Welcome Point is financed by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange under the Welcome to Poland program (2022).
Welcome Point

Welcome Point
From orientation to assisting with formal arrangements and even learning where to park Welcome Point is the best place to start your journey at Kozminski University!
We provide informational assistance to international students and professors on matters such as accommodation, legalization of stay and many other arrangements concerning life in Poland.
We are here to make you feel part of the KU’s community and at home in Warsaw.
You can find our Welcome Point in building D, room D-125a.

NON-EU: visa arrangements
Required to apply to in case of a stay in Poland longer than 3 months.
Do you need to have a visa?
Depending on your passport you might need to apply for a visa to enter Poland. Please check the visa requirements for your nationality before planning a travel to Poland. European citizens can travel within the Schengen zone freely.
Here you can find a list of visa-free countries.
More detailed procedure is available here.
How to apply for visa?
Step 1 Find a Polish Consulate/ consular section of the Embassy of the Republic of Poland that can process your application. You can use the MFA’s search engine.
Step 2 Read carefully all the information concerning visa application on the consulate’s website and follow all the instructions.
Step 3 Set a visa appointment with the consulate. In most cases, you will have to register through this website.
Step 4 Prepare the necessary documents, the specifics of the required documentation may vary among consulates so confirm them with the consulate’s website.
Step 5 Submit all the documents including a printed and signed application form and the visa fee. Your visa application is complete. It should take up to 15 days for it to be reviewed.

NON-EU: temporary residence permit
The application for a temporary residence permit needs to be submitted in person, no later than on the last day of legal residence in Poland to a voivode having jurisdiction over place of residence (in Warsaw Wojewoda Mazowiecki).
You can read all about the procedure here.
How to apply for the permit?
Step 1 - register If you are applying for the residence permit in Warsaw register your profile and case at an online portal for foreigners.
Useful links: - Instructions how to create an account and submit an application - FAQ inPOL
Step 2 – fill out an application Fill out the application for a temporary residence permit via inPol, print it out in two copies. The application must be filled out in Polish.
Step 3 – gather documents A full list of all the documents can be found here.
Step 4 – make an appointment In order to file your application you must make an appointment for a specific day and time via the inPol website. or You may send the application via post, the date of the submission of the application is considered as the date of the postmark. Then you will have to wait for a call from the office and you will be obliged to appear in person on an indicated date and time.
KU detailed instruction to the procedure.

EU: registration of residence
Citizen of the European Union can enter Poland and stay within its territory up to 3 months on the basis of valid travel document (passport) or other valid document confirming his/her identity and citizenship. Residence over three months -> the whole procedure is described here.
Step 1 Download and fill out an application form for the registration of residence in Polish. Instruction how to complete the form is available here. Step 2 Gather the necessary documents, here you can find the complete list. Step 3 Submit the application in person, make an appointment for the submission here.
KU detailed instruction to the procedure.

General information
National Health Fund (PL.: Narodowy Fundusz Zdrowia; NFZ) is the institution responsible for public medical services in Poland. Health insurance is mandatory for all students for the whole duration of their stay in Poland. More information's available here.
KU detailed set of information.

EU/NON-EU citizens
EU citizens EU citizens are eligible for free health services in Poland providing that they present a valid European Health Insurance Card.
Non-EU citizens You can sign the insurance agreement with the National Health Fund (NFZ) or a private clinic and pay monthly contribution. If you have Pole’s Card (Karta Polaka) or Polish descent confirmed by a Consulate you are entitled to be insured on the Polish Government’s cost, in that case visit our HR Office (room A-126).

How to sign an agreement with NFZ?
Step 1 - collect the necessary documents
o the application form (printed, filled in and signed), o your passport with a current visa or residence permit, o your student ID Card, o the confirmation of your student status, o a document confirming that you reside in Poland (e.g. dorm certificate, residence card, rental agreement)
Step 2 - in person visit
Go to the National Health Fund (NFZ – Narodowy Fundusz Zdrowia) at Chałubińskiego 8, 00-613 Warszawa in the main hall where you can sign the contract with the NFZ.
Step 3 - fill out a form
Fill out the ZUS ZZA form (with the insurance code 24 10 XX), and submit it to an appropriate Polish Social Insurance Institution (ZUS) branch or inspectorate.
The form can be printed and delivered in person, or sent by post to the branch or the Polish Social Insurance Institution (ZUS) inspectorate in the competent district.
It is possible pay for the health insurance for a period longer than 1 month, e.g. for 6 months in advance.

PESEL is the national identification number in Poland. It consists of 11 digits that are unique for every registered person.
A complete explanation of the procedure of how to obtain PESEL can be found here.
The procedure is free of charge.
What do you have to do?
Step 1 - fill out the application form in Polish and prepare your ID document.
Step 2 - submit the application to a district office. The list of offices is available here.

Kozminski University does not have on-campus accommodation so we cannot offer students accommodation in our own dormitory. In Warsaw there is a wide variety of private dormitories and flats, the decision which one to choose as well as further arrangements depend on the individual needs of a particular student. However, to facilitate the process of finding a proper place to stay in Warsaw we provide tips and advice regarding the search for accommodation as well as direct offers of partner real estate agencies, private dormitories, and private flat owners that we work with.
Recommended platforms – with special discount for KU students to use while booking an accommodation through these particular pages:
* special discounts for Kozminski University students are presented in the files of the platforms available in the online folder, together with other offers of accommodation in Warsaw gathered by Coordinators.
1. Login using KU credentials (student_id_number@kozminski.edu.pl)
2. Select "Student" status.
3. From the section "Groups" join the Accommodation one.
4. Through HUB -> Accommodation check the offers and general information.

Kozminski International Society
Kozminski International Society (KIS) is an organization that brings together ambitious and active students who want to learn about new cultures and stay in an international environment. Their goal is to integrate exchange students and help them settle in our country. Through the organization of various cultural and social events, KIS not only shows Polish culture and customs to foreign students but also helps to establish valuable social ties.
KIS is also responsible for promoting international exchanges among students of Kozminski University and encouraging them to broaden their horizons at foreign universities.

Provides help and guidance to international students and professors on matters concerning life in Poland, such as legalization of stay, health insurance procedure, accommodation and other arrangements.
Works closely with Kozminski International Society.
You can find Adrian in our Welcome Point in building D, room D-125a (when you enter building D turn left, go straight down the hall, he is located in a glass office opposite to the room D-125).
You can find him at the office between Monday and Friday, 9 AM - 3 PM and you can also contact him via e-mail welcome@kozminski.edu.pl or MS Teams.
Thanks to the provided services you will feel as part of the KU’s community and at home in Warsaw.