Konsolidacja inicjatyw w zakresie otwartej nauki i danych badawczych dotyczących mniejszości etnicznych i migracyjnych w Europie

Konsolidacja inicjatyw w zakresie otwartej nauki i danych badawczych dotyczących mniejszości etnicznych i migracyjnych w Europie

Podmioty realizujące
1. Sciences Po (Lider) 2. Johannes Kepler University Linz; 3. University of Liège 4. Youngminds SRL 5. University of Neuchâtel 6. Akademia Leona Koźmińskiego
Kwota dofinansowania
974 687,00 EUR
Czas trwania
01.12.2023 – 30.11.2025
Źródło finansowania
Projekt finansowany ze środków Narodowego Centrum Nauki 2022/04/Y/HS6/00169 oraz programu CHIST-ERA ORD

Konsorcjum OPENMIN skupia badaczy i ekspertów technologicznych z sześciu krajów (Austria, Belgia, Francja, Polska, Rumunia i Szwajcaria), którzy będą współpracować w celu konsolidacji i rozbudowania szeregu inicjatyw otwartej nauki i otwartych danych badawczych, które wspierają generowanie wiedzy porównawczej i zdolności badawczych w obszarze mniejszości etnicznych i imigranckich oraz studiów migracyjnych w Europie. Projekt będzie opierał się na istniejącej współpracy i krzyżujących się inicjatywach otwartej nauki, wspieranych przez kombinację programów na szczeblu krajowym i unijnym. Celem będzie stworzenie ogólnoeuropejskiej infrastruktury, która sprawi, że badania i dane w tematyce mniejszości etnicznych i imigranckich oraz migracji będą możliwe do znalezienia, dostępne, interoperacyjne i nadające się do ponownego wykorzystania (FAIR). OPENMIN skonsoliduje i rozbuduje następujące narzędzia FAIR: (1) rejestr Ethnic and Migrant Minorities Survey Registry, (2) bank danych Ethnic and Migrant Minorities Question Data Bank, (3) bank danych Ethnic and Migrant Minorities Post-Harmonized Survey Data Bank, (4) analizy i ponowne wykorzystanie danych w ramach prowadzonego przez Nccr On the Move sondażu Migration- Mobility Survey (5) bazy IMISCOE Migration Research Hub. OPENMIN pozwoli na wzajemne uczenie się i rozwój narzędzi w kontekście międzynarodowym, poprzez koncepcję i/lub generowanie nowych narzędzi i zasobów infrastruktury otwartej nauki i otwartych danych badawczych: (1) prototyp nowego rejestru badań jakościowych w tematyce mniejszości etnicznych i imigranckich, (2) samodeponujące otwarte repozytorium danych w tematyce mniejszości etnicznych i imigranckich, (3) zbiór metadanych z ankiet przeprowadzonych z ukraińskimi migrantami i uchodźcami oraz (4) prototyp przestrzeni służącej do prostych analiz z danymi z badań mniejszości etnicznych i imigranckich. OPENMIN przyczyni się do rozwoju strategii programu otwartej nauki i otwartych danych badawczych w jednym z głównych obszarów interdyscyplinarnych i multidyscyplinarnych badań w naukach społecznych i humanistycznych w Europie: dziedzinie badań nad mniejszościami etnicznymi i imigranckimi oraz nad migracjami ogólnie. OPENMIN wygeneruje, rozbuduje i skonsoliduje kilka infrastruktur i narzędzi, które stworzą warunki do ponownego wykorzystania danych badawczych. Te infrastruktury i narzędzia w większości są zaprojektowane za pomocą możliwego do ponownego wykorzystania (i otwartego) oprogramowania lub kodu programistycznego. Są to: - Rejestr Ethnic and Migrant Minorities Survey Registry: stwarza warunki do ponownego wykorzystywania danych pochodzących z tysięcy sondaży powstałych w Europie od 2000 r. poprzez publikację szczegółowych metadanych. Architektura tego narzędzia została stworzona przy użyciu kodu programistycznego wielokrotnego użytku. - Bank danych Ethnic and Migrant Minorities Question Data Bank: stwarza warunki do ponownego wykorzystania danych z kwestionariuszy ankietowych poprzez metadane z wykorzystaniem Data Documentation Initiative Lifecycle. - Bank danych Ethnic and Migrant Minorities Post-Harmonized Survey Data Bank: stwarza warunki do ponownego wykorzystania danych z niezależnie opracowanych ankiet, które są gromadzone w jednym pliku dzięki post-harmonizacji danych (udokumentowane w kodzie otwartego dostępu). - Narzędzia opracowane przez Nccr On the Move w ramach sondażu Migration-Mobility Survey do analizy i ponownego wykorzystania danych: zapewniają warunki ponownego wykorzystania danych i ponownej analizy danych dla szerokiego grona odbiorców, z otwartym kodem wielokrotnego użytku. - Baza IMISCOE Migration Research Hub: stwarza warunki do ponownego wykorzystania szerszego zakresu badań nad migracjami poprzez szczegółową dokumentację metadanych takich jak ekspertyzy badawcze, publikacje, projekty badawcze i zbiory danych. Nowe zbiory danych, kolekcje i narzędzia, które również zostaną wygenerowane przez OPENMIN, będą zgodne z zasadami FAIR. Dodatkowo rozpoczniemy proces łączenia ich z Europejską Chmura dla Otwartej Nauki (EOSC) poprzez wprowadzenie ich do katalogu EOSC.

