Kozminski Foundation

Kozminski Foundation
Together we build the future

About the Foundation

The Kozminski Foundation was established on August 12, 2004 and is an expression of the commitment of the entire Kozminski University community. The mission of the Foundation is to actively support entrepreneurial attitudes, care for the preservation of the legacy of the Koźmiński family, and the implementation of broad social goals.

In its activities, the Foundation focuses on several areas that allow it to carry out its mission.

  • We support talented students of Kozminski University with scholarships. Thanks to donors and corporate partners, over 400 young people have already received scholarships, allowing them to fulfill their dreams of gaining knowledge and development.
  • We carry out humanitarian aid campaigns - including emergency aid for employees, graduates, and students affected by random events.
  • We focus on preserving the intellectual and material achievements of the Koźmiski family.

At any time, you can join the unique group of people, companies, and institutions supporting the Foundation. In accordance with the idea that guides us - Together we build the future!

Professor Andrzej K. Kozminski's book for the Kozminski Foundation scholarships


We are very pleased to announce that the latest book by the Founder of the Kozminski Foundation, Professor Andrzej K. Kozminski, “The Revolution of the Agile,” which is a collection of 36 essays about modern times, has been published. With great knowledge, high culture and erudition, the Author analyzes the hot topics the world is living today. 

He rallies a radical change in the order referred to as Pax Americana, the basis of which was the dominant position of the United States as the informal leader of the West and guarantor of world peace. Today, a new nationalism is winning in many places with a message like “America (or any other country) First,” which allows one to question supranational interests and goals that are important for the well-being of the planet and humanity.


Breaking the existing consensus breeds unexpected events: dangerous, like climate change, dangerous, like armed conflict, unpredictable, like a pandemic, but also positive, like the rapid development of AI technology. To survive, you have to be agile. In such an environment, you can't be a leader of the old type, because constantly breaking the limits, sometimes in violation of the law, is a straight path to dictatorship. Distributed leadership, characteristic of start-ups, focused on solving specific problems and achieving equally specific goals, is playing an increasingly important role.

The world through Professor Kozminski's eyes is a web of connections and dependencies between economy and politics, emotionality and rationality of people, war and technology. The collection also includes essays on science and the modern university, the labor market and management, where trust is increasingly important alongside the techniques and tools taught in business schools. Intuition and natural talents allow the best leaders to operate nimbly in a turbulent world.

Although in one of the texts the Author sadly asks whether today no one is interested in the future anymore, he dedicates “The Agile Revolution” as a kind of “notes from the future” to those who are occupied by it. Following recent events, it's easy to see how quickly the Professor's words are coming true.

The book was illustrated by Daria Andrews, a Polish-Australian painter and visual artist, who used the specific way Aboriginal people and spirits are depicted as a theme and inspiration.

“The Agile Revolution” will be available to order by leaving your information HERE. All proceeds from contributions will go to the Kozminski Foundation scholarship fund.

Scholarships of the Kozminski Foundation for the academic year 2024/2025

The Kozminski Foundation celebrates its 20th anniversary this year. Over two decades of the activity, we have consistently pursued our mission to support talented students. Thanks to the commitment of our donors and corporate partners, more than 450 young people have already received scholarships allowing them to realise their dreams of gaining knowledge and development.

What do we offer?

Within the anniversary of the Kozminski Foundation, we offer financial scholarships, i.e. material support that allows you to focus on learning and development. Mentoring care, training and counselling activities and talent placement will be provided as part of the Talent Program that is part of this year's scholarships.

Types of scholarships

Students at Kozminski University can apply for one of three types of scholarships:

1. Conditions of awarding the ‘EXCELLENCE’ Scholarship.

The scholarship may be applied for by a student who fulfils all the following conditions:

  • is a student in the second or third year of first-cycle studies, or a student in the first or second year of second-cycle studies, or a student in the second and long-cycle master's studies (5 years) and in the last completed year of studies, in each case in the academic year 2020/2021 at the latest, achieved an arithmetic mean score of at least 5.00.
  • has not yet repeated any semester/year of study and has obtained entry into the next year of study.

2. Conditions of awarding the ‘PERFORMANCE’ Scholarship.

The scholarship may be applied for by a student who fulfils all of the following conditions:

  • is a student of the second or third year of a Bachelor's degree program or a student of the first or second year of a Master's degree program, or a student of the second and subsequent years of a long-cycle Master's degree program and in the last completed year of his/her studies, in each case, in the academic year 2020/2021 at the latest, has achieved an arithmetic mean score of not less than 4.80 and not more than 4.99.
  • has not yet repeated any semester/year of study and has been registered for the next year of study;
  • is in possession of documented (references, certificates, attestations, opinions, etc.):  
    • outstanding scientific achievements - e.g. participation in conferences, scientific articles, awards in scientific competitions OR
    • organisational achievements - e.g. involvement in KU projects, active participation in scientific circles OR
    • voluntary work for social organisations

obtained in the academic year 2023/2024

It is necessary to attach scans of these documents to the application form.

3. Conditions of awarding the ‘IMACT’ Scholarship.

The scholarship may be applied for by a student who fulfils all of the following conditions:

  • is a student in the second or third year of a first degree program or a student in the first or second year of a second degree program or a student in the second and subsequent years of a long- cycle master's degree program;
  • has not repeated any semester/year of studies so far and has been registered for the next year of studies;
  • has a proven track record (references, certificates, attestations, opinions, etc.): outstanding achievements in organisational or social activities or other activities important for the KU community, e.g. sports, obtained in the academic year 2023/2024.

It is necessary to attach scans of these documents to the application form.

How to apply?

Applications for the scholarships start on 1 October and will be accepted until 31 October 2024.  

