Staff Week


Staff Week 2025

June 23-27

Thinking of the huge impact of the Internationalization at the current higher education system, Kozminski University is pleased to announce the International Staff Week dedicated to How to Manage the Internationalization Process Effectively.

The aim of the Staff Week is to exchange ideas and our knowledge, to have fruitful discussions with colleagues from all over the world.

The program offers an excellent possibility to discuss:

  • the best practices of internationalization process
  • how to create good practices in study exchange and international internships
  • how to promote the international activities in multicultural environment
  • how to manage and increase the quality of the international client service

It will be, also, possible to get knowledge about the most prestigious international accreditations, applying to the business schools.

During the Staff Week, the workshops on the International Aspects in Higher Education are planned.

It will be a great chance to create a fruitful network between EU and non- EU universities representatives.

We hope, that interactive form of the Event will meet with acclaim and will be an additional value to the visit.


Candidate’s Profile

  • the international relations officers,
  • deans, associate deans, academic coordinators, 
  • colleagues from departments related to the internationalization
  • other colleagues, developing or implementing  strategy of internationalization.

See you in Warsaw!



Useful Information


By taxi: please use taxi, located right across the exit of the airport (do not talk to the “taxi” people, offering you a taxi lift inside the airport). It could be Itaxi or Wawa taxi. It will be around 15 euros cost to get to the center city. If you would like the hotel car to pick you up, it will be around 23 euro, so they will wait for you with your name on the table.

  • By bus:  Bus 175 will take you to the center city, where you will have a transfer to your destination.
  • By train:  train will take you to the Central Railway station (the same place as bus 175 goes), where you will have a transfer to your destination. Please buy tickets at the Kiosk inside the Airport or directly at the bus at the ticket machine (4.40 PLN –  cost around 1 euro)

The best way to find the location and way is the site for public transportation in Warsaw:

Check  the way on right side of the page putting the start point and destination

The tram 18 (from the Center City stop Centrum towards Żeran FSO) or the tram 20 (from metro station Ratusz Arsenal towards Żeran FSO)

Please, get off on Pimot  stop and  go about 100 meters toward blue building on your left side,  which is building D of Kozminski University.

Information for Programme countries Participants


1) Please send us your registration form available below the link. Deadline for applications – 31st March 2025

2) By April 15th, you will get personal information by e-mail, if you are accepted.

3) If you need any kind of document, confirming your participation in KU Staff Week, please contact us at:

4) During last day of the Event, the members of the Staff Week will receive the Certificates of Participation.

5) All participants, who are Erasmus+ scholarship holders, shall complete and submit the online EU Survey after the mobility abroad within 30 calendar days upon receipt of the invitation to complete it.

6) The organizational cost is”

  • 130 EURO per participant from Partner Universities,
  • 200 EURO per participant from Non-Partner Universities,

to be transferred to:

Bank Name: Bank Millennium SA Bank Account number:  PL 22 1160 2202 0000 0000 3260 4533 SWIFT Code: BIGBPLPWXXX Title of the transfer: International Staff Week [Name and Last Name of the participant]

The original invoice will be given during the event along with the Certificates.

Participants, who fail to complete and submit the online EU Survey may be required partially or fully reimburse the financial support received

Information for Partner countries Participants



1) Please send us your registration form available below the link. Deadline for applications – 31st March 2025

2) By April 15th, you will get personal information by e-mail, if you are accepted.

3) The same time, the participants will receive via e-mail the sample of the Training Agreement (TA), that should be filled in, signed by the participant and the university representative (International Office representative or other supervisor) and sent as a scan, to

4) The TA will be signed by KU and send to the participant.

5) The participants will receive via e-mail a sample of the Financial Agreement (FA), to be signed by the participants and send back to

6) The FA will be signed by KU and send to the participant back.

7) The participants who submit: TA, FA, will receive the scholarship for the mobility period, according to the amount of the scholarship fixed by UE (100% of the scholarship in one installment).  According to the agreement financial support will be transferred in a timely manner after the arrival of the participant.

8) During last day of the event, the members of the Staff Week will receive the Certificates of Participation.

9) The participants shall complete and submit the online EU Survey, sent automatically by the Erasmus+ system,  after the mobility within 30 calendar days upon receipt of the invitation to complete it. The Erasmus+ questionnaire is sent by EU to the participant’ e-mail given by the participant in FA and TA.

10) If you need any additional documents (for example invitation to be shown at Polish Consulate during applying for visa), please contact us at:   Participants, who fail to complete and submit the online EU Survey may be required partially or fully reimburse the financial support received

The scholarship amount will consists of two elements: living expenses and for travel expenses. Please note, that the final amount can varies.


PROJECT KA171 2023


140 EUR per day (5 days of stay + 2 days of travel)


Incoming Staff Scholarship



PROJECT KA171 2024

LIVING EXPENSES = 1036 euro 

148 EUR per day (5 days of stay + 2 days of travel)


See our previous Staff Weeks