Principal Investigator of the research project „Consolidating Open Science and Data Initiatives on Ethnic and Migrant Minorities in Europe” announces a call no. 1/2024/1009_BAD-0076 for a National Science Centre Scholarship

The call for a National Science Centre Scholarship is announced within the framework of the research project entitled „Consolidating Open Science and Data Initiatives on Ethnic and Migrant Minorities in Europe” funded by the National Science Centre under an agreement no. UMO-2022/04/Y/HS6/00169 (within the framework of the CHIST-ERA Open & Re-usable Research Data & Software Call).

Information about the project: The project entitled “Consolidating Open Science and Data Initiatives on Ethnic and Migrant Minorities in Europe” brings together a consortium of researchers and technological experts from six countries (Austria, Belgium, France, Poland, Romania and Switzerland) that will collaborate to consolidate and expand a range of Open Science and Open Data initiatives that foster comparative knowledge generation and research capacities on Ethnic and Migrant Minorities (EMM) and Migration Studies in Europe. The project will build on existing collaborations and cross-fertilising initiatives of Open Science that have been supported by a combination of national and EU-level programmes with the aim of generating European-wide infrastructures that make research and data focusing on Ethnic and Migrant Minorities and on Migration findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable (FAIR). The project work will involve, among others, a new metadata collection on surveys conducted with Ukrainian refugees to be added to the existing EMM Survey Registry and the creation of new cross-national post-harmonized survey datasets on (1) Ukrainian refugee surveys, (2) surveys relating to the discrimination of minorities and (3) national-level surveys on the civic and political integration of EMMs.

Project description: https://www.kozminski.edu.pl/en/konsolidacja-inicjatyw-w-zakresie-otwartej-nauki-i-danych-badawczych-dotyczacych-mniejszosci-etnicznych-i-migracyjnych-w-europie


•   competence in English at the C1 level, •   competence in R and/or Stata at the intermediate level •   ability to analyze social survey data •   being a:     o   participant in a doctoral programme (within the meaning of the Act on Higher Education of 27 July 2005) or     o   doctoral candidate at a doctoral school (within the meaning of the Act on Higher Education and Science of 20 July 2018) or     o   a master's degree student at a university in Poland and willingness to commence doctoral studies/be a participant in a doctoral school,* during the course of the project.