Applying for the Kozminski Foundation scholarship does not exclude the possibility of applying for scholarships awarded by Kozminski University.

We invite you to familiarise yourself with the terms and conditions of receiving a scholarship and participating in the KU Talent Program.

More about KU Talent Program.

We encourage talented students to take advantage of this unique opportunity to support their education and career development at Kozminski University. Become one of the students benefiting from this unique support, which combines the 20-year experience of the Foundation with the innovative KU Talent Program!



Fundacja Koźmińskich obchodzi w tym roku 20-lecie swojego istnienia!

Dwie dekady pełne wspólnych działań i realnej zmiany. To były lata intensywnej pracy na rzecz edukacji, rozwoju, wsparcia społecznego i dobroczynności, w trakcie których razem udowodniliśmy, że nasze wspólne wysiłki mogą sprawić, że nasze otoczenie stanie się lepszym miejscem.

W tym czasie, dzięki hojności i otwartości serc i umysłów całej społeczności Akademii Leona Koźmińskiego:

  • przyznaliśmy ponad 450 stypendiów o łącznej wartości ponad 1,5 miliona PLN,
  • wspieraliśmy dzieci z placówek wychowawczych i domów dziecka, potrzebujących pomocy finansowej i materialnej absolwentów, studentów, pracowników oraz tych, którzy znaleźli się w trudnej sytuacji życiowej,
  • promowaliśmy młodą, zdolną i przedsiębiorczą młodzież,
  • wspieraliśmy projekty edukacyjne i kulturalne, które mają znaczenie dla całej społeczności ALK.

A to tylko część naszych działań, których bez Was nie moglibyśmy zrealizować.

Co RAZEM zrobiliśmy w 2023 roku?

  • wręczyliśmy 39 stypendiów o łącznej wartości 115 300 PLN,
  • dzięki darczyńcy – firmie EURO-NET SP. Z O.O., wręczyliśmy 12 stypendiów za wyniki w nauce i postawę przedsiębiorczą,
  • otrzymaliśmy darowiznę w wysokości 30 000 PLN od Fundacji PKO Banku Polskiego oraz zebraliśmy środki finansowe na pomoc dla współpracującego od lat z Akademią Leona Koźmińskiego wykładowcy – Łukasza Sowińskiego,
  • udzieliliśmy wsparcia finansowego i materialnego obywatelom Ukrainy,
  • przy współudziale kół naukowych Akademii Leona Koźmińskiego, zorganizowaliśmy bezpłatne wydarzenie z zakresu zarządzania projektami KOZMINSKI PM FORUM oraz bezpłatną konferencję technologiczną KOZMINSKI SUMMIT – Women of IT.

Więcej o naszej aktywności znajdziecie Państwo w Sprawozdaniu z działalności Zarządu Fundacji Koźmińskich za rok 2023.

W tym wyjątkowym roku pragniemy nie tylko celebrować osiągnięcia Fundacji, ale też podziękować za wsparcie i zaufanie. Dzięki Wam każdy dzień przynosi nowe możliwości czynienia dobra!

Z podziękowaniem za wspólny 2023 - Zarząd Fundacji Koźmińskich

Podziel się swoim 1,5% podatku

Przed nami czas rozliczeń podatkowych. Zachęcamy i zapraszamy do wspólnego działania na rzecz Fundacji Koźmińskich. Wasz 1,5% podatku to szansa dla kolejnych ambitnych, utalentowanych młodych ludzi z aspiracjami. Nasze wsparcie może sprawić, że będą mogli się realizować, rozwijać i zmieniać świat na lepsze.

W 2023 roku obdarowaliśmy stypendiami 51 najlepszych studentek i studentów Akademii Leona Koźmińskiego. Dołączyli oni do grona ponad 450 osób, które dotychczas wsparła finansowo Fundacja Koźmińskich. Państwa 1,5% podatku pozwoli powiększyć to grono! W rocznym rozliczeniu podatku wystarczy wpisać nasz numer KRS: 0000217541.

Zapraszamy do wspólnego działania, ponieważ razem możemy więcej! Szczególnie dziękujemy tym z Państwa, którzy w tym roku po raz kolejny przekażą swoją cegiełkę na rzecz Fundacji.

Dziękujemy, że z nami jesteście i razem budujemy przyszłość!

EURO-NET’s scholarships

The Kozminski Foundation together with EURO-NET Sp z o.o. invite students of Kozminski University to apply for scholarships for the 2023/2024 academic year

A EURO-NET’s scholarships may be awarded to:

  • 2nd year or 3rd year first-cycle (undergraduate-level) students, 2nd year second-cycle (graduate-level) students, and 2nd year to 5th year students of single-cycle (uniform) studies;
  • who has achieved very good academic results, including an arithmetic mean of grades in the academic year 2022/2023 of not less than 4.50;
  • who has a proven individual track record demonstrating an entrepreneurial attitude.

Applications for scholarships were accepted until October 31, 2023. Applying for a EURO-NET’s scholarship does not exclude the possibility of applying for scholarships awarded by Kozminski University and Kozminski Foundation.

Rules of awarding scholarships of EURO-NET SP.Z O.O. company.

Our Scholars about the Foundation

Wiktoria Gawrońska

Finance and Accounting student

Receiving the Platinum Scholarship, I felt honored for all the effort I put into my education and activities for the University. I intend to use the funds received for my own development, in particular - to take care of my work-life balance by developing non-academic interests. I think it is important to support institutions such as the Kozminski Foundation, because they reward people who always want to do that few percent more, which is extremely valuable. I keep my fingers crossed for future students applying for scholarships and thank you for being ambitious and challenging in your efforts.

