Kozminski Lions
Kozminski Lions
Kozminski Lions (PL: Lwy Koźmińskiego) is an annual competition aimed at awarding KU graduates who have made a spectacular career, which can be an example for other KU students and graduates to follow. The awarded statuette is an expression of recognition of the graduate’s professional achievements and a way to thank them for upholding the good name of Kozminski University.
Kozminski Lions is a special competition, running for many years under the auspices of Prof. Andrzej Koźmiński, President of Kozminski University.
Since 2012, the competition has consisted of three categories:
- Manager
- Entrepreneur
- Lawyer
The chapter of the competition has the right to award a prize in additional categories in a given year. So far, the statuettes have been awarded also in the category of Public Administration and Start-Up.
The competition is held every summer, and the prizewinners are awarded the Kozminski Lions statuettes at the inauguration of a new academic year.
We have awarded 65 prizes so far. The statuette represents a lion sitting on the globe, which is a reproduction of the monument found in front of the main entrance to the university’s premises.
2023 edition: Prizewinners and Nominees Ladies and gentlemen,
The seventeenth edition of the "Lions of Kozminski" competition is behind us. During the Inauguration of the academic year 2023/2024 on October 9, 2023, from the hands of the Chairman of the Competition Chapter - Prof. ALK Witold T. Bielecki PhD, the award winners received statues.
We would like to congratulate the winners on their victories and the nominated graduates on their distinction in each category.
We believe in the strength of the Kozminski University's Community. Thank you for being with us!
By the decision of the Awards Committee, the awards went to:
Category: Public Administration
Mr. Mariusz Frankowski
Director of the Mazovian Unit for Implementation of EU Programs, Executive MBA Alumnus at Kozminski University
The Mazovian Unit for Implementation of EU Programmes acts on behalf of the Voivodeship Board. As an Intermediate Body, managed by Mr. Mateusz Frankowski, it has so far distributed more than PLN 16 billion in EU funding for local government, business, scientific, cultural, educational and social activities for Mazovia. That's more than 11,000 projects, the effects of which are visible in public spaces, offices, hospitals, schools, cultural institutions and many other places. Mr. Matthew focuses on cooperation in the region and improving the organization with domestic and foreign partners.
Lt. Gen. Grzegorz Gielerak
Director of the Military Medical Institute - National Research Institute, Alumnus of MBA for medical staff at Kozminski University.
The Military Medical Institute - National Research Institute is a hospital in the Praga Południe district of Warsaw. The facility is a central clinical, teaching, consulting and scientific research center for the military health service. Prof. Grzegorz Gielerak not only heads the facility, but is involved in education, support and consulting for leading associations and institutions in medicine, health care, cardiology. He is the author of more than 200 scientific papers, manager of dozens of research and implementation projects, and winner of numerous awards for achievements in organizational, management and innovation activities.
Category: Entrepreneur
Mr. Slawomir Kubiczek
CEO of FRIZO, Executive MBA Alumnus of Kozminski University.
Frizo is a company at the forefront of Polish companies with a diversified portfolio of projects in the field of industrial refrigeration, thermal insulation, heating installations and ventilation and air conditioning. Mr. Slawomir Kubiczek built FRIZO "from scratch" and led the company to achieve 100 million in revenue in five years. Among other things, the company was recognized for its growth dynamics. Thanks to the experience accumulated over nearly three decades, as well as the courage to act and the constant improvement of competence, Mr. President has built a unique organizational culture and, above all, a company that faces ambitious challenges every day on the national arena, while guaranteeing the highest quality of implementation.
Mrs. Anna Szulżyk-Maciąg
General Director of Pol-Skone Sp.z o.o., Alumna of Kozminski MBA in Finance at Kozminski University
Pol-skone is a company founded in 1990 and one of the largest and most dynamically developing companies in the woodwork industry. This is possible primarily due to the consistency in implementing the adopted strategies. Currently, the company employs over 800 people and has 4 fully computerized production facilities. The company implements product innovations on an ongoing basis and is building a strong brand associated with reliability, modernity and technological innovation. Ms. Szulżyk-Maciąg's successes include the purchase and implementation of the most modern IMA flat door production lines in Europe, along with robotization and automation.
Category: Manager
Mr. Olgierd Cieślik
Chairman of the Board of Totalizator Sportowy Sp. z o.o., Alumnus of the MBA for Financiers at Leon Koźmiński Academy
Totalizator Sportowy is one of the largest and most recognizable Polish companies. It has been operating continuously for almost 70 years. At the same time, Totalizator Sportowy is a technology company that is constantly developing and looking for innovative solutions, and one of the pillars of financing Polish sports and culture. The company, managed by Mr. Olgierd Cieslik, has successfully entered the e-commerce market. Digitalization was the largest technological transformation in the company's history, and the success of the changes implemented was reflected in the company's results, which are record-breaking each year.
On behalf of Mr. Olgierd Cieslik, the award was received by Mrs. Aida Bella.
Mr. Tomasz Rogacz
General Director of McDonald's Poland, Executive MBA Alumnus of Leon Koźmiński Academy
McDonald's Poland started more than 30 years ago, opening its first restaurant in Warsaw. Today, it has more than 500 seats and an employment level of 30,000 people. Mr. Tomasz Rogacz has been with the company for 22 years. He has enjoyed professional success not only in Poland, but also in markets in Serbia, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Under his leadership, the restaurants achieved record sales results and went through a modernization process. In his current role, he leads the company's development in Poland, focusing on relationships with guests, business partners and suppliers. As a manager, he emphasizes that "the teams he said goodbye to were always better."
Mrs. Agnieszka Świerszcz
President of the Board of DHL Parcel Poland, Alumna of postgraduate studies Professional Coaching
DHL Parcel is part of the DHL Group - the largest logistics organization in the world.It is a leading company in the Polish domestic parcel market, but also a global logistics partner and a pioneer of innovative e-commerce solutions.Ms. Agnieszka Swierszcz has been with the company for more than 20 years.While occupying successive positions, she created and implemented innovative projects.At the center of her interests have always remained new technologies and working with people.She successfully led the company through the transformation from B2B to B2B and B2C, which translated into a doubling of revenues in three years.The company is also an award-winning employer, a "great Place to work".
