07 Listopada

International Scientific Workshop “Legal Challenges of Disruptive Technologies”



We are pleased to invite all interested scholars to submit their proposals to the second annual edition of the

International Scientific Workshop “Legal Challenges of Disruptive Technologies”,

which will be hosted by the Kozminski University in Warsaw, on November 7-8, 2024.

The workshop is organized in collaboration with the University of Palermo, Masaryk University, Cyber & Data Security Lab (Vrije Universiteit Brussel), University of Liverpool (School of Law & Social Justice), Warsaw University of Technology, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada and the AI LAW TECH Foundation.

We will explore the legal challenges posed by developing and deploying disruptive technologies, including:

· Artificial intelligence

· Robotics

· Smart contracts

· Internet of Things

· Space technology

· Quantum technology

· Neurotechnology

Our aim is to discuss the legal complexities that surround rapidly evolving technologies and to propose practical solutions for dealing with them from national, international or comparative perspectives.

The deadline for the submission of an extended abstract or full paper is September 7th, 2024.

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Have organizational questions contact:
Biuro Organizacji Konferencji/ Conference Office