Wymiana międzynarodowa - studenci wyjeżdżający

Zrównoważony rozwój organizacji

Get ready and enjoy your international exchange experience at its fullest!

Recruitment process

Prepare yourself to apply to exchange program by:

1. Checking all available information regarding study exchange and application process;

2. Getting familiar with the list of partner universities and their individual requirements for Incoming students (such as language proficiency, formal documentation etc., presented within Description and Language Requirements sections);

3. Collecting all the required documents which will be needed during the completion of the application form: - CV - Motivational letter (with focus on why you would like to participate in exchange program) - Confirmation of English proficiency level (minimum required level is B2) - official certificate/confirmation from KU Foreign Language Center** ** In case you don’t have any English certificate, you can either:

a) Ask your English teacher to sign for you the Declaraction of English level - download the template and get it signed, or

b) Take an English exam organized by International Relations Office (December/January).

Apply online to participate in exchange program at my.kozminski.edu.pl -> Study Exchange -> Application to Erasmus Exchange Program

1. Choose universities you wish to apply to (up to 10) and think what is the order of your preference.

Remember to choose only those universities which you are really interested in. After submitting your application and announcing the results it won’t be possible to change the university. In case you won’t be satisfied with the assigned university, you will have to resign from your result or exchange program within the given resignation deadline.

2. Make sure that you meet the language requirements of each university chosen by you. To do that: -    Check the language requirements in Erasmus Universities Search: this information can be found on partner institution’s profile and in fact sheet (if available) on Campuses after logging in; -    Check the language requirements on partner institution’s website. If no information is available, you can also reach out to partner university directly.

FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTION and complete the application online !



Check the list of students qualified to the exchange program during the 2024/25 academic year.

The next steps of the procedure are as following: 1.    Once the results are announced, students have 5 working days to resign (free of charge); 2.    When the result is final, changes of the host university are no longer possible. The resignation from exchange program remains possible, however then it requires a payment of 500 PLN within 1 month to your students’ subaccount. 3.    Nomination - in March-April KU IRO nominates you to partner University (your KU email address will be provided);  4.    Admission process - Partner university will contact you via email and inform about admission process to be completed by you with partner university. You will be provided with all details of the process such as requirements and deadlines together with the academic schedules, list of offered courses etc. (min. 1 month from the nomination, depending on your exchange semester contact from your hosting university may differ in time); 5.    The time in between shall be used to the factsheet (Campuses list – you have to be logged in on the website with your student account) and information for exchange incoming students on the Partner university website; (please note that you are required to meet deadlines presented by partner university and fulfill all requirements of application process);  6.    Keep in touch with the Host university in case of any organizational questions.  

Czynniki kulturowe i zaufanie

Before mobility

1. Nomination to partner university - is done by IRO Coordinators directly. Each student receives a confirmation email once the nomination is submitted. From then on, students should expect to receive further details from your host university.  Remember to regularly check your Kozminski mailbox, including Spam folder. Meanwhile check the partner university’s website as well as their fact sheet available via Campuses search at my.kozminski (remember to log in first) to find more details and useful information such as application deadline and the list of documents required by the host university.

! Please kindly note as well that at the moment of submitting your application to your Host University you are officially becoming student of that University. All questions pertaining to documents required by Host University, application, accommodation, study plan, etc. should be directed there.

We encourage you to check the website of your Host University (part for Incoming Erasmus Students) to find more information.

Further formalities on the side of KU: 1.    After receiving the list of courses from hosting university, discuss courses for your exchange program (the courses you want to enroll at the Host university) with your KU Vice-Dean, then fill in the document called Learning Agreement (LA). The LA will be available at my.kozminski platform.  2.    Student's program differences (the subjects that you will have to take after returning to KU in case the program at the Host university does not match all KU courses) will be presented in the Individual Organization Studies (IOS) - the document which is issued and needs to be signed online, together with the LA. 3.    Only completed and signed by all sides of the process (Student, KU Vice-Dean, Partner University) LA and IOS will enable you to start formalities related to Erasmus scholarship (all students selected to European Union destinations will receive an Erasmus+ scholarship). Your LA has to be signed online before departure, by all 3 required parties. 4. Once LA is completed and adequate E+ budget is assigned by KU Outgoing Coordinator, students receive an email notification connected to the possibility of completing financial application via my.kozminski platform. Completing it online is mandatory to have the grant agreement prepared and ready to be signed online. ** Students going to NON-EU destinations will not receive Erasmus+ scholarship. In case of potentially available scholarships, students will be informed by separated email (if scholarship for a particular country is actually available).   


Learning Agreement Before Mobility - preparation step by step

Get yourself familiar with the instruction how to correctly complete the Learning Agreement at my.kozminski platform.  

