Poland, Warsaw, Kozminski - a Place of Opportunity!

Poland, Warsaw, Kozminski - a Place of Opportunity!

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Project deadline
01.06.2021 – 31.05.2022
188 060,31 PLN

The Project is financed by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange from national resources (Welcome to Poland Program 2020)


Despite intensive efforts, Poland is not often considered as a primary destination for international students and researchers.

The proposed activities are a response to the above challenges, but also an element of KU's promotion, showing innovativeness, professionalism, and high quality of transferred knowledge. Thus, the project contributes to building a positive image of Poland and higher education among foreign students and academics as a place of attractive educational opportunities.

Thanks to the created video material and the conducted international conference, we will be able to show those aspects of Poland/Warsaw/KU, which will allow the recipients to learn about the advantages of our country and to build an opinion about the University as a place of broad development and educational opportunities.


THE TARGET GROUP of the project are:

I. international community interested in fulfilling educational and research needs in Poland

  • potential candidates for bachelor's, master's, post-graduate and doctoral studies in Poland from countries such as: Ukraine, Belarus, USA, Great Britain, Italy, Portugal
  • scientists interested in taking up activities or employment in Poland;

II. participants of the European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC) 2021 - 100 persons from such countries as: Germany, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Romania, Hungary, Croatia, Austria, Lithuania, Belgium, France, Russia.


As part of the project we have foreseen the following ACTIVITIES:

1. Production and editing of a 5-minute promotional film "Poland, Warsaw, Kozminski - a Place of Opportunity", consisting of 4 ACTIVES dedicated to Poland, Warsaw, the Kozminski University and Polish science - using insights from EMAC participants and marketing experts.

2. the holding of EMAC 2021 conference and the official premiere of the film (Acts 1-3) during the event.

3. dissemination of the film "Poland, Warsaw, Kozminski - a Place of Opportunity" and post-conference materials in KU communication channels as well as EMAC association channels - website, mailing to association members.


1. 1 video with possibility to divide into 4 thematic segments

2. organisation of the European Marketing Academy Conference 2021 in Warsaw

3. post-conference publication - ebook and 150 copies of the paper version

4. 15 podcasts presenting the results of marketing research

Achievement of the project's objective will have a long-term positive impact on raising awareness of modern Poland, and thus Warsaw and KU, as an important player on the European arena. It will contribute to an increased interest in joint research projects, new international partnerships, entrusting KU with the organisation of further major international conferences, as well as an increase in the number of foreign students, which is a key element in the internationalisation of the University.

1. Materiał filmowy z możliwością podzielenia na 4 segmenty tematyczne

2. Organizacja European Marketing Academy Conference 2021 w Warszawie

3. Publikacja pokonferencyjna – ebook oraz 150 egzemplarzy wersji papierowej

Extending Boundaries: The Impact of the Digital World on Consumers and Marketing – publikacja dostępna w:

Link do publikacji umieszczono również:

  • w grupie na FB Polscy naukowcy w dziedzinie nauk o zarzadzaniu (grupa zamknięta), która ma 830 członków, 
  • na stronie na FB EMAC Regional Conference (789 uczestników konferencji regionalnych EMAC)

Wersja drukowana książki została wysłana do bibliotek w ramach wysyłki obowiązkowej. 3 egzemplarze znajdują się w Bibliotece ALK

Inne posty o publikacji:

4. 15 podcastów prezentujących wyniki badań marketingowych