Discover us and be yourself in Poland!

Discover us and be yourself in Poland!

Project duration
02.05.2022 – 30.04.2023
227 441,00 PLN

The project is co-financed by the European Social Fund under the Operational Programme Knowledge Education Development, a non-competition project entitled: ”Increasing competencies of the academic staff and  the institutions' potential to receive people from abroad - Welcome to Poland (Action 3.3 Internationalization of Polish higher education) and  described in the application form no. POWR.03.03.00-00-PN14/18.

The main objective of the project is enhancing institutional capacity of KU for the service of students and staff from abroad, through the following actions:

  • Training support for university administrative staff
  • Comprehensive adaptation programs for foreign students
  • Access to digitized publications (e-books) for foreign doctoral students and academic staff

THE TARGET GROUP of the project are:

  • 1291 foreign students
  • 29 foreign doctoral students and academic staff
  • 20 administrative employees

As part of the project we have planned the following ACTIVITIES:

  • Trainings for administrative staff
  • Preparation of multimedia onboarding materials
  • Realisation of comprehensive adaptation programs for foreign students
  • Purchase of digital publications (e-books)


  • 5 multimedia onboarding materials (short films) for foreign students
  • 3 trainings for administrative staff – KU employees will learn methods of attractive and efficient communication geared to the needs of foreign students
  • 2 cultural workshops,  2 occasional and adaptation events, 14 International Days, 6 urban games, 3 Warsaw Tours – foreign students will adapt more easily to the new academic reality
  • New digital publications – doctoral students will receive access to most recent foreign publications.

Achieving the project's objective will have a long-term, positive impact on building the University`s prestige , contributing to the increased interest of foreign students, doctoral candidates who are applying to the Doctoral School and scientists carrying out research activities which is a key element in internationalization of a university.