Mr. Tadeusz Woszczyński
General Manager CEE and Country Manager - Poland, Austria, Czechia, Slovakia & Baltics at Hitachi Europe, Executive MBA Alumnus of Kozminski University.
Hitachi Europe is a leading provider of IT solutions to the Polish banking sector.Hitachi's activities include providing regulatory solutions, IT infrastructure and cybersecurity services.Mr. Tadeusz Woszczynski's huge professional success is the solution to the problem of permanent information carrier in Poland.He and his team developed a concept to answer the challenge of immutability and indelibility of published documents.Today, the solution is used by more than 85% of the financial market in Poland and other sectors, and the company managed by Mr. Tomasz is one of the largest and most recognized suppliers to the banking sector in the country.
Category: Lawyer
Mr. Jakub Kubacki
Director of the Legal and Compliance Department, Member of the Board of Directors of XTB S.A., based in Poland and Licensed Director, Member of the Board of Directors of XTB Mena, based in the United Arab Emirates, Alumnus of legal studies at Leon Koźmiński Academy
The XTB S.A. Group of Companies is an international provider of products, services and technological solutions for trading in financial instruments.The Group was founded in 2004 in Poland and has been growing dynamically ever since, being recognized for its innovation and the quality of its products, services and technologies.Mr. Jakub Kubacki took part in a project involving the development of a legally innovative fractional share offering, which in its formula - based on trust - is not only a novelty in Poland, but also throughout Europe.With this solution, the company is building a further competitive advantage in the market, attracting new investors and developing a leadership position in the industry.
All nominees in the competition:
- Mariusz Frankowski - Director, Mazovian Unit for Implementation of EU Programs
- Grzegorz Gielerak - Director, Military Medical Institute in Warsaw.
- Rafał Czech - Co-Founder/Board Member, Meatless, Plenty Reasons/ Pomagam.pl
- Slawomir Kubiczek - CEO/Co-Founder, FRIZO
- Robert Oltarzewski - Board Member & Founder/ Board Member & Co-Founder, Swiss Capital Sp. z o.o., Direct Media Sp. z o.o./Health Labs Care, Cell Vita Sp. z o.o.
- Anna Szulżyk-Maciąg - General Director/Vice President of the Management Board of POL-SKONE Sp. z o.o.
Category: MANAGER
- Maciej Borecki - President of the Management Board, Autosan
- Anna Burakowska - General Director/ CEO, Continental Opony Polska
- Olgierd Cieślik - President of the Management Board, Totalizator Sportowy
- Anna Heimberger - Marketing director, InPost Polska
- Marcelina Kostrakiewicz - President of the Management Board, Mavit Medical Center Sp. z o.o. (Lux Med Group)
- Beata Leszczyńska - President of the Management Board, ORPEA Polska
- Krzysztof Pałgan - President of the management board, Relpol S.A.
- Stanisław Pogorzelski - President of the board, Przedsiębiorstwo Usług Komunalnych Sp. z o.o in Rumia
- Tomasz Rogacz - General Director/ Managing Director, McDonald's Poland
- Krzysztof Surma - Vice President of the Management Board for Finance, Tauron
- Agnieszka Świerszcz - CEO, DHL Parcel Poland
- Tadeusz Woszczyński - Country Manager Poland, Austria, Czech Rep., Slovakia & Baltics, Hitachi Europe Ltd.
Category: LAWYER
- Mr. Jakub Kubacki - Director of the Legal and Compliance Department, Member of the Board of Directors of XTB S.A.
Previous editions:
Edycja 2022: Laureaci i Nominowani
Szanowni Państwo,
za nami siedemnasta edycja konkursu "Lwy Koźmińskiego". Podczas uroczystej Inauguracji roku akademickiego 2022/2023 w dniu 3 października 2022, z rąk Przewodniczącego Kapituły Konkursu - Prof. ALK dr hab. Witolda T. Bieleckiego, laureaci nagrody odebrali statuetki:
Kategoria Menedżer: Pani Jolanta Sobierańska-Grenda
Prezes zarządu Szpitali Pomorskich, Absolwentka Koźmiński MBA dla Kadry Medycznej. Szpitale Pomorskie to spółka zatrudniająca 3600 osób. Największym wyzwaniem zawodowym Pani Prezes była konsolidacja czterech szpitali pomorskich i realizacja 50 inwestycji w ochronie zdrowia o wartości przekraczającej 400 mln zł. Dzięki skutecznemu zarządzaniu i wiedzy Pani Prezes wyniesionej z MBA w Koźmińskim, spółka przestała generować długi i w 2021 roku osiągnęła 30 mln zysku brutto.
Kategoria Prawnik: Pan dr Mateusz Zawistowski
Managing Director w ffVC, doktor prawa Akademii Leona Koźmińskiego. Firma ffVC specjalizuje się w obsłudze rynku kapitałowego, venture capital i startupów. Instytucja negocjuje transakcje i prowadzi nadzór nad spółkami portfelowymi, wspiera zespoły prawne. Pan Mateusz Zawistowski rozpoczął działalność biura ffVC w Polsce i ukończył 13 transakcji VC w ciągu 12 miesięcy. Za swoją działalność pro publico bono, Absolwent ALK otrzymał nagrodę White & Case Global Pro Bono 2016 i 2017.
Kategoria Przedsiębiorca Pan Grzegorz Krupnik
Prezes firmy PROTECH, Absolwent Executive MBA PROTECH to producent kotłów grzewczych oraz dostawca usług z zakresu obróbki blach i stali: cięcia laserowego, gięcia prasami, spawania, śrutowania, lakierowania oraz montażu. Zatrudniająca 700 pracowników firma z małopolskiego Zatoru kładzie nacisk na badania i rozwój, posiada kilka patentów, szczyci się wyższą niż średnia w UE robotyzacją produkcji, a przy tym dba o pracowników i poważnie podchodzi do ekologii. Firma organizuje zbiorowe dowozy do pracy dla pracowników i wyposażyła ich w rowery elektryczne. A główny produkt PROTECH-u wspomaga rozwiązania OZE.