In order to fill out the Learning Agreement (LA) on my.kozminski – Before Mobility part:  

  1.  First you will need receive the list of courses offered to you for the semester of your stay from host university;
  2.  Once received, discuss with the Vice Dean the list of courses which you will be attending during your Exchange program along with their equivalents at KU and possible program differences (if any). In case of any program differences, agree with the Vice-Dean the form and deadline of completing the program differences;
  3.  Basing on your discussion with the Vice Dean, introduce arranged course matching to your account in myKominski (adequate instruction is presented above) and submit your Student Mobility (SM) for approval (in case you do not see the LA available to be completed on your my.kozminski account in the relevant tab, please make sure that the view list is correctly set - check the instruction for view details);
  4.  Once your SM has been accepted by the Vice-Dean, let us know in order to generate 2 documents in the system:

LA – Learning Agreement (list of course matching) IOS - Individual Organization of Studies (list of program differences)

Make sure who is the person at hosting university responsible for signing your LA as we will need this information (name & surname, email) from you at this stage.

We will send out both documents through the system to your mail and other parties to be signed electronically:

LA – has to be e-signed by student, host university, Vice-Dean

IOS – has to be e-signed by student, Vice-Dean

All parties will receive an email notification with the link (separate link to sign your LA and IOS). Both documents have to be signed electronically by all parties before your exchange. Once all parties sign each document, final version of fully signed document in .pdf file will be sent to your mail (this step finalizes the whole process).


Other formalities: insurance & visa

INSURANCE - please make sure that you purchase an insurance for your exchange stay that covers:

- unexpected occurrences (including the costs for transporting human remains)

- unforeseen events, including loss or damage of contents and valuables

- medical expenses, especially for COVID related treatment and hospitalization

These are the recommendations of the National Erasmus Agency for students going abroad.

European Union citizens, going to study in Europe, will need also EHIC - European Health Insurance Card (EKUZ - Europejska Karta Ubezpieczenia Zdrowotnego).


VISAS – in case you need visa for your exchange stay, please ask hosting University for the admission letter that will help you in the visa process.

Since visa regulations varies depending on country, your first approach should be Consulate of your exchange destination where you will receive all details regarding required documents.

We encourage you also to check the website of your Partner University (part for Incoming Erasmus Students) where a lot of useful information might be available or direct contact with coordinator of your stay at partner University.

In case you have any doubts concerning need of visa in your case, please check your status with the proper Consulate.

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Grant agreements arrangements

EU destinations

Grant agreement will be prepared for you once your Learning Agreement and IOS have been approved by Vice-dean and signed by all 3 parties (Vice-dean at KU + You + Partner University). The amount of the scholarship will depend on: - The country where you go (Europe is divided into 3 financial regions) and - The number of days you will spend on your exchange.

Only once the LA and IOS have been approved and signed, you will receive a confirmation email connected to the scholarship preparation and get access to “Prepare Scholarship” button on my.kozminski.

You will be asked to provide us with: bank details (name of the bank, swift, EUR account number) and the exact dates of your mobility (PLEASE ASK YOUR HOSTING UNIVERSITY WHAT DATES THEY WILL CONFIRM IN THE FINAL CONFIRMATION OF STAY - it is extremely important to know the official dates of your stay as they will make the content of the grant agreement and will be used to calculate exact amount of scholarship).

Along with the grant agreement you will receive access to OLS English test which is obligatory part of the Erasmus+ mobility. You will be obliged to make the OLS test at the beginning of the exchange and save the proof of the result.

The grant agreement is signed electronically in my.kozminski. You will receive to your KU email the information from the system when the grant agreement is ready to be signed.  

Scholarship rates/group

Group 1: Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden and regional countries 1-12  i 14 [1] 670 EUR/month

Group 2: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, France, Greece, Spain, the Netherlands, Malta, Germany, Portugal, Italy and countries in the region 13 [1] 670 EUR/month

Group 3: Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Republic of North Macedonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia Turkey, Hungary 600 EUR/month

[1] According to the Erasmus+ Program Guide, regions 1-12

[1] Region 14 countries: Faroe Islands, Switzerland, United Kingdom Faroe Island, Switzerland, United Kingdom

[1] Region 13 countries: Andorra, Monaco, San Marino, Vatican City.

Find out more about the rates here.


NON-EU destinations

Due to the fact that the number of scholarships available for NON-EU destinations is strictly limited, there will be conducted a separated selection process of students who will receive the scholarship.

The selection will be based on following factors:

1. student is already nominated to partner university and has completed the application process at host institution;

2. student's Learning Agreement and IOS are signed by all required parties digitally (LA - student, Vice-dean, Host university; IOS - student and Vice-dean);

3. total points from the exchange application, submitted during the recruitment process conducted at KU;

4. motivational letter from the exchange application.