Łukasz Kopeć

Law student

Receiving the Gold Scholarship was an extraordinary experience for me and an honor for a year of really hard, exhaustive professional work combined with studying for a law degree. Numerous words of appreciation and pride coming from members of the Kozminski Foundation gave me encouragement and a feeling that the effort put in was not in vain, and that Kozminski University promotes valuable attitudes among students. Receiving the scholarship will enable me to further my professional and academic development. I plan to spend the funds from the scholarship on the purchase of textbooks to study for the entrance exam for the lawyer's application, the exam for the tax advisor, and further study of the Chinese language. Of course, I will also not forget about small pleasures for myself. I sincerely encourage everyone to support the Kozminski Foundation, which, by organizing wonderful initiatives, enables talented people to develop and at the same time encourages them to undertake activities for the common good. To the students who will apply for Foundation scholarships in the future, I wish them good luck! Remember to aim high, work hard, think long-term and show initiative, while not forgetting that you are part of society

Joanna Piwowarek

Management student

Receiving the Platinum scholarship, I was filled with pride and a sense of great motivation in pursuit of the intended goals. Of course, many of our goals are preceded by challenges, thanks to which we have the opportunity to become even better on the way to the intended success. Personally, I am glad that this year I have encountered so many such challenges on my way, because thanks to them I can proudly represent the group of scholarship recipients of the Kozminski Foundation. I wholeheartedly encourage you to support the Kozminski Foundation, an institution that recognizes the potential and effort put in by people involved in building a valuable academic community. To the students who are also applying for a scholarship from the Kozminski Foundation, I wish you perseverance in pursuing your goal and remember that every challenge you encounter on your way brings you closer to this success.

Anna Chudak-Morzuchowska

Economics and Management graduate

With great joy, I would like to express my deep gratitude for the Kozminski Foundation scholarship which I received three times. It was a great honor for me, especially since I was selected to receive this scholarship among so many candidates.

The scholarship was a motivation not only to deepen my knowledge even more intensively but above all, it gave me faith that my goals can be achieved - the only thing that matters is how much work I put into them. I can honestly say that this award allowed me to achieve my goal and dream, which was to set up a programming school after graduation, which is my greatest success so far.

I would like to thank all the people who contributed to the establishment of the Kozminski Foundation scholarship. People who co-create the Foundation help new generations to look with hope into the future.

On the other hand, I would like to tell people who apply for a Kozminski Foundation scholarship to believe in themselves, because this faith, together with the work undertaken, will lead them to a better future.

Zuzanna Staniszewska

Absolwentka kierunku Zarządzanie

Stypendium Fundacji Koźmińskich stało się dla mnie nie tylko wsparciem finansowym, ale przede wszystkim motywacją do dalszego rozwoju. Dzięki temu wyróżnieniu mogłam skupić się na realizacji swoich planów, takich jak uczestnictwo w międzynarodowych konferencjach naukowych, zdobywanie doświadczenia zawodowego poprzez praktyki czy kontynuowanie nauki na wyższym poziomie. Dzisiaj spełniam zarówno swoje cele zawodowe jak i marzenia uczestnicząc w stażu naukowym na zagranicznej Uczelni: ESCP w Paryżu.

Fundacja pomaga studentom i absolwentom Akademii Leona Koźmińskiego w Polsce i za granicą. Zdecydowanie warto być zaangażowanym w działalność Fundacji Koźmińskich i Klub Absolwenta ALK. Są to organizacje, które oferują pomoc dla młodych, zdolnych osób. Poprzez wspieranie tych inicjatyw, wspieramy przyszłość naszej społeczności: kobiet i mężczyzn, pomagając im rozwijać się i realizować różnorodne pasje.

Chciałabym podzielić się ze wszystkimi studentkami i studentami ubiegającym się o stypendia, aby nigdy nie tracili wiary we własne możliwości i aby wyznaczali sobie ambitne cele. Warto dążyć do swoich marzeń, ciężko pracować i być gotowym na wyzwania, jakie stawia przed nami życie. Nie ma przecież nic piękniejszego niż rozwój siebie i innych! :)

Agata Ordon

Absolwentka kierunku Zarządzanie i Prawo

Fundacja Koźmińskich od blisko już dwóch dekad kształtuje liderów przyszłości, krzepi postawy przedsiębiorcze, umożliwia spełnianie marzeń i realizację celów studentom Akademii Leona Koźmińskiego. To jedyna w swoim rodzaju instytucja, która daje młodym ludziom wiarę w swoje możliwości, przybliża ich do osiągania sukcesów, ale przede wszystkim honoruje ich ciężką pracę, determinację i poświęcenie. Dzięki trwającemu od 2017 r. wsparciu Fundacji, mogłam pozwolić sobie na zdobywanie wiedzy i networking podczas zagranicznych szkół letnich, konferencji oraz wyjazd na wymianę międzynarodową. Miałam również szansę na naukę języków obcych, czy zaangażowanie się w dużym stopniu na rzecz życia akademickiego ALK. Studentek i studentów Akademii Leona Koźmińskiego z dużym apetytem na rozwój jest bardzo wielu, dlatego tak wielce istotną rolę na ich drogach pełni wsparcie Fundacji Koźmińskich. Wszystkim studentom i studentkom, którzy będą ubiegać się o stypendia, chciałabym powiedzieć, aby mimo porażek na drodze usłanej sukcesami, nigdy się nie poddawali i traktowali takie momenty jak lekcje, z których wyciągną wnioski. Równie ważną postawą, do której zachęcam, to nieporównywanie się do innych, bo nikt nie może i nie zagra lepiej Waszej roli niż Wy sami.

Our initiatives

The Kozminski Foundation has been operating continuously since 2004. WE ARE BUILDING THE FUTURE TOGETHER for almost 20 years now!