Poniżej przedstawiamy listę wszystkich nominowanych Absolwentów:
Kategoria: MENEDŻER
- Żaneta Berus – CEO/Dyrektor Zarządzająca, In2Win Business Consulting
- Paweł Komar – Prezes zarządu, Notus Finanse
- Tomasz Konarski – Prezes zarządu, YIT Development
- Dariusz Seliga – Prezes zarządu, PKP Cargo
- Jolanta Sobierańska-Grenda – Prezes zarządu, Szpitale Pomorskie
Kategoria PRAWNIK
- Artur Ciszkowski - Dyrektor Departamentu Prawnego i Zarządzania Organizacyjnego Grupy Kapitałowej, ENEA S.A.
- Andrzej Pałys – Partner, Kochański & Partners
- ppłk Piotr Sękowski - Zastępca Dyrektora Generalnego Służby Więziennej
- dr Matusz Zawistowski - Managing Director, ffVC
- Grzegorz Krupnik – Prezes zarządu, Protech Sp. z o.o.
2021 Edition: Laureates and Nominees
On October 4, 2021, during the ceremonial Inauguration of the new academic year 2021/2022, the Laureates of the "Lions of Kozminski Award" received statuettes.
By the decision of the Competition Chapter, the awards were given to:
In the category of Manager: Mr. Paweł Średniawa
Mr. Paweł Średniawa is President of ONDE SA, a company specializing in the construction of wind and photovoltaic farms. Since he joined the board of this company then specializing in road construction, the company has undergone a number of favorable changes, from a merger within the group, a name change, a change of industry to renewables, to capital changes and a successful IPO. ONDE's rapid revenue growth means more green energy for consumers, and the promise of dividends for investors.
In the Entrepreneur category: Mr. Bartlomiej Skrzydlewski
Mr. Bartlomiej Skrzydlewski is the President and Managing Director of Amplus, a family-owned company with more than 600 employees. We come into contact with this company's products every day, although we probably don't even know it. Most of the fruits and vegetables sold in Biedronka stores either come from Amplus' own plantations or are distributed by the company. Amplus operates globally, with a presence throughout Europe. It also coordinates the supply of several groups of domestic agricultural producers. It operates innovative organic plantations, such as multi-level vertical leafy vegetables and herbs.
Below is a list of all nominated Alumni:
Category: MANAGER
- Wojciech Zaskórski - General Manager, Lenovo
- Tomasz Kukuła - Director of Corporate Insurance Underwriting for the region of Austria, Central and Eastern Europe and Russia, Generali Poland
- Aleksandra Agatowska - President, PZU Życie
- Dariusz Pietyszuk - President, Mostostal Zabrze
- Przemysław Janiszewski - Plenipotentiary of the Management Board for Green Construction, Unibep SA
- Andrzej Odzioba - President, Wosana SA
- Paweł Średniawa - President, ONDE SA
Category: LAWYER
- Paulina Sosnowicz - Legal Counsel/Partner, Legalica Sosnowicz&Nawrocki
- Dominika Chrabanska - Lawyer, Pelion
- Piotr Lewko - President, ITFS Sp. z o.o.
- Michał Wypychewicz - President, ZPUE
- Marcin Białozyt - President, Senetic
- Bartłomiej Skrzydlewski - President, Amplus
Edition 2020: Laureates and Nominees
During the ceremonial Inauguration of the 2020/2021 academic year on October 5, 2020, the winners received the statuettes.
By the decision of the Competition Jury, the prizes were awarded to:
In the Manager category - Mr. Sławomir Soszyński
Mr. Sławomir Soszyński - is an experienced expert in security systems in the banking sector. For 10 years he dealt with security and IT architecture of Citibank, working in Poland, London, New York and Singapore. Then he worked for JP Morgan in London. Currently, he is the vice-president of ING Bank Śląski responsible for the technology division and IT security. He graduated in theoretical and computational physics at the Nicolaus Copernicus University, and MBA studies at the Kozminski University.
In the Lawyer category - Mr. Sławomir Czerwiński
Mr. Sławomir Czerwiński - as befits an outstanding graduate of our university, combines legal knowledge with excellent knowledge of business and finance. As a result, he was able to work both at home and abroad for well-known international financial institutions and law firms such as Clifford Chance or Baker & McKenzie. Currently, he is a partner and leader of the private equity team at CMS, one of the two largest law firms in the world.
In the Public Administration category - Ms Magdalena Czarzyńska-Jachim
Ms Magdalena Czarzyńska-Jachim - is the vice-president of the city of Sopot. She started her professional career as a journalist in "Dziennik Bałtycki", later managed the promotion and communication office at the Sopot City Hall and was its spokeswoman. She completed postgraduate studies at Kozminski University.
In the Start-up category - Mr. Aliaksandr Horlach Mr. Aliaksandr Horlach - is the co-founder of SPOKO, formerly Pay Ukraine, an online platform that allows you to make quick and convenient money transfers to Ukraine. The start-up behind it is growing rapidly, it already operates in 15 countries and employs around 20 people. Currently, it is expanding its activities, offering loans to Ukrainians. The company obtained PLN 4 million in financing from MobiMedia Solution for its development. Aliaksandr Horlach graduated from the 1st degree management on the English thread, and currently continues his studies at the Master's degree.
In the Entrepreneur category - Mr. Marcin Zawadzki
Mr. Marcin Zawadzki - MBA graduate for medical staff, is a doctor and a talented entrepreneur. He founded MEDI-system, the largest network of private long-term care and inpatient rehabilitation centers in Poland. He also introduced a completely new service, which is a senior housing, which is a substitute for your own apartment, where you can live comfortably, safely and independently, but not alone. The first Senior Apartments center was established in 2016.
Below is a list of all nominated Alumni:
Category: MANAGER
- Sławomir Soszyński - Vice President of the Bank's Management Board, ING Bank Śląski
- Tadeusz Blecha - Chairman of the Board, Hochtief Polska S.A
- Olgierd Cieślik - Chairman of the Board, Totalizator Sport Sp. z o.o.
- Marek Wadowski - Vice-President of the Management Board for Finance, TAURON Polska Energia S.A.
- Justyna Gościńska - Marketing Director, 4F
- Piotr Taracha - President of the Management Board, Intrograf Lublin S.A.