The Selection Committee will:

1. contact all students eligible to apply for the scholarship via email;

2. ask students to complete an online form/survey connected to the process - only those application submitted correctly and within a scheduled deadline (17-23.06.2024) will be taken under consideration in the selection process;

3. announce the results of the applications during the first week of July.

Currently there are available 5 scholarship for NON-EU destination, each of 700 EUR/month.

Once you are granted with the scholarship, you will be asked to provide us with: bank details (name of the bank, swift, EUR account number) and the exact dates of your mobility (PLEASE ASK YOUR HOSTING UNIVERSITY WHAT DATES THEY WILL CONFIRM IN THE FINAL CONFIRMATION OF STAY - it is extremely important to know the official dates of your stay as they will make the content of the grant agreement and will be used to calculate exact amount of scholarship).

Along with the grant agreement you will receive access to OLS English test which is obligatory part of the Erasmus+ mobility. You will be obliged to make the OLS test at the beginning of the exchange and save the proof of the result.

The grant agreement is signed electronically in my.kozminski. You will receive to your KU email the information from the system when the grant agreement is ready to be signed.

During the mobility

Before you start completing the LA During Mobility, get yourself familiar with the instruction.

  • At this stage you should already have both documents signed: LA Before Mobility and IOS. Remember that the only acceptable form is LA and IOS signed through myKozminski platform (if you have received your LA in .pdf file to your KU mailbox from the system, it means that the document has been accepted by your Vice-Dean as well as fully signed by all three parties of the process).
  • In case there have been any changes in the list of your courses or program differences (due to different circumstances: time clashes, the course has been closed, etc.), you have to introduce changes to the Learning Agreement as well using During Mobility part on my.kozminski. In case you don’t introduce changes to LA During it may influence the process of recognizing your exchange and in worst case scenario we may not even be able to recognize your exchange semester.

The LA During has to be completed within 30 days from the start of your exchange. In case the changes occurred later, introduce them as soon as possible but not later than after the end of your exchange. IT WON’T BE POSSIBE TO INTRODUCE CHANGES TO THE LA DURING AFTER FINISHING YOUR EXCHANGE.

  • Remember that after introducing changes to During Mobility part, they still need to be accepted in the system by the Vice-dean and the LA During has to be signed by You, Vice-dean and your Host University (procedure exactly the same as for Before Mobility part of LA). Only once done, the formalities related to During Mobility part are completed.
  • In case there are no changes to your list of courses and program differences from Before Mobility Part – DON’T COMPLETE THE DURING MOBILITY PART.

Learning Agreement During Mobility - preparation step by step

How to introduce changes to your LA in brief: 1)    Discuss with the Vice Dean the changes you plan to make.  2)    Basing on your discussion with the Vice Dean, introduce arranged changes to your account on my.kominski (instruction above) and submit LA during for approval. 3)    Once your SM has been accepted by the Vice-Dean (you will receive email notification from the system), contact your KU coordinator (EU – Paulina Ufa, non-EU – Michał Godlewski) to let them know that your LA During can be sent out for signatures. 4)    Coordinators will generate request for electronic signature of your LA During and will send signature transaction through Conga system to signers: student, Vice-dean and host university. 5)    Signature transaction will be sent to you as a first signer for the document, once you sign the document, it will be sent to the next recipient (Vice-Dean and finally partner University. 6)    Only if you receive During Mobility LA in .pdf file to your KU mailbox from the system, the procedure has been completed and fully signed by all three parties of the process.

! IMPORTANT to remember in the process !

- Make sure with your host university who is the person responsible for signing your LA (name&surname, email address to send your LA for signature). - Once your During Mobility Part has been accepted by the Vice-Dean, you have to inform your coordinator in IRO (Paulina Ufa or Michał Godlewski) to send out the document for signatures (it does not happen automatically, without knowing from you that your LA has been already accepted by Vice-Dean we will not be able to forward the document for signatures). - Only a fully signed document proves that the process has been finalized. Bring the final version of During Mobility part of LA to a closure - it is your responsibility in the process. - Remember to introduce changes in the list of courses up to 30 days from the beginning of your stay at hosting University, once your list of courses has been finally set up and there will be no further changes. If necessary, you can submit During Mobility part of LA later, but ONLY ONCE and BEFORE YOUR STAY ENDS. - Do not confuse the Before and During mobility part of your LA. Before mobility part is prepared before the beginning of your study abroad period and shows initial course matching arranged with Vice-Dean. During mobility part is meant for introducing only changes that has occurred in the list of courses from the Before mobility part during your stay at partner university. Document received in mail related to process of During mobility part will contain Before Mobility part as well. Updated list of courses from During Mobility part (courses which has been only removed or added) are visible under the Before mobility part (further in the document in its middle section). - Remember to also inform your Dean's office that you have made changes to your course list and program differences, so once you have finalized your During Mobility. - Remember that Before mobility part of LA or its update in the form of During Mobility is supposed to reflect the final list of courses taken during your exchange stay and for which a transcript of grades will be issued by partner university.  


