Women in Management. Experiences from Central and Eastern European Countries

Women in Management

Women in Management.

Experiences from Central and Eastern European Countries.


We are happy to announce a call for papers for a symposium entitled:

Women in Management. Experiences from Central and Eastern European Countries. 

The symposium will take place in December 2021 at Kozminski University, Warsaw Poland.  Chosen articles presented during the symposium can go through a fast track in Central European Management Journal. The submissions to the journal will still go through the double-blind peer review process. 

Central European Management Journal is an international scientific quarterly pertaining to management in public and private sector institutions which publishes research results and theoretical analyses and reviews.

CEMJ  appears on the list of Polish and foreign scientific journals led by the Minister of Education and Science for the parametric evaluation of the scientific units with the allocated number of points 40. CEMJ is indexed in Scopus and Web of Science (Emerging Sources Citation Index). 

Publication is free of charge. All articles published are open-access and are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs license. 

More information about the journal can be found here: https://journals.kozminski.edu.pl/journal/central-european-management-journal

The symposium is organized by Women and Diversity in Organizations Research Center at Kozminski University.


The symposium is organized by Women and Diversity in Organizations Research Center at Kozminski University.

Scientific Committee and guest editorial team:

Prof. dr hab. Dorota Dobija
Prof. Dorota Dobija, Ph.D.

(Full Professor, Kozminski University, Poland)

Dorota Dobija is a professor at Kozminski University. She is chair of the Department of Accountancy and Director of Ph.D. studies at Kozminski University. Her research interest is connected with accounting theory, corporate governance and diversity. She received her master (1992) and Ph.D. (1998) degrees from Cracow University of Economics and habilitation (2005) from Kozminski University, full professor title in 2015. She authored more than 100 of research publications and participated in a number of international research projects. She was a Fulbright Scholar and held a series of visiting professorships abroad with a recent one at Hong Kong Polytechnics (2016) and Queensland University of Technology (2017), BIMTECH (2019). She also received numerous awards and honors including for scientific achievements. A member of a supervisory board of one of the banks in Poland

Anna Górska, Ph.D.

(Assistant Professor, Kozminski University, Poland)

Anna Górska, is a Assistant Professor at Kozminski University, and a director of Women and Diversity in Organizations Research Center.
Anna Górska specializes in gender and diversity in organizations and higher education institutions. 
Her works have been published in international academic journals such as Accounting,  Auditing & Accountability Journal, Baltic Journal of Management, Journal of Computer Information Systems, Journal of Global Information Technology Management. Anna has participated as a principal investigator and researcher in multiple research grants funded by Polish National Center of Science, EU funds and Norwegian Funds. She has also been awarded scholarships and awards, including Fulbright Junior Research Award. She has gained her international experience as a visiting scholar at Columbia Business School and ESCP Business School. 
Anna is also involved in organizational work at KU as an Impact Manager, expert on antidiscrimination initiatives at KU and a head of Students Association Women in Organizations. 

Sibel Yamak
Prof. Sibel Yamak, Ph.D.

(Professor of Management, University of Wolverhampton Business School, the UK)

Sibel Yamak specializes in governance with a focus on the relationship between business elites and state, contextual antecedents and impact of top management teams, governance and democratization relationship and sustainability. Her works have been published in peer reviewed journals such as British Journal of Management, Strategic Management Journal, Group and Organization Management, European Management Journal, Journal of World Business, International Journal of Human Resource Management. She is an editorial board member of Society and Business Review and European Management Review. She is actively involved with different academic associations such as Academy of Management where she previously acted as Management Education and Development Division Research Coordinator. She is the former President of the European Academy of Management. Currently, she is the executive committee member of the International Federation of Scholarly Associations of Management. She is the scientific council member of several universities in France.

Key note Speakers:


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PhD Morten Huse

Morten Huse is professor emeritus at BI Norwegian Business School in Oslo. He is Member of the board of governors of the Academy of Management (AOM) and 2010-2012 he was President of the European Academy of Management (EURAM). His main scholarly activities have been about boards of directors, gender issues and the future of our scholarly society. This focus is present in his recent publications, and in particular in “Resolving the crisis in research by changing the game” (2020 published by E. Elgar). Morten Huse has signed the DORA declaration and endorsed RRBM. One of his mottos is “Life is too short to drink bad wine”. He is following an Humboldtian educational philosophy