- Tomasz Stojek - Director of the Warsaw Branch, Senetic Category:
Category: LAWYER
- Sławomir Czerwiński - Partner, CMS Polska Law Firm
- Piotr Biernatowski - Partner, Gawroński & Partners S. K. A.
- Anna Banaszewska - Partner, Law Office, Economy, Health
- Jan Wittlin - Senior Internal Auditor, "Technicolor S.A. Jan Wittlin Advisory
- Magdalena Bartosiewicz - Senior Associate, Board Member, Chairwoman of the Foreign and Human Rights Committee, "Eversheds Sutherland Wierzbowski sp. K., District Chamber of Legal Advisers in Warsaw
- Robert Zajdler - Legal Counsel / Partner, "ZAJDLER ENERGY Lawyers & Consultants Warsaw University of Technology
- Magdalena Czarzyńska-Jachim - Deputy Mayor of the city, Sopot City Hall
- Agnieszka Stefaniak - Hrycko - Deputy Director of the National Agency for Academic Exchange, National Agency for Academic Exchange
- Zdzisław Sipiera - Member of Parliament, Polish Parliament
Category: START-UP
- Aliaksandr Horlach - Co-founder PayUkraine / SPOKO
- Marcin Zawadzki - CEO, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Senior Apartments
- Karina Popieluch - Consultant, Trainer, MBA Lecturer, Owner of KaiZen HR
2019 Edition: Prizewinners and Nominees
On 3 October 2019, during the official inauguration of the new academic year 2019/2020, the winners of the Kozminski Lions prize received the statuettes.
Category: Manager - Mr. Wojciech Peret
Wojciech Peret is a manager in a company operating in the heavy industry sector.
He gained his first professional experience at Alstom Turbine Factory, at ABB Zamech, and then at Alstom Power. He has also worked at Seco/Warwick and Wielton, and is currently the CEO of Baltic Operator, a company operating in the shipbuilding industry.
His career is a proof that education is a really good investment (he is a graduate of e.g. Kozminski Executive MBA), that it’s a good idea to take up new challenges, and that we shouldn’t be afraid of relocating for work – he’s lived and worked in Wrocław, Warsaw, Świebodzin, Wieluń, the United States, and Mexico, to eventually move closer to his home town of Elbląg – to Gdańsk.
Category: Lawyer - Mr. Sławomir Kowalski
Sławomir Kowalski, lawyer, advocate, personal data protection expert, partner in Maruta Wachta. He’s a graduate of KU postgraduate studies and a participant of doctoral studies at KU.
Since 2016, he has been a teacher at postgraduate studies at KU, sharing his knowledge in the field of personal data protection.
Category: Entrepreneur - Mr. Michał Wędzicha
Michał Wędzicha worked for 10 years as a manager in large consulting and technology companies, and then started his MBA studies at Kozminski University, graduating in 2016.
At the same time, he founded his own company called CORE Services, based in Wrocław, which specializes in the outsourcing of IT services. In 4 years, the company increased its sales volume 10 times, reaching a turnover of over PLN 35 million last year while employing 250 people.
Nominated graduates:
Category: MANAGER
- Marek Kapłucha - Vice-President of the Management Board, ERGiS S.A.
- Janusz Miłuch - Managing Director – President of the Management Board, Cement Ożarów S.A./CRH Materials Polska sp. z o.o.
- Tomasz Górnicki - Vice-President of the Management Board for Investment, Polski Holding Nieruchomości S.A.
- Wojciech Peret - President of the Management Board, Stocznia Gdańska S.A./GSG Towers sp. z o.o/Baltic Operator sp. z o.o.
- Marek Rytlewski - President of the Management Board, Transprojekt Gdański sp. z o.o.
- Grzegorz Należyty - Member of the Management Board/Director, Siemens sp. z o.o./ Gas and Power Gas and Power
- Henryk Mucha - President of the Management Board, PGNiG Obrót Detaliczny sp. z o.o.
Category: LAWYER
- Sławomir Kowalski - Partner, Kancelaria Maruta Wachta
- Lucyna Pleśniar - President of the Management Board, People sp. z o.o.
- Michał Wędzicha - President of the Management Board, Core Services sp. z o.o.
- Mateusz Juroszek - President of the Management Board, Star-Typ Sport Zakłady Wzajemne
- Bartosz Miszkiewicz - President of the Management Board, Symlog sp. z o.o.
2018 edition: Prizewinners and Nominees
On 8 October 2018, during the official inauguration of the new academic year, the winners of the Kozminski Lions prize received the statuettes.
Below follows the list of prizewinners:
in the Public Administration category – Danuta Kamińska
Danuta Kamińska knows everything about public finance, especially about the finance of local governments. For the last 16 years she has been the treasurer of Katowice – a city that has recently undergone a huge transformation. It has transformed from a city known for coal mining into a city of knowledge, a city for people, and a UNESCO city of music.
Danuta Kaminska is a person who is highly involved in the projects carried out by the Public Finance System Team of the Joint Commission of the Government and Local Self-Government.
In addition, she chaired the Committee of Treasurers of the Union of Polish Metropolises for over 10 years. A co-organizer, a speaker, a panelist, an expert, a moderator at numerous conferences, workshops, and meetings dealing with public finance.
In 2017, she was approved by the votes of 41 presidents, mayors, and commune heads to sit in the first board of a newly established, Poland’s first statutory Metropolitan Association of Upper Silesia and Dąbrowa Basin (also known as Metropolis GZM), where she acts as the Deputy Chair of the Board and deals with strategy, analyses, and spatial planning policy of the area. Metropolis GZM is a Polish pilot project/experiment of a metropolis with adopted statutory obligations. GZM is a cluster of 41 cities and communes of the Silesian Province – with its authorities seated in Katowice, covers a strongly urbanized area of over 2,500 square kilometers with a population of 2.3 million. The Metropolis faces many challenges, the most important of which being to counter depopulation, to cut smog emissions, to transform the area into a competitive metropolis – one that offers its inhabitants good conditions to live, work, learn, and develop. The capital of the Metropolis – Katowice – and the Metropolis itself now face a great challenge of the organization of the Climate Change Conference to be held in December in Katowice, an event that leads to high hopes in the world, in Poland, and among all inhabitants of our planet.
