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BSIS certification
In June 2020, Kozminski University was awarded the Business School Impact System (BSIS) certification, which demonstrates the awardee’s impact on their societal and economic environment. Our university was the only one from Poland to be featured among the awarded 50 business schools from 17 countries.
The certification, established by an international foundation supporting the development of managerial education – EFMD – assesses the impact of business schools on their immediate environments. It is defined as a local market in seven aspects: financial, educational, business development, intellectual, ecosystem development, societal, and image.
BSIS experts estimated the value of KU’s financial impact alone to amount to 200 million euro per year. This includes e.g. the university’s expenditure on research and development projects and employers’ investments in our graduates. The regional impact of the university as a provider of skilled employees, an organiser of opportunities to exchange of ideas and promote responsible civic attitudes was also taken into account, just like its commitment to a sustainable economy and care for human health and the natural environment.
The award of the certification was certainly motivated by the fact that KU was featured in the first edition of the Positive Impact Rating (PIR), announced in January 2020 during the World Economic Forum in Davos, among 30 business schools from across the world – and the only one from Poland.
Find out more here.

Positive Impact Rating for Business Schools
Kozminski University is in the first edition the Positive Impact Rating (PIR) as one of 30 business schools in the world and the only one from Poland. The rating was announced in January 2020 during the World Economic Forum in Davos.
The Positive Impact Rating is a list of the best business universities in terms of their social responsibility and concern for sustainable development, conducted by and for students. Students from top business schools around the world have evaluated their schools for their positive impact on the world, which goes beyond their contribution to business and the economy.
Each of 50 universities from the top rankings of Financial Times Masters in Management 2018 (including the 20th place in this ranking) and Corporate Knights Green MBA (CK) were invited to participate in the rating. The analysis included responses from 2.5 thousand students from 51 universities. 30 universities were considered to be the most advanced in exerting positive influence in 7 defined areas. The rating was developed in cooperation with an international group of professors, international organisations (UN Global Compact, WWF, OXFAM) and student associations (AIESEC, Oikos, Net Impact).
More information about the PIR rating and the final report of the survey here.