(*) Candidates selected in this competition who, at the time of its outcome, will not have secured the status of a doctoral student or the status of a student of a doctoral seminar - subject to the approval of the relevant Commission - will have opportunity to apply to the doctoral studies programme.

Competence in Ukrainian language will be an added advantage

Duties and responsibilities will include: •  creation of the new collection of metadata of surveys on Ukrainian refugees, documentation of the metadata, •  data cleaning, coding and analysing, •  disseminating research findings, writing scientific papers, •  collaborating with the Principal Investigator, •  carrying out other tasks as requested by the Principal Investigator.

We offer: •   an opportunity to develop scientifically in a research team with a strong focus on academic skills acquisition, •   a chance to take part in international scientific conferences

Terms of awarding a scholarship: •   NCN Scholarship, paid to a scholarship recipient pursuant to a scholarship agreement; planned scholarship period: until 30th November 2025, with the possibility of prolongation by 2 months upon the agreement of the Financing Institution  to prolong the project duration. •   The amount of the scholarship depends on the tasks of a scholarship holder to be performed; the maximum amount of the scholarship planned in the project, is PLN 5000 per month

The conditions of selection of candidates and the terms of awarding a scholarship are defined in the Regulations for Awarding NCN Scholarships for NCN-Funded Research Projects, annex to Resolution No 25/2019 of the NCN Council.

Information about the recruitment process: Persons meeting the requirements and interested in the position advertised are asked to send the following required documents to the e-mail address nauka@kozminski.edu.pl by 21st January 2024. Please state in the email subject line the following text: NCN scholarship (call 1/2024/1009_BAD-0076).

The call consists of two stages. The first stage involves verifying the submitted applications by checking if they are complete and if a given candidate meets the set requirements, followed by a selection of candidates to be invited to the second stage of the call – the interview. The candidates will be selected on the basis of whether they meet the set requirements.

Written sample: Each candidate is asked to submit a written sample in English (it can be a chapter of master’s/doctoral thesis or an academic article).  

Required documents: •  a CV in Polish or in English, including and describing: the candidate’s research achievements (including publications); research-related achievements (scholarships, awards and research experience gained in Poland or abroad, research workshops and training courses, participation in research projects, conferences); the candidate’s competence to carry out tasks in the research project (including information about the level of competence in English) •  a written sample in English •  a scanned copy of a valid PhD student ID/ student ID card or a scanned copy of a certificate confirming that the candidate is a:       o participant in a doctoral programme (within the meaning of the Act on Higher Education of 27 July 2005) or       o doctoral candidate at a doctoral school (within the meaning of the Act on Higher Education and Science of 20 July 2018)       o    master's student at a university in Poland •  any documents proving the candidate’s experience and skills are welcome (for example internship or traineeship certificates, training completion certificates, testimonials etc.).

Submission of the incomplete documentation is the basis for rejection of the application during the formal evaluation.

Additional information: The recruitment committee reserves the right to: interview selected candidates only, verify the information provided by each candidate and close the call without selecting a Scholarship Recipient.

A candidate will be evaluated on the basis of the rules of evaluation stated in the Regulations for Awarding NCN Scholarships for NCN-Funded Research Projects, annex to Resolution No 25/2019 of the NCN Council.

If you have any questions regarding the project and the content of the recruitment notice, please send them to the Principal Investigator, i.e. Professor Justyna Salamońska, to the following e-mail address: jsalamonska@kozminski.edu.pl

Other questions regarding the application process may be sent to nauka@kozminski.edu.pl

The results of the call are planned to be announced by 31st January 2024

The results of the call will be published on Kozminski University’s website.

The decision of the recruitment committee cannot be appealed against.

This is to inform you that by submitting your job application, you give your consent for your personal data provided in your application to be processed by Kozminski University, ul. Jagiellońska 59, 03-301 Warsaw for the purpose of the recruitment process managed by Kozminski University, as part of a single recruitment process aimed to let you apply for the position named in the job notice, throughout the duration of the recruitment process, and - in the case of persons who are not offered position, their data will be stored for a period of 3 months from the end date of the recruitment process.