Danuta Kamińska is a graduate of the University of Economics in Katowice, she has also completed the Kozminski MBA in Finance program.
Married, with two daughters: Kasia and Małgosia – one lives in Singapore, the other – in Switzerland, both providing their mum with interesting observations and insights which she makes use of and incorporates into the functioning of public administration.
in the Manager category – Mateusz Bonca, PhD
After 15 years of working for international strategic consulting companies and banks in Europe, Africa, and in the Middle East, Mateusz Bonca, PhD, returned to his home town of Gdynia in 2016. He has been a member of the management board of Grupa LOTOS for two years now, and is currently the president of the company.
He graduated from the Warsaw School of Economics, he also studied in Morocco, and in 2009 he defended his doctoral dissertation in economics at Kozminski University, graduating with honours. He’s published a number of scientific papers and articles. He specializes in Islamic finance, among others. He has worked for McKinsey & Company, Peppers & Rogers Group Middle East in the United Arab Emirates, and as a director at the Deutsche Bank headquarters in Germany. He is fluent in English; he sat his International Baccalaureate examination in English in the bilingual secondary school he attended in Gdynia. He speaks good German and Arabic.
in the Lawyer category – Edyta Snakowska-Estorninho
Edyta Snakowska-Estorninho – she’s the head of the legal and compliance department at PRATT & WHITNEY S.A., a legal adviser, a SIDiR arbitrator, a member of many international legal organizations, and an author of practical commentaries, especially in the area of public procurement law and construction law – published in professional press and publications;
She specializes in business contract law, including FIDIC contracts, regulatory issues (infrastructure, aviation industry), and the broadly understood compliance in business, including International Trade Compliance. She has gained her professional experience working both in law firms and in business.
She graduated in law from the Jagiellonian University and completed her legal and advocacy apprenticeship; she studied at Cambridge University, the University of Warsaw, the Institute of Law Studies Polish Academy of Sciences, and completed two postgraduate programs at KU: Law of New Technologies and LLM in International Commercial Law. She has taken part in many professional legal conferences and training courses focusing on managerial skills (including Thayer Leader Development Group (TLDG) at West Point).
in the Entrepreneur category – Marcin Wypchło
Marcin Wypchło started working as a truck driver at the age of 18. Thirteen years ago he established ALEXAS – his logistics company, based in Laski near Turek, which offers domestic and international road transport services and operates a fleet of a hundred trucks. In 2011 the company opened a modern diagnostics and service facility – MAN Truck & Bus – with a fully automated car wash for semi-tractor-trailers and other larger cars, and obtained a permit to operate a motor vehicle inspection station. The company currently employs 113 people. He is a graduate of two KU programs: a master’s program and the Executive MBA program.
in the Start-Up category – Paweł Sieczkiewicz
Paweł Sieczkiewicz is the co-owner and CEO of Telemedi.co, a company operating in the area of new technologies. This telemedicine platform is available via the Internet or phone 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, and offers a safe setting to contact physicians of various specialties and access to remote diagnostic tests.
A graduate of acceleration programs for start-ups run in Germany, the Czech Republic, and Poland. A member of the Digital Champion team at the Ministry of Digital Affairs, a co-organizer of regular meetings featuring presentations of start-ups to decision-makers in StartupConnector corporations.
He obtained his bachelor’s degree in management at Kozminski University.
A two-time kickboxing champion of Poland.
Congratulations to the WINNERS!
Nominated graduates:
- Michał Holeksa - Vice-President, Office of Competition and Consumer Protection
- Danuta Kamińska - Deputy Chair of the Board, Metropolis GZM
Category: MANAGER
- Paweł Stańczak - Branch Managing Director at “Operator Systemu Transportu Gazu Ukrainy” / Member of the Management Board of Ukrtransgaz
- Dagmara Głowacka - HR Policy Director at Cluster North East Europe, Schenker sp. z o.o.
- Przemysław Janiszewski – Vice-President for Operations, Grupa Polimex-Mostostal S.A.
- Michał Ciszek - President of the Management Board, Circle K Polska sp. z o.o.
- Paweł Miłoszewski – HR Director Eastern Europe-North and Eastern Europe Manufacturing, Goodyear Dunlop Tires Poland; Member of the Management Board, F.O. Dębica S.A.
- Adam Toborek - Vice-President of the Management Board, Famur S.A.
- Sebastian Magadzio - Airbus Head of Country
- Grażyna Ogrodnik – President of the Management Board; ZPR Express sp. z o.o., Promotor United Entertainment sp. z o.o.
- Beata Żaczek - Vice-President of the Management Board, Pekabex S.A.
- Zbigniew Andrzejewski - President of the Management Board, Managing Director, Zakłady Porcelany Stołowej LUBIANA S.A.
- Marat Nevretdinov - President of the Management Board, Grupa Europa (TU Europa and TUnŻ Europa)
- Mateusz Bonca, PhD – President of the Management Board, Grupa Lotos S.A.
Category: LAWYER
- Filip Uziębło – Partner, Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP
- Andrzej Dziura - Partner, Kancelaria Otawski, Dziura, Jędrzejewski i Partnerzy
- Mateusz Śliżewski – Lawyer, Greenberg Traurig Grzesiak sp. k.
- Edyta Snakowska-Estorninho – Head of Legal and Compliance, PRATT&WHITNEY S.A
- Karol Olkuski – Owner, Kancelaria Radcy Prawnego Karol Olkuski
- Jakub Krysa - Senior Associate/ Legal Adviser, Maruta Wachta sp.j.
- Carmen Tarcha - Art Gallery Owner, Galeria Quadrilion Carmen Tarcha
- Renata Stawiska – Owner, DENTICA dental clinic and INTERNET&HOTEL SYSTEMS
- Marcin Wypchło – President of the Management Board, ALEXAS road transport company
Category: START-UP
- Paweł Sieczkiewicz – President of the Management Board, Telmedi.co sp. z o.o.
- Jakub Koziej - CEO, Workz sp. z o.o.
2017 edition: Prizewinners and nominees
On 16 October 2017, during the official inauguration of the new academic year, the winners of the Kozminski Lions prize received the statuettes. Below follows the list of prizewinners:
in the Manager category – Barbara Skrzecz-Mozdyniewicz, President of the Management Board of Macrologic S.A.
