Multiple migrations: Quantitative data approach

Multiple migrations: Quantitative data approach

Principal Investigator
dr hab. Justyna Salamońska
Overall budget
620 160 PLN
Project duration
Funded by
National Science Centre 2020/37/B/HS4/01350 OPUS

MultiData is a research project which aims to provide a fine-tuned picture of international movements, focusing on multiple migrations (involving people who lived in two or more countries outside of their country of origin). MultiData will provide evidence on multiple migrations using a quantitative approach. To do so, the project will utilise two kinds of quantitative datasets. First, the evidence from social surveys will be used to examine the volume of multiple migrations and their geographies. The social survey data will also allow studying to what extent multiple migrants differ from other migrants, that is, do multiple migrants possess more or fewer resources than other migrants? What is more, while traditional data sources, such as registers and surveys, shed light on some aspects of multiple migrations, there are new sources of data, which hold a potential to tell us a more comprehensive story about how the multiple migrants move between various places across time. The project will use big data on academics and footballers, to map the trajectories of international movement, return and settlement among the two professional groups. However, use of various data sources does not remain without challenges, and this is also a task for the MultiData, to assess these different data sources and to what extent various data can help us to understand the multiple migrations.

The project will be implemented in cooperation with scientists from Austria and France. The results of the MultiData project will be described in five journal articles regarding multiple migrations and migration research using quantitative methods. The project team will also present the project results at international conferences. In addition to academic publications, MultiData will provide material for public debates on migration, leading to a more diverse and realistic understanding of migration.

Principal Investigator of the research project

Multiple migrations: Quantitative data approach

announces a call no. 1/949/2022 for a National Science Centre Scholarship


Mandatory requirements (Verified on the basis of information provided in the CV, in the submitted documents)

The candidate for the scholarship should meet the conditions set out in Regulations for awarding NCN scholarships for NCN-funded research projects, Annex to Resolution No. 25/2019 of the NCN Council (Hereinafter referred to as “Regulations”)

Additional requirements (Verified on the basis of information provided in the CV, and during the interview)

  • Status of a Master or PhD student in the field of social sciences or information technology or interdisciplinary studies or big data (preferred)
  • proficiency in English,
  • experience in big data analyses, data visualisation etc.
  • experience using Python or similar software,
  • familiarity with ethical and other challenges related to big data research,
  • experience of working in a team

Duties and responsibilities will include

  • supporting PI in working with big data in relation to international careers,
  • identification of relevant big data referring to selected professions that can be utilised in migration-related analyses (e.g. ORCID bibliometric data for analyses of migrations of academics),
  • gaining access to the datasets (identification of conditions of access etc.),
  • data preparation and cleaning,
  • analyses focusing on mapping international career trajectories for academics and/or other professional groups etc.,
  • participation in dissemination of the project (conferences presentations, co- and single-author academic papers, website materials).

Terms of awarding a scholarship

  • Scholarship period (taking into account the conditions set out in the Regulations): 7 months,
  • Monthly scholarship amount: 2850,00 PLN gross,
  • Starting date (at earliest): January 2023.

Required documents

  • Scanned copy of student status confirmation (valid ID or certificate) – Msc, PhD;
  • CV in Polish or in English, proving the applicant’s familiarity with the required software, experience, skills, and abilities.

Information on the recruitment process

Recruitment procedure

Submission of documents

Scans of the Required documents listed above, should be sent to by 29.12.2022 23:59 (PDF preferred)

Please state in the email subject line following text: NCN scholarship no. 1/949/2022


The Recruitment Committee will conduct an interview with candidates who meet the Mandatory Requirements and have sent a complete set of Required Documents.


The decision is planned to be announced by January 15, 2022.

The results of the call will be published on the website of the Kozminski University. 

The  decision  of  the  recruitment  committee  cannot  be  appealed against.

The rules of the call and candidates evaluation are set out Regulations for awarding NCN scholarships for NCN-funded research projects, Annex to Resolution No. 25/2019 of the NCN Council (

The  recruitment  committee  shall  review  proposals  for  NCN  scholarships  taking  into account their  completeness and compliance  with  the terms set out in the call announcement. 

Additional Informations

If you have any questions regarding the project and the content of the recruitment notice, please send them to the Principal Investigator, Professor Justyna Salamońska,

The research project: Multiple migrations: Quantitative data approach is funded by National Science Centre under an agreement no. UMO-2020/37/B/HS4/01350

This is to inform you that by submitting your job application, you give your consent for your personal data provided in your application to be processed by Kozminski University, ul. Jagiellońska 59, 03-301 Warsaw for the purpose of the recruitment process managed by Kozminski University, as part of a single recruitment process aimed to let you apply for the position named in the job notice, throughout the duration of the recruitment process, and - in the case of persons who are not offered position, their data will be stored for a period of 3 months from the end date of the recruitment process.

Annex 1 – Notification obligation GDPR

Uprzejmie informujemy, że w wyniku konkursu (nr 1/949/2022) na stypendium naukowe Narodowego Centrum Nauki w projekcie badawczym „Migracje wielokrotne: Podejście ilościowe” (nr 2020/37/B/HS4/01350) ogłoszonego 15.11.2022 r. przez Kierownik projektu prof. ALK dr hab. Justynę Salamońską, wybrana została Pani Nathalie Dworaczek.

Prof. Justyna Salamońska