During this time, thanks to the generosity and openness of hearts and minds of the entire Kozminski University community:

  • we have awarded more than 400 scholarships with a total value of 1.5 million PLN
  • we supported children from educational institutions and orphanages, graduates, students, and employees in difficult life situations and need of financial and material assistance
  • we promoted young, talented, and entrepreneurial youth
  • we supported educational and cultural projects that are relevant to the entire KU community.

And these are just some of the activities that we could not have accomplished without you.

What did we do TOGETHER in 2022?

  • we handed out 45 scholarships with a total value of 138,500 PLN
  • we collected funds to help Łukasz Sowiński, a lecturer cooperating with Kozminski University for years
  • we provided financial and material support to the citizens of Ukraine.

More about our activities can be found in the Report on the activities of the Board of Directors of the Kozminski Foundation for the year 2022.

Share your 1.5% tax

The time of tax settlements is ahead of us. We encourage and invite you to make a joint contribution to the Kozminski Foundation. Your 1.5% tax is an opportunity for more ambitious, talented young people with aspirations. Our support can make them realize, develop and change the world for the better.    In 2022, we endowed scholarships to 45 top female and male students of Kozminski University. They joined the ranks of more than 400 people who have so far been financially supported by the Kozminski Foundation. Your 1.5% of tax will allow to enlarge this group! In your annual tax return, just enter our KRS number: 0000217541.   We invite you to act together, because together we can do more! We would especially like to thank those of you who will once again donate to the Foundation this year.    Thank you for being with us and building the future together!

Zbiórka środków na pomoc dla 9-letniej Weroniki

Dear Friends of the Kozminski Foundation

Once again we are asking for your help. You have never failed, so with all the more boldness we ask you to do so this time as well. The Kozminski family has big hearts and can work miracles. Our support is needed by 9-year-old Veronika, who is bravely fighting autism and who, together with her Parents, sent us a beautiful letter. 

I'm Veronika, I'm 9 years old, and I would like to share my extraordinary journey with you. Autism is a challenge for me, but I am constantly striving towards my goal with a smile on my face.


I am an intelligent and charming child, and despite my communication difficulties, I show that I am capable of great things. My path is different, but thanks to my steadfast determination and the love of my family, I gain new skills every day.

My smile and cheerful character impress everyone who meets me. I am an inspiration, I often hear that perseverance leads to success, that I am a source of motivation for my family and friends.

Although I don't communicate traditionally, every social interaction is a huge challenge for me, after 6 years of intensive rehabilitation I have started to express my first needs verbally. Although these are single words that I manage to express in moments of great emotion, these are steps toward communication. This is a huge accomplishment and opens the door to the future for me, although I don't know if I will ever be able to talk to other people as you do.

The monthly cost of my rehabilitation is a huge challenge. Speech therapy, psychologist, hippotherapy, swimming pool, rehabilitation holidays - all this costs from 5 to 10 thousand zloty per month. It's a lot, but we can see what benefits it brings for me. Every step I have taken is a source of great pride for my parents, sister, family and friends.

Therefore, I now turn to you, our esteemed University community. I am asking for your support to continue my rehabilitation and get closer to my goal - full communication with others. Your support is very important to me and I will be very grateful to you for supporting me on this path. We believe that I am capable of even greater things, but we need your help.  We dream that one day Veronika will be able to express these thoughts in person, in any form.  We are proud of every step we manage to achieve together, but we still have a long way to go and millions of small steps ahead of us that will bring us closer to Vera's communication and independence.

Parents of Veronika Wiercinska.

Contributions can be made: 1. paying funds to the account of the Kozminski Foundation: 14 2130 0004 2001 0673 5369 0001 with the note "Help for Weronika". 2. using the link to electronic donations https://form.jotform.com/210604941929963 and selecting the purpose: "Help for Weronika" 3. come to the charity fair on 01.12.2023 at Leon Kozminski Academy and donate. This is a simple procedure and at the same time a huge help.


Konferencja Kozminski PM Forum: Innowacje i Projekty

O projekcie

Studenckie Koło Naukowe zarządzania projektami NextGen.PM pod Patronatem Fundacji Koźmińskich realizuje projekt konferencji Kozminski PM Forum: Innowacje i Projekty.

Konferencja odbędzie się w formie stacjonarnej 7 grudnia 2023 r.


Wydarzenie koncentruje się na aktualnych trendach w zarządzaniu projektami, nowych technologiach i startupach. Jest to połączenie elementów konferencji z praktycznymi warsztatami, które razem tworzą przestrzeń do wymiany wiedzy i doświadczeń pomiędzy uczestnikami a ekspertami, studentami/studentkami i praktykami zajmującymi się zarządzeniem projektami. W programie przewidziane są: panele dyskusyjne w obszarach zarządzania projektami i nowych technologii, sesja integracyjno – networkingowa, warsztaty tematyczne - praktyczne zastosowanie wiedzy w obszarach nowych przedsięwzięć i zarządzania projektami oraz Kozminski Ask Me Anything – spotkanie, podczas którego zaproszony gość podzieli się swoją inspirującą historią i doświadczeniami zawodowymi. Grupą docelową są głównie licealiści/licealistki oraz studenci/studentki zainteresowani wskazanymi dziedzinami. Jest to idealna okazja, aby zgłębić wiedzę i zainteresowania w dynamicznie rozwijającej się dziedzinie, jaką jest zarządzanie projektami oraz aby nawiązać pierwsze kontakty w świecie nowoczesnego biznesu i technologii.

Konferencja jest finansowana ze środków (kwota 20 000 zł) otrzymanych od Narodowego Instytutu Wolności - Centrum Rozwoju Społeczeństwo Obywatelskiego, w ramach grantu przyznanego nam przez Operatora Our Future Foundation w ramach programu Fundusz Młodzieżowy.