A graduate of the Kozminski MBA in Finance program (2008). She has been working for Macrologic, a Polish software company, for 20 years. Since 2009, as a member of the management board, she’s been managing a part of the company’s operations involving the provision of services representing half of the company’s revenues, supervising the company’s financial and administrative operations, and dealing with internal audit and risk control. In January 2012 she was appointed the President of the Management Board of Macrologic S.A.
in the Entrepreneur category – Mariusz Leszek, Vice-President of the Management Board of Lechpol Electronics sp. z o.o.
A graduate of Management and Marketing at Kozminski University in Warsaw. He marketed the first consumer electronics devices in Poland. Over the years he has extended his product portfolio to include car audio devices and mobile technologies.
He contributed to the success of the Kruger&Matz brand in 2013.
Company Lechpol sp. z o.o. – a Polish distributor of electronics, established in the early 1990s. It owns such brands as Kruger&Matz (audio, smartphones, laptops), teesa (small household appliances), Peiying (car audio and tuning), Cabletech (TV), Quer (computer accessories). It employs over 160 people and has branches in Romania and the Netherlands.
in the Administration category – Ignacy Góra, President of the Polish Office of Rail Transportation
A graduate of the “Organization and Management – the European Model of Management” postgraduate program at Kozminski University. He has been involved with the railway industry since the early days of his professional life. The President of the Polish Office of Rail Transportation since 2016. Earlier, in the period 2013-2016, he was the Vice-President of the Polish Office of Rail Transportation for Railway Traffic Engineering and Safety.
In June 2016, he was appointed by the Minister of Development to sit in the Accreditation Board of the Polish Center for Accreditation. He is the originator of the “Declaration on the Development of Safety Culture in Rail Transport”.
in the Lawyer category – Remigiusz Mróz A writer, the winner of the 2016 Nagroda Czytelników Wielkiego Kalibru prize for his novel entitled “Kasacja”.
Congratulations to the winners!
Nominated graduates:
Category – Manager:
- Anna Kostro – Management Board Member for Electrorecycling, Elemental Holding S.A.
- Barbara Skrzecz-Mozdyniewicz - President of the Management Board, Managing Director, Macrologic S.A.
- Karol Gajos - President of the Management Board, Pentacomp Systemy Informatyczne S.A.
- Bartosz Klinowski - Executive Director (Europe), Member of the Board, Seco/Warwick SA
- Agnieszka Kozakiewicz-Pietrzak - Member of the Management Board, Millenium Leasing sp. z o.o.
- Adam Lesiński - Member of the Management Board, Polska Grupa Zbrojeniowa S.A.
- Cezary Maciołek - Vice-President of the Management Board, Grupa Progres
- Paweł Pawlak - Managing Director, CREDENDO – SHORT-TERM EU RISKS úvěrová pojišťovna, a.s., S.A. Branch in Poland
- Jolanta Sobierańska-Grenda - President of the Management Board, Szpitale Pomorskie sp. z o.o. in Gdynia
- Tomasz Śniatała - Vice-President of the Management Board, WIELTON S.A.
Category - Entrepreneur:
- Mariusz Leszek - President of the Management Board, Lechpol Electronics sp. z o.o.
- Tomasz Rutkowski - President of the Management Board, Senfino sp. z o.o.
Category - Lawyer:
- Przemysław Guziejko - Owner, Kancelaria Adwokacka Przemysław Guziejko
- Remigiusz Mróz - Remigiusz Mróz sole proprietorship
Category - Start-Up:
- Eryk Pawłowski i Karolina Kozłowska - Co-founders of Anywhere.to sp. z o.o.
- Jan Boberek i Damian Lewandowski - Co-founders of TRUSENSE sp. z o.o.
Category - Administration:
- Ignacy Góra - President of the Polish Office of Rail Transportation
2016 edition: Prizewinners and nominees
The Kozminski Lions statuettes were awarded during the official inauguration of the academic year 2016/2017 on 30 September 2016. The winners:
in the “Manager” category – Daniel Mzyk President of Paged, a tycoon in the production of plywood manufactured in several factories in the country, a producer of automated storage systems and auxiliary equipment, and the owner of a furniture factory with over 100 years of tradition. When joining the company founded by his father, Edmund Mzyk, he started from restructuring and debt removal, and then proceeded to design a new business strategy. Today, he successfully runs and develops an industrial-investment group which generates PLN 820 million of consolidated revenues per year and PLN 156 million of EBITDA. The company employs 3,000 people.
In the “Reactivation of a big Polish brand” category – Karol Zarajczyk The President of Ursus, for several years now, has been restoring the splendor of the Polish tractor brand and engaging in the revival of the Polish automotive industry. Thanks to his efforts, Ursus tractors not only returned to Polish fields but also conquered the African market. Ursus launches electric buses and small cargo vans which are made in Poland and meet all the relevant environmental requirements to the European market. Ursus is part of the Zarajczyk family controlled Pol-Mot holding, which employs 2,500 people.
in the “Entrepreneur” category – Paweł Szataniak and Mariusz Szataniak Gazelles of the Polish capital market, who made good use of investors’ money to build a group of companies operating in the food industry. Today, Pamapol is a ready-made meals market tycoon. 10 years ago, the Szataniak brothers bought Wielton, a trailer and semi-trailer manufacturer from Wieluń, which today has production plants in France and Italy. The annual volume of sales made by their companies amounts to almost PLN 1.5 billion.
in the “Lawyer” category – Hubert Zalewski A lawyer, a partner in the Kurpiejewski Budzewski i Wspólnicy sp.k. law firm, and a Development Director at Radomskie Centrum Innowacji i Technologii sp. z o.o. He is the chairman of the sports committee of the Praga Południe District Council.
