Kozminski University is the first academic institution in Poland to announce their Sustainable Development Goals.


Kozminski University is the first academic institution in Poland to define its own sustainable development program for the years 2020-2030. Thus, the University is a part of the global concern for a better tomorrow and declares specific actions to improve the fate of humanity, the environment and the entire planet.  KU takes the issues of sustainable development and social responsibility very seriously. It is a pioneer in the field of business ethics and supports the creation of pro-social technologies that are beneficial in nature. Prof. Aleksandra Przegalińska, Ph.D., is responsible for the strategy and implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). She was appointed in September 2020 as Vice-Rector for International Relations and ESR (Ethics and Social Responsibility). The team headed by Prof. Przegalińska, in cooperation with Prof. Bolesław Rok, head of the Positive Impact Entrepreneurship Research Center at KU, has developed six priority Sustainability Targets for the University, selecting them from among the 17 identified in the UN Resolution of 2015, known as Agenda 2030. 

Today, it is not enough to do one's job, i.e. in the case of universities to educate and conduct research, and in the case of companies to strive for financial success. Today's leaders want to change the world for the better. In Poland, more and more companies define their primary goal in this way and implement the sustainable development strategy. As an expert advising corporations in this process of positive change and an academic at KU, I am particularly proud of my University for paving positive ways towards a better, sustainable world, setting a good example for other educational institutions in our country – says Prof. Bolesław Rok.

KU’s  six Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):

  1. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.
  2. Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls. 
  3. Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation. 
  4. Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.
  5. Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns. 
  6. Strenghten the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development. 

These goals were described and published on November 4, 2020, so that every member of our academic community can become acquainted with them and contribute to their achievement in day-to-day practice. The objectives were assigned specific actions and tasks together with a system for measuring their performance in the future, so that the team of Prof. Przegalińska could monitor on an ongoing basis the state of the University's progress towards full consistency with the assumptions of Agenda 2030.

A business university is a specific institution, which is not profit-driven, but oriented towards a good and responsible education of future leaders. Implementing sustainability goals in such a place is of great importance, because we not only teach ethics and responsibility, but we want to set a good example. The Sustainability Goals that we are just announcing are our ambition to make our own contribution to a better future for the world, but also a serious commitment that we will fulfill – said Prof. Aleksandra Przegalińska.

Ethical business behavior and environmental responsibility have always been very important to our University. In Poland, we are a pioneer in teaching business ethics and educating experts in sustainability. We co-organize the Ranking of Responsible Companies and Startups of Positive Impact. For some time now we have been implementing pro-ecological solutions on campus, we care for people with disabilities, we have internal regulations encouraging students to adopt an ethical attitude, we do not tolerate cheating, lack of respect for various members of our community. This approach distinguishes us so much that during the last Economic Forum in Davos, in January 2020, we were awarded the title of University of Positive Impact and were included in the prestigious Positive Impact Rating, which includes only 30 business schools from around the world with the most advanced in implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals – says Prof. Grzegorz Mazurek, Rector of Kozminski University.

Kozminski University Sustainability Transition Strategy (pdf)

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