Appendix no 1 - Notification obligation GDPR

The results of the call are planned to be announced by 23rd February 2024.

The planned date of concluding the scholarship agreement is 1st March 2024.

We kindly inform that as a result of the call (call no. 1/2024/1009_BAD-0076 for a National Science Centre Scholarship) in the research project “Consolidating Open Science and Data Initiatives on Ethnic and Migrant Minorities in Europe” (no. 2022/04/Y/HS6/00169) announced 04.01.2024 by the Principal Investigator Professor Justyna Salamońska, PhD student at Kozminski University Ms. Inna Tselinko was awarded the NSC Scholarship.

Principal Investigator of the research project „Consolidating Open Science and Data Initiatives on Ethnic and Migrant Minorities in Europe” announces a call no. 2/2024/1009_BAD-0076 for a National Science Centre Scholarship

The call for a National Science Centre Scholarship is announced within the framework of the research project entitled „Consolidating Open Science and Data Initiatives on Ethnic and Migrant Minorities in Europe” funded by the National Science Centre under an agreement no. UMO-2022/04/Y/HS6/00169 (within the framework of the CHIST-ERA Open & Re-usable Research Data & Software Call).

Information about the project: The project entitled “Consolidating Open Science and Data Initiatives on Ethnic and Migrant Minorities in Europe” brings together a consortium of researchers and technological experts from six countries (Austria, Belgium, France, Poland, Romania and Switzerland) that will collaborate to consolidate and expand a range of Open Science and Open Data initiatives that foster comparative knowledge generation and research capacities on Ethnic and Migrant Minorities (EMM) and Migration Studies in Europe. The project will build on existing collaborations and cross-fertilising initiatives of Open Science that have been supported by a combination of national and EU-level programmes with the aim of generating European-wide infrastructures that make research and data focusing on Ethnic and Migrant Minorities and on Migration findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable (FAIR). The project work will involve, among others, a new metadata collection on surveys conducted with Ukrainian refugees to be added to the existing EMM Survey Registry and the creation of new cross-national post-harmonized survey datasets on (1) Ukrainian refugee surveys, (2) surveys relating to the discrimination of minorities and (3) national-level surveys on the civic and political integration of EMMs.

Project description: https://www.kozminski.edu.pl/en/konsolidacja-inicjatyw-w-zakresie-otwartej-nauki-i-danych-badawczych-dotyczacych-mniejszosci-etnicznych-i-migracyjnych-w-europie


•   competence in English at the C1 level, •   competence in R and/or Stata at the intermediate level •   ability to analyze social survey data •   being a:     o   participant in a doctoral programme (within the meaning of the Act on Higher Education of 27 July 2005) or     o   doctoral candidate at a doctoral school (within the meaning of the Act on Higher Education and Science of 20 July 2018) or     o   a master's degree student at a university in Poland and willingness to commence doctoral studies/be a participant in a doctoral school,* during the course of the project.

(*) Candidates selected in this competition who, at the time of its outcome, will not have secured the status of a doctoral student or the status of a student of a doctoral seminar - subject to the approval of the relevant Commission - will have opportunity to apply to the doctoral studies programme.

Duties and responsibilities will include: •   consolidation and expansion of the EMM Post-Harmonized Survey Data Bank, •   data cleaning, coding and analysing, •   disseminating research findings, writing scientific papers, •   collaborating with the Principal Investigator, •   carrying out other tasks as requested by the Principal Investigator.