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PhD Alison Pullen

Alison Pullen PhD was born and raised in Wales, UK. Alison is Professor of Gender, Work and Organization at Macquarie University, Australia and Visiting Professor at Bath University, UK. She serves the community as Co-editor-in-Chief of Gender, Work and Organization and Division Chair Elect of the Critical Studies Management Division of the Academy of Management. Over the course of her career, Alison’s work has been concerned with analyzing gender discrimination, identity politics, and organizational injustice.  Her recent books are Diversity, Embodiment and Affect (2019, with Marianna Fotaki), Writing Differently in Critical Management Studies (2020, with Jenny Helin and Nancy Harding) and Corporeal Ethics in Organizations (2021, with Carl Rhodes). She is Series Editor (with Robert McMurray) of the Routledge Focus Women Writers in Organization Theory series Alison is currently completing an Australian Research Council funded project on leadership diversity: https://relationalintersectionality.com/.  

Women in management
PhD Monika Kostera

Monika Kostera is a Polish sociologist. She is Professor Ordinaria in Management in Poland, holding a titular professorship in economics (2004) and the humanities (2017). She has authored and edited over 50 books in Polish and English and a number of articles published in journals including Organization Studies, Journal of Organizational Behavior  and  British Journal of Management . Her current research interests include the imagination and organizing, disalienation of work, organizational ethnography and organizational and archetypes. Some of her recent books are Management in a Liquid Modern World with Zygmunt Bauman, Irena Bauman and Jerzy Kociatkiewicz (2015, Polity), Occupy Management! (2014, Routledge, see Review by Yiannis Gabriel) and Organizations and Archetypes (2013, Edward Elgar).

Key dates


Deadline for submission of 1,500 word summary for initial screening of topics is on has been extended to 15th of July and a deadline for a full paper submission is October 15th, 2021. Submissions are to be sent to dr. Anna Górska at amg@kozminski.edu.pl

All authors are informed by September 1st on the decision to accept the paper for the symposium. Accepted papers will be presented at the online conference on 2nd and 3rd of December 2021, hosted by KU.

Articles presented during the symposium can to go through a fast track in Central European Management Journal. The submissions to the journal will still go through the double-blind peer review process.

Ekonomia i finanse

Call for papers

This symposium is intended to explore and present conceptual, theoretical and empirical research that showcase the experience of work and management of women in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). The aim is to expand discussion about women in professional settings in CEE, considering regions’ specific socio-cultural, political and economic circumstances. Moreover, it also aims to identity future research potential, building upon latest and relevant research in the region (Griessbach and Ettl, 2020; Havran, Primecz and Lakatos, 2020; Lauzadyte-Tutliene, Balezentis, and Goculenko, 2018; Lipovka and Buzady, 2020; Lisowska, 2019; Rybnikova, Souslby and Blazejewski, 2020; Zachorowska- Mazurkiewicz, 2006). 

The topic of women in organizations is still under researched within CEE and as a result underrepresented in academic literature. Our overview of top gender and management academic journals, showcases that research from CEE region constitute less than 1 percent of publications. Majority of research published on the topic in international journals concern western Europe and US, while little voice has been given to scholars from CEE. Within the broad field of gender and organizations, CEE has maintained its status of a non-region, as stated during the World Conference on Women held in 1995 in Beijing; Eastern Europe, "belonging to neither the developing nor the developed world," had been ignored in global debates (Nowicka, 2014).

CEE region is an interesting place to discuss gender and organizations. As on one hand, during the communist times the importance of gender equality was emphasized, whereas on the other, the actual inequalities were significant. CEE region alike other regions have ongoing discussion on the introduction of quotas, increasing the proportion of women on boards, gender equality in organizations and gender pay gap. In the same time, the society seems to be still attached to the conservative and stereotypical division of gender roles. Despite the growing number of women in labour markets in CEE, still little is known about the experiences of women in region. Data indicate that CEE countries have relatively high women shares in the labour market as well as management positions in public and private institutions.

On the other hand, it should be emphasized that the region is highly diversified and should not be treated without distinction to its specific countries and cultures (Rybnikova, Soulsby and Blazejewski, 2020). We hope to discuss the differences and similarities that can be visible across CEE, as there exist significant differences between CEE countries concerning the access to labor market, maternity leaves, retirement, attitude towards quotas, gender stereotypes and expectations towards women (Lauzadyte-Tutliene, Balezentis, and Goculenko, 2018). The diverse voices of women in the region are still not sufficiently researched and documented in the academic literature. Thus, voices presenting their experiences and challenges at work are needed, as well as different points of view from countries from the region.

