Reports of positive impact
Positive impact reports
A business school is responsible not only for research and education of the young generation but also for progress, development, and creation of appropriate social attitudes. Every day we remember it and every day we carry out our mission.
Prof. Grzegorz Mazurek, Rector of Kozminski University
Kozminski Impact Report
Responsible and sustainable development lies at the heart of our organization's activities and encompasses a range of activities and initiatives undertaken in the areas of ongoing research, teaching, cooperation with other institutions, community projects or implemented internal regulations. In our projects and research, we try to take care not only of the existing environment, but also work to improve it.
In 2020, Kozminski University – as the first university in Poland – adopted a Sustainability Transition Strategy developed on the basis of UN Sustainable Development Goals. We are active member of associations that seek to promote good examples to follow with the goal of pursuing growth here and now while minimizing the damage it may do to future generations. Ethics, sustainability, and CSR-themed courses are featured in our programs of study. KU faculty members conduct interdisciplinary research in the field of CSR, ethics, and equality...
Since 2017, Kozminski University has been a signatory to the Declaration of Social Responsibility of Universities defining the role of higher education in Poland in implementing the principles of sustainable development.
The report is a self-assessment tool for the implementation of the principles of the Declaration of Social Responsibility of HEIs based on the HEI self-assessment form developed by Prof. Janina Filek and Dr. Boleslaw Rok based on the work of the Working Group on Social Responsibility of HEIs operating at the Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility Team.
Positive Impact Startup Report
Positive Impact Startup is an innovative form of entrepreneurship aimed at solving important social challenges. The creators of the reports are concerned with drawing attention to this growing trend, appreciating its undeniable value and recognizing the companies implementing the most interesting activities.
The reports contain experts’ opinions on the Polish positive impact ecosystem, detailed descriptions of the most interesting startups of the year. The reports also showcase innovative solutions proposed by positive impact startups in selected industries – from construction, education and sustainable fashion to health and responsible tourism.
The reports have been published annually since 2019 by Kozminski Business Hub.
Gender Equality Plan
The Gender Equality Plan is one of several initiatives undertaken by Kozminski University to promote gender equality. We present other examples of the University’s initiatives in this area below. In 2020, KU has implemented Kozminski University Sustainability Transition Strategy.
In 2020, KU has implemented Kozminski University Sustainability Transition Strategy. Given that one of our Sustainable Transition Strategy goals is focused explicitly on supporting gender equality within and outside of the University, developing the Gender Equality Plan was a natural next step towards this commitment.
KU has adopted the Gender Equality Plan in 2021. As part of the Plan, KU presented a diagnosis of the current situation, a proposal of initiatives and measures. Our Plan is based on 5 goals, including:
- Supporting the development of women's careers at Kozminski University
- Increasing the transparency and influence of female employees on the creation of procedures and the functioning of the University
- Supporting work, study, and family life
- Making invisible visible work
- Supporting an organizational culture conducive to social inclusion
KU community vs. COVID-19
The time of the coronavirus was a huge test for everyone. Organizations drastically had to switch to a new way of functioning, change their strategies, adapt to new challenges, thinking about how to survive, learn how to operate in new conditions and undergo rapid evolution most often through digital transformation.
For Kozminski University, COVID-19 was the main driver for creating a ”new school for new times”. Kozminski community – faculty and administrative team got involved in socially responsible and supportive actions along with rapid digital change for the sake of our students.
In the attached report (updated on Dec 2020) you will find a summary of KU actions during the critical months of Covid-19.
The New Normal – Reality in the Times of the Global COVID-19 Pandemic
The global pandemic, which appeared in Poland in March 2020, changed the reality that surrounded us. In front of our eyes, a reconstruction of many aspects of everyday and economic life took place. The question of which fragments of the present Covid-19 reality will remain with us permanently and which will pass away was very relevant at that time.
The intention of this study was to show how Kozminski University faculty saw “the new normality” – what it meant and what it could mean for the economy, business, society and the environment. The Report was published in September 2020.