Our Future Foundation pomaga ambitnej młodzieży z całej Polski w rozwoju edukacyjnym i zawodowym. W ramach programu Mini-granty przyznała grupie studentów grant z programu Fundusz Młodzieżowy. Głównym celem Programu Fundusz Młodzieżowy jest zwiększenie zaangażowania młodzieży i młodzieżowych organizacji pozarządowych w życie publiczne przez wsparcie inicjatyw młodzieżowych, wzrost ich znaczenia w życiu publicznym oraz wzmocnienie instytucjonalne. Jest to fundusz Narodowego Instytutu Wolności - Centrum Rozwoju Społeczeństwo Obywatelskiego, który wspiera organizacje pozarządowe, dostosowując ich działania do potrzeb i uwarunkowań sektora społecznego.

Partner Wydarzenia:

Our Future Foundation

Fundraising to help Magda

Dear Friends of the Kozminski Foundation 

Once again we are asking for your help. This time she needs it Magdalena Tomaszewska-Wal - a wonderful woman, wife of our 51 thread Executive MBA graduate Michal and mother of three wonderful children. The Kozminski family has big hearts and can work miracles. They have never failed to do so, so it is with all the more boldness that we ask them to do so this time as well.  

Recently, just before Christmas, a rather brutal blow fell on Magda in the form of a diagnosed breast tumor - triple-negative and malignant cancer. An in-depth diagnostic has so far confirmed no metastasis and the chances of a cure at this stage are significant, but the risk of recurrence is also high. Magda has just started chemotherapy. The effectiveness of the treatment, according to the literature and as confirmed also by oncology specialists, including Magda's attending physician, can be significantly increased by the simultaneous use of immunotherapy, which unfortunately is not reimbursed by the National Health Fund. The cost is very high and beyond the ability to finance entirely from savings and Magda and Michael's current income alone. 

We turn to you - the Leon Kozminski Academy community with a big heart - to ask for financial support for Magda. Every amount, even the smallest, in this fight - for health - is of enormous importance. Let's help Magda to "chase her grandfather" (that's what Magda calls the cancer for her own use, to tame it a bit).

Contributions can be made: 1. by going to the Foundation's website and clicking on "Support the Foundation - Online Payment" and then selecting "Fundraising to help Magda" from the list. 2. directly to the Foundation's account:  14 2130 0004 2001 0673 5369 0001 with the note "Help for Magda".

Fundraising to help Łukasz!

October 2022 is the month when the life of a postgraduate marketing lecturer working with Kozminski University since 2013 turned upside down. We hope that the Kozminski University community, reliable in difficult situations, will rise to the occasion this time too. Łukasz Sowiński, needs our help. We have shown many times that together we can do anything. This time it will be the same!

Since 2013, Łukasz has been bravely struggling with a genetic disease - Marfan syndrome. In the course of an uneven fight, he underwent as many as 3 operations to remove aneurysms on different parts of the aorta. Unfortunately, the last and most difficult operation, which took place in October 2022, did not go entirely successfully, as Luke suffered a massive stroke as a result.

Doctors did not give Luke much chance of survival, yet he regained consciousness and awareness. He also started breathing on his own.

Currently, Lukasz requires comprehensive 24-hour care and professional rehabilitation, including neurological, neurological and physiotherapeutic treatment that takes into account his disease, Marfan syndrome.


#Financial support for victims of the war in Ukraine - apply

In the face of the struggle that the citizens of Ukraine are waging against the enemy, we remain in solidarity.  We have launched a fundraiser so that we can now help those who request it. We will support our students, graduates, employees coming from Ukraine who have been affected by the war.  We assure you that we will make every effort to ensure that you receive real help during these difficult times.

(1) Financial assistance (donation) of up to PLN 3,000 may be awarded to a Leon Kozminski Academy student, employee or graduate from Ukraine. (2) The donation will be used for: 

  • subsistence costs (accommodation, food);
  • costs of purchasing tickets;
  • costs of medication; 
  • medical expenses.

(3) The donation request must be submitted electronically only. (4) The donation is awarded by a Commission appointed by the Board of the Kozminski Foundation. and determines its amount individually.  (5) The Commission meets once a week, starting from 21 March 2022. 6th Decisions on granting the donation are communicated by the Foundation by e-mail. (7) The donation is paid on the basis of an agreement signed between the Kozminski Foundation and the recipient. (8) Decisions of the Board are made in the form of a resolution, available at the Kozminski Foundation Office. (9) The amount and number of donations granted depends on the amount of funds accumulated by the Kozminski Foundation. (10) The decision of the Committee on granting a donation is not subject to appeal.

In solidarity with Ukraine

February 24, 2022 is a date that went down in the history of Europe and the world. Missiles fell on independent Ukraine and a black scenario came true that no one wanted to think about. This symbolic date will also remind us of our solidarity and unity every year. As a KU community, we pass the exam of being human in an exemplary manner. And you can still help!

From the first day of the war in Ukraine, we have been collecting funds to support the victims - our students, graduates, employees, and friends of Kozminski University. Thanks to the collected funds, we provided support with a total value of over PLN 400,000 PLN for almost 200 people in need.


We collected food, hygiene products, blankets, clothes and products for children, as well as pet food. We donated over 2,500 medical kits to the territorial defense forces in Ukraine. We donated 300 sleeping bags and 500 pillows to refugee points. Together with Getinge company, we acquired a mobile operating table with battery-powered lamps, which went to one of the Ukrainian field hospitals to save the lives and health of war victims.

You can still support our action by making payments to the Foundation's account!