Nominated graduates:
- Daniel Mzyk – Member of the Supervisory Board, former President of the Management Board of PAGED S.A., graduate of Management and Marketing at KU (class of 2005)
- Jarosław Broda – Vice-President of the Management Board for Asset Management and Development at Tauron Polska Energia S.A., graduate of KU Executive MBA (class of 2016)
- Karol Zarajczyk – President of the Management Board of URSUS S.A., graduate of Finance and Banking at KU (class of 2004)
- Katarzyna Piątkowska – Integrated Supply Chain Director at Coca-Cola HBC Polska sp. z o.o., graduate of Logistics in Management at KU (class of 2009)
- Marek Wadowski – Vice-President of the Management Board for Finance at Tauron Polska Energia S.A., graduate of KU Executive MBA (class of 2013)
- Mira Kantor-Pikus – Head of Strategic Advisory, Capital Markets at Cushman & Wakefield Polska sp.o.o., graduate of KU Executive MBA (class of 2012)
- Radosław Bółkowski – Consumer Business Unit Director – East Region Bridgestone Sales Polska sp. z o.o., graduate of KU Executive MBA (class of 2011)
- Rafał Miland – Vice-President of the Management Board of PERN S.A., graduate of Management in Public Administration at KU (class of 2015)
- Waldemar Pilczek – President of the Management Board of quick-mix sp. z o.o., graduate of KU MBA (class of 2008)
- Katarzyna Twarowska – President of the Management Board of ProfiLab. Former EY Audit Director, graduate of KU Executive MBA (class of 2015)
- Marcin Zawadzki – founder of MEDI-system and Senior Apartments, graduate of KU MBA for Health Care Managers (class of 2009)
- Paweł Szataniak – founder of Wielton S.A. and Pamapol S.A., graduate of Kozminski Advanced Management Program (class of 2016)
- Mariusz Szataniak – founder of Wielton S.A. and Pamapol S.A., graduate of Project Management at KU (class of 2016)
- Marta Duraj – Senior Associate at Czabański Gałuszyński i Partnerzy sp.p. sp.k., graduate of a doctoral seminar in law at KU (class of 2015)
- Hubert Zalewski – partner at Kurpiejewski i Wspólnicy s.k.; Development Director at Radomskie Centrum Innowacji i Technologii sp. z o.o., graduate of law at KU (class of 2010)
The Kozminski Lions statuettes were awarded during the official inauguration of the academic year 2015/2016 on 28.09.2015.
The winners:
- In the “Manager” category – Marcin Gralewski, President of the Management Board of ORLEN OIL
- In the “Entrepreneur” category – Barbara Chwesiuk, Founder, Owner, and Head Designer of BIALCON
- In the “Start-Up” category – Artur Racicki, President and Co-founder of Social WiFi sp. z o.o.
- In the “Lawyer” category – Michał Pawłowski, PhD, Partner at CMS CAMERON MCKENNA, Head of Capital Markets Team.
Congratulations to our Lions!
We’d also like to congratulate all nominees!
Nominees in the “Manager” category:
- Marcin Gralewski - President of the Management Board of ORLEN OIL
- Żaneta Berus - President of EXPO XXI Warszawa
- Dariusz Kowalczyk-Tomerski - President of the Management Board of TP TELTECH
- Łukasz Hadyś - Board Member in charge of Finance at PKP CARGO
- Wojciech Peret - Vice-President, Managing Director, Turbine Factory at Alstom Power sp. z o.o.
- Marta Cydejko - Executive Director Human Resources at KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.
Nominees in the “Entrepreneur” category:
- Dariusz Racz - ITM Software House Sp. z o.o.
- Artur Racicki - Social WiFi Sp. z o.o.
- Barbara Chwesiuk – BIALCON
in the “Lawyer” category:
- Michał Pawłowski, PhD – Advocate, Partner at CMS CAMERON MCKENNA
In 2014, a new category – “Lawyer” – joins the two existing ones, i.e. “Entrepreneur” and “Manager”. Congratulations to the winners:
- Agnieszka Brzezińska - awarded in the “Entrepreneur” category / President of the Management Board of Bona-Agra sp. z o.o.
- Dariusz Hajdukiewicz – awarded in the “Lawyer” category / Director of the Health Policy Office in the Warsaw City Hall
- Marek Woszczyk - awarded in the “Manager” category / President of the Management Board of PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna S.A.
On 4 October 2013, during the official inauguration of the new academic year, outstanding graduates of Kozminski University received the “Kozminski Lions” statuettes. The statuette is a representation of the Leo monument, which appeared in front of the main entrance to the university that year. Earlier, the award was called Kozminski Eagles of Success (PL: Orły Sukcesu Koźmińskiego).
The Lions, awarded for the first time, were given to:
- Adam Wasiak, General Director of State Forests, MBA graduate
- Jerzy „Yuri” Drabent and Maciej Bielicki, management graduates, founders and co-owners of the “Lubię to” social media agency
- Marcin Petrykowski, a graduate of Management and Marketing, Executive Director at JP Morgan London and Deputy Director of the Polish branch of JP Morgan.
In 2012, the prizes were awarded in two new categories.
- In the “Manager” category, the award was given to Aster Papazyan, who currently works as a Country Manager at DELL POLAND. Vast knowledge, the ability to apply it in practice, and the gained professional experience all contributed to the award.
- The other category was “Entrepreneur”. In this category, the prizewinners were Dominik Tomczyk and Jacek Stelmach, President and Vice-President of POLWAX S.A., Executive MBA graduates of our university. The prize was awarded for e.g. the innovativeness of the offered solutions and the development of new products and launching them into production.
In 2011, the competition prizewinners were:
In the “Higher Education Graduate” category – Piotr Błoński, a graduate of Management and Marketing, specializing in Corporate Finance and Accounting of Enterprises (class of 2006).
Chief Financial Officer at KCR Group, Proxy, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of KCR Czech Republic. Earlier working as the Chief Financial Officer at Exim Tours, a Financial Controller at KCR SA, a Financial Analyst at Fischer Air Polska. He designed and implemented a management support system that supports and automates the processes of KCR’s creation and implementation of companies, and optimizes the use of human resources by measuring their productivity and profitability of their work. Thanks to the system, it was possible to increase the company’s margin at the EBITDA level by 4 percentage points.
In the “Postgraduate and MBA Education Graduate” category – Ernest Bartosik, a graduate of the 18th edition of Executive MBA.
Managing Director at BERLIN-CHEMIE/MENARINI sp. z o.o., previously its Marketing and Sales Director, earlier: Marketing Director and Board Member at Sandoz (Novartis Group). He reorganized, extended, and optimized the business structure of the company during the global crisis. As a result, 40 new people were hired to the promotion team in 2010-2011, and the sales growth in 2010 reached a level of EUR 15 million, amounting to EUR 71.6 million. He manages a company employing 340 people.
