PhD Mateusz Woiński

Department of Criminal Law
Assistant Professor

Mateusz Woiński, Ph.D., deals with substantive and procedural criminal law, legal aspects of professional and disciplinary responsibility, hate speech, and hate crimes. He is Assistant Professor in the Department of Criminal Law, associated with Kozminski University since 2008. He completed research stays at Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law in Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany (2011 and 2017), and the Library of Congress in Washington, USA (2017). Since 2020, Mateusz Woiński is a member of the Management Committee for Cost Action CA19143 “Global Digital Human Rights Network;” in 2019, he was an expert in the team for amending the Criminal Code in terms of hate crimes in the Social Codification Commission; in 2015–2020, he was Vice-Dean of the College of Law at Kozminski University; since 2013, he is Head of the Inter‑Departamental Unit Student Legal Clinic at Kozminski University.