Kozminski Foundation account number in PLN: 14 2130 0004 2001 0673 5369 0001 SWIFT: VOWAPLP1 Kozminski Foundation account number in EUR: PL68 1090 2590 0000 0001 4986 4743 SWIFT/BIC CODE: WBKPPLPP KRS: 0000217541 With a note: Solidarity with Ukraine


Scholarships of the Kozminski Foundation for the academic year 2022/2023

We support talented students of Kozminski University with scholarships. Thanks to the support of donors and corporate partners, over 400 young people have already received scholarships, allowing them to fulfill their dreams of gaining knowledge and development. Learn about the conditions of scholarship programs and become one of the students who benefit from this unique support!


A student of Kozminski University may apply for: the "PLATINIUM" academic scholarship or the "GOLD" academic scholarship.

Conditions for granting the "Platinium" Academic Scholarship

A student who meets all of the following conditions may apply for a scholarship:

  • is a student of the second or third year of first-cycle studies or a second-year student of second-cycle studies, or a student of the second and subsequent years of uniform master's studies and in the academic year 2022/2023 achieved the arithmetic average of 5.00;
  • he/she has not repeated any semester/study year so far and has been registered for the next year of study.

Conditions for granting the "Gold" Academic Scholarship

A student who meets all of the following conditions may apply for a scholarship:

  • is a student of the second or third year of first-cycle studies or a student of the second year of second-cycle studies, or a student of the second and subsequent years of uniform master's studies and in the academic year 2021/2022 achieved the arithmetic mean of grades from studies not lower than 4.80 and not higher than 4, 99;
  • has not repeated any semester/study year so far and has been registered for the next year of study;
  • has documented outstanding scientific or organizational achievements obtained in the academic year 2021/2022, and/or volunteering activities for social organizations - references, certificates, opinions, certificates from lecturers/supervisors of scientific clubs/project supervisors - it is necessary to attach scans of documents in the form.

Conditions for granting the Special Scholarship

The Management Board of the Kozminski Foundation may award a special scholarship to a student who excels in organizational, social or other activities important for the KU community.

  • A prerequisite is documenting outstanding achievements - references, certificates, opinions, attestations - and attaching scans in the registration form.

Applications for scholarships were accepted until October 31, 2022. Applying for a Kozminski Foundation scholarship does not exclude the possibility of applying for scholarships awarded by Kozminski University.


Projekt Koźmiński Summit: Women of IT.

O projekcie

SKN Kozminski AI Club pod Patronatem Fundacji Koźmińskich realizuje projekt Konferencji Koźmiński Summit:  Women of IT.

Konferencja odbędzie się w formie stacjonarnej w czwartek 1 czerwca 2023 r.


Wraz z dynamicznym postępem technologicznym transformacja cyfrowa zmienia nasze życie i jednocześnie otwiera przed nami nowe perspektywy. Branża IT rozwija się w zawrotnym tempie i oferuje wiele różnych możliwości rozwoju kariery zawodowej. Mimo to na związanie swojej przyszłości z tym sektorem decyduje się wciąż niewielka liczba kobiet. „Kozminski Summit: Women of IT” ma na celu promowanie branży nowoczesnych technologii i zachęcenie kobiet do podjęcia pracy i rozwoju zawodowego w IT.  Skierowana jest przede wszystkim do studentek i absolwentek studiów wyższych z regionu mazowieckiego, ale mile widziani będą również przedstawicielki i przedstawiciele innych grup społecznych, zainteresowani rozpoczęciem kariery w branży IT.

Konferencja jest finansowana ze środków (kwota 20 000 zł) otrzymanych od Narodowego Instytutu Wolności - Centrum Rozwoju Społeczeństwo Obywatelskiego, w ramach grantu przyznanego nam przez Operatora Our Future Foundation w ramach programu Fundusz Młodzieżowy.

Our Future Foundation pomaga ambitnej młodzieży z całej Polski w rozwoju edukacyjnym i zawodowym. W ramach programu Mini-granty przyznała grupie studentów grant z programu Fundusz Młodzieżowy. Głównym celem Programu Fundusz Młodzieżowy jest zwiększenie zaangażowania młodzieży i młodzieżowych organizacji pozarządowych w życie publiczne przez wsparcie inicjatyw młodzieżowych, wzrost ich znaczenia w życiu publicznym oraz wzmocnienie instytucjonalne. Jest to fundusz Narodowego Instytutu Wolności - Centrum Rozwoju Społeczeństwo Obywatelskiego, który wspiera organizacje pozarządowe, dostosowując ich działania do potrzeb i uwarunkowań sektora społecznego.

Partner Wydarzenia:

Our Future Foundation


Prof. Andrzej K. Koźmiński

Co-founder and first Rector of Kozminski University (1993-2011).

Economist and sociologist specializing in the issues of management and political transformation. Fulbright scholar, lecturer at Polish and renowned American and European universities, including the University of California (UCLA), Washington University and the Sorbonne. Honorary Doctor of the University of Szczecin (2015) and ESCP Europe Business School (2017). Corresponding member of the Polish Academy of Sciences and member of many national and international organizations (e.g. Leopold Kronenberg Banking Foundation, Global Foundation for Management Education, Polish Rectors Foundation).

He was a member of editorial boards in many journals (e.g. Transformations, Central European Management Journal, International Encyclopedia of Business and Management, International Management). From 2014 to 2018 he was the Chairman of the Team for Identifying Members of the Council of the National Science Center.

Former member of the National Development Council to the President of Poland, National Development Council (2010-2015). Decorated, among others, with the Knight's Cross, Officer's Cross and Commander's Cross of the Order of Rebirth of Poland. In 2016, by the decision of the Prime Minister of France, he was decorated with the Order of Academic Palms. Chairman and member of supervisory boards of companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange.

