-to-day functioning or psychological assistance, you are welcome to contact our Wellbeing Office