We offer: •   an opportunity to develop scientifically in a research team with a strong focus on academic skills acquisition, •   a chance to take part in international scientific conferences

Terms of awarding a scholarship: •   NCN Scholarship, paid to a scholarship recipient pursuant to a scholarship agreement; planned scholarship period: until 30th November 2025, with the possibility of prolongation by 2 months upon the agreement of the Financing Institution  to prolong the project duration. •   The amount of the scholarship depends on the tasks of a scholarship holder to be performed; the maximum amount of the scholarship planned in the project, is PLN 5000 per month

The conditions of selection of candidates and the terms of awarding a scholarship are defined in the Regulations for Awarding NCN Scholarships for NCN-Funded Research Projects, annex to Resolution No 25/2019 of the NCN Council.

Information about the recruitment process: Persons meeting the requirements and interested in the position advertised are asked to send the following required documents to the e-mail address nauka@kozminski.edu.pl by 21st January 2024. Please state in the email subject line the following text: NCN scholarship (call 2/2024/1009_BAD-0076).

The call consists of two stages. The first stage involves verifying the submitted applications by checking if they are complete and if a given candidate meets the set requirements, followed by a selection of candidates to be invited to the second stage of the call – the interview. The candidates will be selected on the basis of whether they meet the set requirements.

Written sample: Each candidate is asked to submit a written sample in English (it can be a chapter of master’s/doctoral thesis or an academic article).  

Required documents: •   a CV in Polish or in English, including and describing: the candidate’s research achievements (including publications); research-related achievements (scholarships, awards and research experience gained in Poland or abroad, research workshops and training courses, participation in research projects, conferences); the candidate’s competence to carry out tasks in the research project (including information about the level of competence in English) •   a written sample in English •   a scanned copy of a valid PhD student ID/ student ID card or a scanned copy of a certificate confirming that the candidate is a:     o   participant in a doctoral programme (within the meaning of the Act on Higher Education of 27 July 2005) or     o   doctoral candidate at a doctoral school (within the meaning of the Act on Higher Education and Science of 20 July 2018)     o   master's student at a university in Poland •   any documents proving the candidate’s experience and skills are welcome (for example internship or traineeship certificates, training completion certificates, testimonials etc.).

Submission of the incomplete documentation is the basis for rejection of the application during the formal evaluation.

Additional information: The recruitment committee reserves the right to: interview selected candidates only, verify the information provided by each candidate and close the call without selecting a Scholarship Recipient.

A candidate will be evaluated on the basis of the rules of evaluation stated in the Regulations for Awarding NCN Scholarships for NCN-Funded Research Projects, annex to Resolution No 25/2019 of the NCN Council.

If you have any questions regarding the project and the content of the recruitment notice, please send them to the Principal Investigator, i.e. Professor Justyna Salamońska, to the following e-mail address: jsalamonska@kozminski.edu.pl

Other questions regarding the application process may be sent to nauka@kozminski.edu.pl

The results of the call are planned to be announced by 31st January 2024

The results of the call will be published on Kozminski University’s website.

The decision of the recruitment committee cannot be appealed against.

This is to inform you that by submitting your job application, you give your consent for your personal data provided in your application to be processed by Kozminski University, ul. Jagiellońska 59, 03-301 Warsaw for the purpose of the recruitment process managed by Kozminski University, as part of a single recruitment process aimed to let you apply for the position named in the job notice, throughout the duration of the recruitment process, and - in the case of persons who are not offered position, their data will be stored for a period of 3 months from the end date of the recruitment process.

Appendix no 1 - Notification obligation GDPR

The results of the call are planned to be announced by 23rd February 2024.

The planned date of concluding the scholarship agreement is 1st March 2024.

We kindly inform that as a result of the call (call no. 2/2024/1009_BAD-0076 for a National Science Centre Scholarship) in the research project “Consolidating Open Science and Data Initiatives on Ethnic and Migrant Minorities in Europe” (no. 2022/04/Y/HS6/00169) announced 04.01.2024 by the Principal Investigator Professor Justyna Salamońska, PhD student at Kozminski University Mr. Alejandro Guzman Rivera was awarded the NSC Scholarship.

dr hab. Justyna Salamońska