Prezydent Andrzej Koźmiński

President of the Foundation

Edyta Siuda

Graduate of Polish philology at the University of Warsaw, postgraduate studies in business psychology for managers and manager's competence academy at Kozminski University and MBA studies at SWPS University.

Director of the Project Office at Kozminski University, responsible for raising external funding, managing projects and developing project management methodology at ALK.

She has several years of experience in working in projects co-financed by European funds, including coordination and evaluation. In addition to her managerial experience, she also has experience in conducting trainings and didactic classes, mainly in the field of project management and obtaining EU funding.

Enthusiast of travels far and near, jazz music, theatre and books. 

Members of the Management Board

Edyta Siuda

President of the foundation's board of directors

Graduate of Polish philology at the University of Warsaw, postgraduate studies in business psychology for managers and manager competence academy at Kozminski University, and MBA studies at SWPS University.

The director of the Projects Office at Kozminski University, Ms. Edyta Siuda is responsible for raising external funding, managing projects, and developing project management methodology at KU.

She has several years of experience working on projects co-financed by European funds, including coordination and evaluation. In addition to managerial experience, she also has experience in conducting training and teaching, mainly in the area of project management and EU funding.

She is a lover of traveling far and near, jazz music, theater, and books.

dr Sylwia Hałas-Dej

Vice President of the Foundation Board

Graduate of law and Executive MBA program. Dean of Kozminski Executive Business School, Director of Executive MBA Program. 

Within Kozminski Executive Business School, dr Sylwia Hałas-Dej is responsible for postgraduate and MBA studies, preparation and implementation of development programs, training, and cooperation with businesses.

She has many years of experience in designing and implementing educational programs, including development programs for companies. 

Member of the Marketing Board of the Euro*MBA program, and member of the Supervisory Board of the International School of Management. Member of the Program and Scientific Council of LifeSkills High School.

Katarzyna Kwapińska

Project Management and Funding Manager

Within the Office, she is responsible for obtaining financing and managing projects. Graduate of Polish philology and speech therapy at Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, as well as postgraduate studies in evaluation and didactic measurement at the University of Gdansk. She has many years of experience in projects co-financed by the European Union – their development, implementation and evaluation. Member of the Polish Evaluation Society.

Socially active. In the years 2005-2007 – Vice-President of the Board for Development of the largest Polish non-governmental organization gathering children, youth and adults (deputy head of the Polish Scouting Association for development), initiator and implementer of numerous projects for non-governmental organizations and universities.

Lover of good literature. She is passionate about finding dependencies, correlations, discovering paths and connections between different – seemingly completely different – elements.


Tomasz Olejniczak
prof. dr hab. Tomasz Olejniczak

Professor in the Department of Management at Kozminski University. Graduate of Japanese Studies at the University of Warsaw and the Department of Management at The University of Tokyo. Scholarship holder of the Japan Foundation and the Japanese Ministry of Education. He conducts research on Japanese management, human resource management, and management in local branches of multinational companies. In 2012, he participated in international comparative research under the Ministry of Learning project on effective learning practices in public institutions.

In 2018, he went on an 8-month sabbatical at the Faculty of Management at the University of Tokyo funded by the Japanese Studies Fellowship Program. The purpose of the trip was to research the longevity of Japanese companies and develop continuity theory in collaboration with Prof. Toshio Goto from our partner university the Japan University of Economics. At the same time, together with colleagues from Hosei University, he summarized a 3-year research project on the hybridization of Japanese companies in Central and Eastern Europe.

Over the course of 8 months, he visited 30 companies and corporate museums, participated in 15 scientific seminars, delivered 11 papers, wrote 9 cases, and wrote the article "Measuring Change in Hybrid Factories: Longitudinal Study of Japanese Manufacturing Subsidiaries in Poland" which is the result of the research. The publication was awarded by Palgrave Macmillan and AJBS for the best research paper at the combined Association of Japanese Business Studies (AJBS) and Academy of International Business (AIB) conference in Copenhagen.

He is the author of the monograph "Does Culture Matter? HRM in Japanese Factories in Poland" and "Japanese Hybrid Factories in Poland and Central and Eastern Europe. From Socialism to Industry 4.0 " as well as many scientific articles and chapters in monographs. 

An expert in Management from Kozminski University. In his academic work, he studies the influence of cultural aspects on the way companies are managed. He is particularly interested in the topics of business history, Japanese management, and management in local branches of multinational companies. He is passionate about the culture of Asia, and Japan in particular. He conducts research projects on Japanese investment in Central and Eastern Europe and comparative studies of the continuity of the oldest companies in Poland and Japan. He was the head of a research project funded by the National Science Center and a contractor in the LEADER project funded by the NCBiR.

Member of many scientific and professional organizations, including the Association of Japanese Business Studies, the European Association for Japanese Studies, and the Japan Academy of International Business Studies. Plenipotentiary of the Rector for the Internal Quality Assurance System, Director of the Quality Office at Kozminski University.

Bogusława Białowarczuk

Ms. Bogusława Białowarczuk has been associated with the Foundation since 2010. As part of her duties, she deals with accounting and settlement of funds raised by the Foundation and financial reporting.

She is a graduate of Finance and Accounting at Kozminski University. She derives a lot of pleasure from reading a good book or watching a movie with her family.

Foundation Board

prof. dr hab. Grzegorz Mazurek

Prof. Grzegorz Mazurek is the Rector of Kozminski University, and a titular professor specializing in the topics of digital transformation strategies of organizations, e-commerce, and e-marketing. He is particularly interested in the changes that digitization processes bring about in the higher education sector. He is also the Director of the Digital Transformation Research Center - CYBERMAN, a member of the International Cooperation Committee of the CRASP, a member of the EFMD Advisory Board for the Central and Eastern European region, and a member of the Board of Directors of the Forum Management Education Association. Since 2020, he has served as President of the International Advisory Board of the French university ISC Paris. In 2016-18 he was a member of the Digitization Council of the Minister of Digitization. 