We are interested in works that explore diverse nature of women’s experiences in work and management in the CEE region. We invite contributions that address (but are not limited to) the following topics:

  • Experiences of women in work and management in CEE
  • Gendered intersectionality
  • Career trajectories of successful women leaders
  • Comparative analysis of experiences of women in work and management in CEE
  • Work-life balance demands and its impact on work
  • Pressures, expectations and perception of women in work environment
  • Power dynamics at work environment
  • Policies aimed to support women at work

Scientific committee is happy discuss ideas for papers with potential contributors.

1. Griessbach, L. and Ettl, K. (2020). “The entrepreneutial ecosystem and its impact on female managers in transition economics: The case of Georgia.” In. Rybnikova, I., Soulsby, A. and Blazejewski (eds), Women in Management in Central and Eastern European Countries, Nomos, Baden-Baden, Germany. 

2. Havran, D. Primecz, H. and Lakatos, Z. (2020). “Does female presence on corporate boards impact firm performance? Evidence from listed firms in Centreal Eastern Europe.” In. Rybnikova, I., Soulsby, A. and Blazejewski (eds), Women in Management in Central and Eastern European Countries, Nomos, Baden-Baden, Germany. 

3. Lauzadyte-Tutliene, A., Balezentis, T., Goculenko, E. (2018). “Welfare State in Central and Eastern Europe.” Economics and Sociology, 11(1), 100-123. doi:10.14254/2071-789X.2018/11-1/7

4. Lipovka, A. and Buzady, Z. (2020). “Gender stereotypes about managers: a comparative study of Central- Eastern Europe and Central Asia.” In. Rybnikova, I., Soulsby, A. and Blazejewski (eds), Women in Management in Central and Eastern European Countries, Nomos, Baden-Baden, Germany. 

5. Lisowska, E. (2019). “Women at managerial positions and the competetiveness of companies.”, Women and Business, 1-4, pp. 31-38

6. Nowicka, W. (2014), The Beijing Platform for Action Turns 20. Commitments made twenty years ago have not been achieved yet. UN Women, Retrieved from https://beijing20.unwomen.org/en/news-and-events/stories/2014/11/beijing-what-commitments-made-twenty-years-ago-have-not-been-achieved-yet 

7. Rybnikova, I. Souslby, A. and Blazejewski, S. (2020) “Women in management in Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries: All quiet on the eastern front?”, In. Rybnikova, I., Soulsby, A. and Blazejewski (eds), Women in Management in Central and Eastern European Countries, Nomos, Baden-Baden, Germany. 

8. Zachorowska-Mazurkiewicz A. [2006], Kobiety i instytucje. Ko¬biety na rynku pracy w Stanach Zjednoczonych, Unii Europej¬skiej i w Polsce, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Śląsk, Katowice


We invite all participants to register for the “Women in Management. Experience from Central and Eastern European Countries” Symposium. Please note that everyone who would like to participate in the event (as a Presenter, Discussant, Chairperson or Guest) should register using the registration form below:

The symposium is open to everyone curious about the "Women in Organizations" topic. We strongly encourage you to invite others - PhD students, academics, practitioners who may be interested in this event. There will also be a great chance to network, share your own experiences, ideas, and collaborate in future. A diversity of opinions can bring all of us great value.

Here you can find the two most important links that you will need during the entire Symposium:


09:00 Guest Welcoming Speech - Prof. Alexandra Przegalińska

09:15 - 09:30 Conference Opening SpeechAnna Górska, PhD

09:30 Key Note - subject: Leadership diversity through relational intersectionality, Prof. Allison Pullen

10:00 Session 1: Experiences of women in work and management in CEE: art 1, art 2. art 3

10:00 Session 2: Exploring the phenomenon of women in leadership: art 4, art 5, art 6

12:00 Lunch break

13:30 Session 3: Women in organizations: different industries perspectives: art 7, art 8, art 9

13:30 Session 4: Career trajectories of women in HEI: art 10, art 11 Marta Warat, PhD, Jagiellonian University, Gender-related initatives in HEI in CEE.

15:30 End of the 1st day of the conference. Networking event

09:00-09.45 Workshop: Meaningful Writing: Gender, Work & Organization Prof. Monika Kostera 10:00-12.00 Session 5: Diversity in organizations and career friendly culture for women: art 12, art 13, art 14, art 15 12.00-12.30 Lunch break 12:30-13.00 Conference Summary Speech - Anna Górska, PhD 13:00-13.30 Guidelines for publishing in CEMJ - Prof. Paweł Korzyński 13:30 Final Lecture - Prof. Morten Huse

dr Anna Górska