The winners of the fifth – jubilee – edition of the competition were: In the “Higher Education Graduate” category – Patrycja Ilasz-Kłoda, a graduate of as many as three programs at Kozminski University (master’s degree in Management and Marketing, completed MBA and doctoral studies).
Working for Telekomunikacja Polska since 2004, where she is currently the Director of the Business Continuity Management Program at Grupa TP S.A. In the “Postgraduate and MBA Education Graduate” category – Mieczysław Magierski, a graduate of Executive MBA (class of 2005).
President of the Management Board of Miejskie Zakłady Autobusowe sp. z o.o. One of his greatest professional achievements is the significant advancement of the company in the prestigious ranking of 500 largest Polish companies. A special “Eagle of Success” in the category of “Public Service” was awarded to a graduate of Kozminski MBA for Health Care Managers – Krystyna Barbara Kozłowska, who had been the Patient Ombudsman since October 2009.
In the fourth edition of the competition, three prizes were awarded again.
The winner in the “Higher Education Graduate” was Anna Rogowska, a graduate of the master’s program in Management and Marketing (class of 1999). Since February 2008 she has been the HR Director at EMPIK sp. z o.o. She is in charge of the HR policy of the company, which employs 3,000 people across the whole country.
In the “Postgraduate and MBA Education Graduate” category – Tadeusz Chmielewski, a graduate of Executive MBA (class of 1997), the owner and president of Rohlig Suus Logistics S.A. In 15 years of the company’s operations, he has made the branch office of a German company grow to its current form; to a company named one of the top ten logistics companies in Poland, employing over 600 people across 18 branches in Poland and Russia.
In the “Public Service” category – Małgorzata Stachurska-Turos, a graduate of Kozminski MBA for Health Care Managers (class of 2002), the director of the Children's Hospital at Niekłańska since March of this year, already with a proven track record of success in its restructuring. In her last two terms of office, she has also held the position of the Deputy Regional Screener for Professional Liability at the Regional Medical Chamber in Warsaw.
The statuettes were awarded during the official inauguration of the new academic year. The fourth edition of the competition was entered by 27 graduates of KU, working in the following industries: energy, finance, banking, IT, logistics, medical, entertainment, automotive, cosmetics, ICT, and the media.
Three graduates of Kozminski University: Michał Powałowski, Mirosław Lubarski, and Leszek Król won the 2007 edition of the “Eagles of Success” competition. The jury decided that their professional achievements were the most spectacular.
The first of the winners – Michał Powałowski, who graduated from KU with a master’s degree in Management and Marketing, is now the Director of the Credit and Limit Analysis Department at ING Commercial Finance Polska S.A. He considers reaching his current position in the company as his greatest professional achievement. And he started out 10 years ago as a customer service specialist.
The second winner, Mirosław Lubarski, an MBA graduate, is currently the Marketing Director and a Member of the Management Board of Grupa Polskie Składy Budowlane S.A., the largest network of construction materials wholesale outlets in Poland. He considers the co-creation of the company, building its brand, and creating the “PSB-Mrówka” network of Polish shops his biggest success.
The third winner – awarded in a new category: “Public Service” – a graduate of bachelor’s studies in Management and Marketing, Leszek Król, Director of the Department of European Funds Management at the Masovian Voivodship Office, was promoted from the position of a clerk to a department director within 6 years spent with this institution.
In the second edition of the “Eagles of Success” competition, the winner in the “Higher Education Graduate” category was Sylwia Sadowska, who was promoted from the position of a mortgage product sales representative to the position of a director of an mBank Financial Services Center within three years.
The awardee of the “Eagle of Success” in the “Postgraduate Education Graduate” category was Waldemar Rogujski – President of the Management Board of Kooperacja Techniczna S.A., which is a certified supplier of complete assembly lines for Mercedes, BMW, Audi and mechanical components for e.g. Nokia.
In 2005, the “Kozminski Eagles of Success” competition was organized for the first time, divided into two categories: “Higher Education Graduate” and “Postgraduate Education Graduate”.
The aim of the competition was to honor and award “Eagle of Success” statuettes to graduates of the Leon Koźmiński Academy of Entrepreneurship and Management, who made the most spectacular success and whose career paths could serve as examples for other students to follow. The chapter of the competition took into account such criteria as: the rank of the position held by the considered person, the dynamics of the person’s professional advancement, and the market position and renown of the company they work for.
The winner in the “Higher Education Graduate” category was Krzysztof Sobolewski, who was promoted to the position of a director of one of the main branch offices of PKO BP within 7 years of his internship served with the bank. The KU postgraduate education graduate who received the “Eagle of Success” statuette was Stanislaw Jędrzejewski – currently acting as the Director of Polskie Radio Program I.
Chapter of the Competition
The Chapter of the Competition is composed of:
Chapter chairman:
- KU Professor Witold Bielecki PhD, DSc - KU President
Chapter members:
- Professor Andrzej K. Kozminski PhD - Honorary President of ALK,
- Professor Monika Całkiewicz - Dean of the Council of the District Chamber of Legal Advisors,
- Włodzimierz Chróścik - President of the National Council of Legal Advisors,
- Professor Jerzy Cieślik - Member of the Chair of Entrepreneurship at ALK,
- Marek Dietl - President of the Management Board of the Warsaw Stock Exchange
- Sylwia Halas-Dej PhD - Director of the Center for Consulting and Management Education at ALK
- Nikolay Kirov - Director of Kozminski MBA, area: leadership and negotiations, Partner at Kirov Strategic Negotiators,
- Jacek Kowalski - Member of the Management Board for Human Capital at Orange Polska
- KU Professor Bartłomiej Nowak PhD - Vice-Rector for Cooperation with the Environment, Dean of the College of Law
- Professor Krzysztof Obłój - Head of the Department of Strategy at ALK,
- Waldemar Rogujski - President of the Management Board of Kooptech S.A,
- Tomasz Sielicki - entrepreneur, creator and long-time President of the Board of ComputerLand joint-stock company
- Maciej Witucki - President of the Lewiatan Confederation
Kozminski Lions