His achievements include dozens of English and Polish-language chapters, scientific articles, and books published in, among others: Cambridge University Press, Emerald Publishing, Routledge, European Management Journal, and Business Horizons, He is the author of the book "Digital Transformation" (PWN, 2019) and the editor and co-author of the textbook "E-marketing - planning, tools and practice" (Poltext, 2018), awarded by the Polish Academy of Sciences.

From 2012 to 2020, he served at Kozminski University as Vice-Rector for Foreign Cooperation, responsible for the university's internationalization strategy and marketing. He is also the coordinator of the Kozminski MBA Digital Transformation program and postgraduate studies related to the digital economy: Internet Marketing, E-commerce, Digital Business Transformation, and Industry 4.0 Manager.

Visiting professor at such centers as ESCP Europe, SKEMA Business School and École de Management de Normandie (France), ISCTE (Portugal), Nottingham Trent University (UK), Soongsil University (South Korea), Universidad del Pacifico (Peru), University of Reykjavik (Iceland). 

In 2015, awarded the LUMEN statuette presented to university management leaders. In 2017 honored with the Eduinspirator (FRSE) statuette for those who are active in the field of education, contributing to positive changes in the environment. In 2020, honored with the Star of Internationalization award in the Research category presented by the "Perspectives" foundation.

Beata Lech

Ms. Beata Lech has been associated with Kozminski University since 2006, where she is responsible for the University's finances. She has been a member of the Supervisory Board of Kozminski Business Hub Sp. z o.o. since 2018. From 2020 to 2022, she was a trustee of the Kozminski Foundation. 

Privately, she loves traversing mountain trails by bicycle, and long walks with her family and her dog Munir, adopted from the Milanowek Shelter. She loves traveling, visiting unusual places, monuments, and museums. She enjoys reading detective stories and watching French comedies.

Prof. Witold T. Bielecki

 Head of the Department of Quantitative Methods and IT Applications. Former rector of Kozminski University (2011 - 2020), currently Chairman of its Board of Trustees. Former Chairman of the Conference of Rectors of Non-Public Academic Universities.

Author of 3 books, over 80 articles in Polish and foreign scientific journals, co-author of two computer simulation management games (MANAGER and ADMINIST) and a multimedia package for training entrepreneurs. He managed large international and national projects. He lectured at universities in the USA and Great Britain, among others. He is a co-founder and lecturer of the Executive MBA program in Minsk (IPM BY).

Member of the Consultative Council for Foreign Economic Policy at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Member of scientific organizations: International Simulation and Gaming Association (ISAGA), Association for Business Simulation & Experimental Learning (ABSEL), Association for Business Simulation and Experiential Learning (ABSEL). Member of accreditation committees: AACSB, EQUIS and IQA and IREG Observatory on Academic Ranking and Excellence. He was a member of the boards of The European Fundation for Management Development (EFMD) and Euro*MBA.

Currently he is a member of the Management Board of the International Association for Management Development in Dynamic Societies (CEEMAN) and the Supervisory Board of the Polish Educational Union. He sat on the supervisory boards of such companies as Bank BGZ, PZU, ZBM Investor, PTR Development, EnergoPlazma. For many years an active participant of the Economic Systems Simulation School. Member of many chapters related to awarding achievements in business, management and education.

His research interests include: IT, managerial (business) simulation games, simulation modeling, operational management, decision support systems and entrepreneurship in virtual environment. He is involved in academic sport. Academic vice-champion of the country of sports bridge in pairs - together with Przemysław Janiszewski (2019).


Prof. Robert Rządca

Deputy Rector of Kozminski University, Vice Rector for Research and Personnel Development. Co-founder of the Higher School of Entrepreneurship and Management, currently Kozminski University. Between 1993-2015 Deputy Chairman of the Board of Trustees of ALK.

Head of the Negotiations Department. Chairman of the Committee for Accreditation of The Human Resources Excellence in Research and the Council for Academic Staff Development. Since 2011 member of the Research Council. Long-term research and didactic employee of ALK and the University of Warsaw. He has completed internships at Harvard University and DePaul University, among others.

Specializes in negotiations, strategic management, research and development management. An experienced mediator.

He was the scientific supervisor of more than two hundred diploma projects at the Executive MBA studies. He has conducted over one hundred and twenty consulting and training projects for such organizations as: Netia, NBP, Gaz System, M. st. Warszawa, Metro Group, PKN Orlen, Medicover, LOT, PZU, KGHM. He is an expert in implementing the concept of Industry 4.0 in enterprises. He is the author and co-author of several dozen articles in scientific journals and two monographs - Negotiations, 1997 (together with Paweł Wujec) and Negotiations in Business, 2004.

Co-founder and Vice President of the Management Board in Scott Tiger SA, an IT company offering tailor-made solutions for telecommunications, insurance and banking. Member of the Supervisory Board of K2 Internet SA. And Omig S.A.

Ireneusz Piecuch
Piotr Nguyen Słowiński


Kozminski Foundation Jagiellońska Street 57/59, 03-301 Warsaw, room A16. KRS: 0000217541

email: fundacja@kozminski.edu.pl

Foundation account numbers: Account number of the Kozminski Foundation in PLN: 14 2130 0004 2001 0673 5369 0001 SWIFT: VOWAPLP1

Kozminski Foundation account number in EUR: PL68 1090 2590 0000 0001 4986 4743 SWIFT/BIC CODE: WBKPPLPP

Edyta Siuda