After the mobility | recognition of the exchange program

The process of exchange recognition: 

•    Bring the confirmation of stay (students receiving Erasmus + grant, make sure the dates are similar- up to 5 days flexibility, as on the financial contract you signed) •    Ask hosting University for transcript of records – ToR (it should cover the courses, grades, ECTS and grading scale). Make sure that your LA before mobility /and if necessary,  LA during mobility correspond with your final Transcript of records.  •    Additionally, for students receiving Erasmus + grant -> fill in EU survey sent by the EU system to your KU email  -> make sure you have done English placement test (on EU Academy) at the beginning of your exchange. All obligations are described in the Erasmus + agreement you signed at the beginning of the exchange. 

!! Please note that the documents: Confirmation of stay, ToR and OLS English test result must be introduced to my.kozminski system to after mobility part. The OLS test please insert under the “Other” documents section in After the mobility in the platform.   !! Please note that without OLS results we will not start the recognition process nor the remaining grant will be paid.    Make sure also that the status of your LA is in after mobility part. After mobility part is open once you do not make any changes to LA before and all courses from your ToR are the same as on the LA.   Once your exchange is recognized and the grades from exchange appear in KU system (check on your Virtual University), please direct your steps to your Dean’s Office in order to submit petition to verify the program differences.

Grading scale and recognition process information - please see the detailed description here.

Data protection

In the Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps programs, the European Commission is the Data Controller for personal data. The Commission, as the Data Controller, entrusts the processing of this data to the Polish National Agency. At that point, the National Agency becomes a so-called Data Processor. Subsequently, the National Agency for Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps Programs in Poland, which is the Foundation for the Development of Education (FRSE), signs grant agreements with beneficiaries, entrusting them with the processing of personal data of project participants and employees of the beneficiary organizations involved in the project. Beneficiaries, therefore, process personal data on behalf of the European Commission, through a funding agreement they sign with FRSE. ALK processes personal data under Erasmus+ agreements in accordance with applicable EU, international, and national data protection laws (in particular, Regulation 2018/17252). ALK processes personal data lawfully, fairly, and transparently concerning the individuals to whom it pertains. ALK collects personal data for specific, clear, and legally justified purposes, and they are not further processed in a manner inconsistent with those purposes. The data is adequate, relevant, and limited to what is necessary for the purposes for which it is processed. The data is accurate and, if necessary, updated, stored in a format that allows for the identification of the individuals to whom the data relates, and for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which it is processed. The data is processed in a manner that ensures appropriate data security. More information on the security of personal data processing within Erasmus+ projects can be found here.

Paulina Ufa

Koordynator wymiany studentów wyjeżdżających

Współpracuje z koordynatorem instytucjonalnym Programu Erasmus+. Wspomaga proces aplikowania na wymianę studencką, zapewnia wsparcie podczas składania wniosków. Przesyła nominacje do uczelni partnerskich, przygotowuje dokumenty niezbędne do otrzymania wizy i ubezpieczenia.

Ewa Buczyńska

Instytucjonalny koordynator Programu Erasmus+

Odpowiada za pozyskiwanie i rozliczanie funduszy unijnych KA131 na realizację mobilności studentów i pracowników w ramach programu Erasmus+. Przygotowuje i rozlicza umowy stypendialne studentów. Monitoruje wykonywanie obowiązków przez studentów wynikających z umowy Erasmus+ w tym testów OLS na platformie EU Academy. Jest także odpowiedzialna za konwersję ocen studentów uzyskanych w uczelniach zagranicznych na system polski na podstawie dokumentacji przesłanej z europejskich uczelni partnerskich. Wnioskuje o dodatkowe fundusze w ramach Erasmus+ dla studentów z mniejszymi szansami.

Sylwia Kuszmierek

Koordynator Mobilności Studentów 

Wspiera proces rekrutacji oraz nominacji studentów, jak również realizacji wymiany długoterminowej do krajów UE oraz poza UE. Zapewnia studentom wsparcie administracyjne w uzyskaniu dokumentacji niezbędnej do wyjazdu – Learning Agreement, IOS oraz przygotowuje dokumenty niezbędne do otrzymania wizy i ubezpieczenia.