Research projects


Research projects 

We carry out research projects in the field of management, sociology, economics, finance and law. Projects conducted by our scientists are innovative, interdisciplinary, and their results find practical application, which influences the socio-economic life in Poland and around the world. We obtain financing from the funding agencies, among others NCN, NCBR, NAWA and the Horizon Europe research and innovation framework program of the European Commission.




Wpływ nowych technologii
The impact of banking tax on the interbank market in Poland and other EU countries
Czynniki kulturowe i zaufanie społeczne
Cultural Factors and Social Trust: Impact on Banks and Lending
Powiązania polityczne
Political ties. Value for enterprises and general economic importance. An international perspective
Impact of financial support to SMEs on their performance during the coronavirus pandemics in selected European countries
Katedra Ekonomii
Impact of macroeconomic conditions and regulations on insurance companies’ operations and their financial stability
Badanie pilotażowe
Kształtowanie koncepcji własności w Białorusi i Estonii. Konsekwencje dla współczesnych polityk ekonomicznych
Powrót kapitalizmu państwowego: wpływ Państwa na podmioty rynkowe, zadłużenie i środowisko
Entrepreneurial Finance: From Startup to Scaleup
Uncharted territory of local political connections. Scope and economic significance of the phenomenon
Mergers & Acquisitions for Executives
Bespoke bubbles — New determinants and detection methods of housing bubbles in different countries
Model zwalczania bezprawnych treści w Internecie
Fighting illegal and harmful content on the Internet
Kryzys multilateralnego systemu handlowego
The crisis of the multilateral trade system: gradual disintegration or natural evolution?
System rozstrzygania sporów dotyczących
System for dispute resolution concerning illegal speech in cyberspace (electronic arbitrage)
Konstytucjonalizm europejsk
European constitutionalism. Pluralistic concept of the relation between EU and national law in case law
Przekształcanie miejskich relacji własności przez praw
Reshaping urban property relations through the law: juridification, legal activism and social struggles around housing
Gwarancje odpowiedzialności penalnej a odpowiedzialność administracyjno
Guarantees of penal responsibility and administrative-criminal responsibility
Pomiędzy liberalizacją handlu międzynarodowego
Between the liberalization of international trade and the regulatory freedom of states: Assessment of 25 years of experience with the SPS Agreement
Foreign investments controls motivated by national security concerns: a comparative analysis of the legal regimes in the European Union and United States
ELECTRUST: Dynamics of (Dis)Trust Creation in Internet Voting
  Hakerzy w krawatach
Impact of legal basic research on legal education on the example of basic research funded by the National Science Center in Poland

Social Sciences

Zasoby poznawcze a samokontrola impulsów
Cognitive resources and impulse self-control: a neuroeconomic approach
Oddolne innowacje społeczno-technologiczne w energetyce
Bottom-up socio-technological innovations in the energy sector: the case of energy clusters
Alienacja algorytmiczna:
Algorithmic Alienation: Work and Employment in the Era of Artificial Intelligence
Zaprzeczenie zmianie klimatu
Climate change deniers: online cultures of open collaboration against science
  Hakerzy w krawatach
Hackers in neckties? Applications of social sciences in computer security
Komunikowanie ryzyka zdarzeń rzadkich
Communicating the risk of rare and very rare events: the impact of the way that probability information is presented on assessments and decisions
Zaufanie do technologii
Trust in technology in e-government: re-analysis of the failed implementation of electronic voting machines in the Netherlands (2006-07)
Network strategies for generating expert knowledge on the Internet. Case study: genetically modified organisms and the corresponding Zika
Nonsense and propaganda online: internet communities and bots propagating misinformation
Mergers & Acquisitions for Executives
Konsolidacja inicjatyw w zakresie otwartej nauki i danych badawczych dotyczących mniejszości etnicznych i migracyjnych w Europie


TiGRE – Trust in Governance and Regulations in Europe
Pomiar i wizualizacja dokonań w inteligentnych miastach
Measurement and visualization of achievements in smart cities. A comparative analysis between Poland and Sweden
Efektywność wdrożeń zintegrowanych systemów informatycznych
Efficiency of implementations of integrated Enterprise Systems in the public sector
Przedsiębiorczość kobiet
Female entrepreneurship: A model of relationships between business-family interface and firm performance
Marka osobista prezesa zarządzającego
CEO personal brand and company brand
Innowacja modeli biznesowych
Innovation of business models: strategies for organizational renewal in the era of the fourth industrial revolution
Planowane strategie wyjścia przedsiębiorców w Polsce
Entrepreneurial Exit Planning Strategies and Conditioning Factors in Poland
Zarządzanie efektywnością komunikacyjną zespołów
Communicative effectiveness management in highly-complex, dynamic task environment
Czynniki długowieczności polskich firm
Longevity factors of Polish companies
Komunikacja w zarządach firm sektora usług
Communication in Top Management Teams in the service sector in the context of expatriation and diversity management
Model otwartych licencji a reorganizacja przemysłu kreatywnego
The open licensing model and the reorganization of the creative industry
Zmiana oraz ciągłość operacyjna
Change and operational continuity in dual organizations
Badanie pilotażowe
Pilot study of the influence of temporal orientation of people managing small and medium-sized enterprises in Poland on innovative activities undertaken in these organizations
Budowa Teorii Ograniczonego Przywództwa
Bounded leadership international context
The spread of unfairness - mechanisms and boundary conditions
Multiple migrations: Quantitative data approach
Centrum Badawcze Innowacyjnych Strategii Wzrostu
Interorganizational governance: the trust-control perspective
Virtual assistants as support in knowledge work - the case of marketers
Rola innowacji społecznych w budowaniu jakości życia w miejscu pracy
Transformation of employee-driven innovation into organizational routine
System rozstrzygania sporów dotyczących
Organizational Ethnography of Festivals of Street Performers
Budowa Teorii Ograniczonego Przywództwa
Opinion leadership in modern social media platforms
HuLog Humans in Digital Logistics
Wrażliwość cenowa konsumentów w warunkach zmian technologicznych w handlu

Interdisciplinary projects

GOSPOSTARTEG: INNORAIL - an innovative and standardized model for the development of the purchase of passenger railway rolling stock
GOSPOSTARTEG: HYPERLOOP - The potential for the development and implementation of vacuum railway technology in Poland in the social, technical, economic and legal context
Responsible Research and Innovation Learning (RRIL)
MEDFAKE: Building Trust in Vaccination using the technically advanced communication tools and social impact methods
Green Heat: joint effort aimed at local decarburization
BigMig: Digital and non-digital traces of migrants in Big and Small Data approaches to human capacities
Pomiędzy liberalizacją handlu międzynarodowego
MIMY EMpowerment through liquid Integration of Migrant Youth in vulnerable conditions
Miasta w transformacji
Sustainable Lifestyles 2.0: End User Integration, Innovation and Entrepreneurship (EU-Innovate)