The best high schools and technical schools in Kozminski. Kozminski University is the main partner of the XXV Jubilee Ranking of High Schools and Technical Schools "Perspektywy" 2023


The final of the XXV Anniversary Ranking of High Schools and Technical Schools "Perspektywy" 2023 is behind us. The results of this year's competition were announced at a gala hosted by our University.

The annual list includes 1,000 high schools that guarantee the highest level of education in the country. During the gala, the leaders of the ranking were honored, 15 high schools and 10 technical schools, as well as Olympic high schools, hence we were honored to host representations of the best schools within the walls of our University. On behalf of Kozminski University, all schools were congratulated by the Rector, Prof. Grzegorz Mazurek.

It is a great honor and pleasure to have you with us today(...) at the University, which for almost 30 years has been paving the path of management, financial and legal education not only in Poland, but also abroad.(...) I congratulate the wonderful success to the Authorities, Directors, Teachers and thank you for your fantastic work. Today we celebrate, but we must remember that our successes, the leadership of each of you is a huge responsibility. You are the ones others, other schools and students look up to. You are the role models of Sevres, not only in terms of ranking results, but also as role models in your daily conduct. And I wish that every day you feel that we are all doing a great job.

To the students, I congratulate you on the success of your schools. I wish you to find your path, your place in life. I wish you - beware! - not to find it easily. Building life experience is more important than building positions. Because only experience will give you the wisdom to act, and whether you are in position one, two or three, remember that you are first and foremost human. Every second, act according not to the paradigms of business success, position or salary, but simply according to whether you are good people and whether you are OK with your decisions.

Kozminski University presented all the honored schools with special awards in the form of the "You Have an Impact" scholarship intended for a student for high community involvement. Learn more about the scholarship offerings at Kozminski HERE.

On the podium of THE BEST HIGH SCHOOLS RANKING 2023 were:

  • Place 1: XIV Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Stanisława Staszica in Warsaw
  • Place 2: V Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Augusta Witkowskiego in Cracow
  • Place 3: XIII Liceum Ogólnokształcące in Szczecin

In THE 2023 BEST TECHNICAL SCHOOL RANKING 2023, the first positions were taken by:

  • Place 1: Technikum Mechatroniczne nr 1 w Zespole Szkół Licealnych i Technicznych nr 1 in Warsaw
  • Place 2: Technikum Łączności nr 14 w Krakowie, w Zespole Szkół Łączności im. Obrońców Poczty Polskiej in Gdańsk
  • Place 3: Technikum Elektroniczne im. Obrońców Lublina 1939 r. in Lublin


We sincerely congratulate all the winners!


Read more about the results of this year's ranking HERE.

XXV Jubileuszowa Gala Rankingu Liceów i Techników Perspektywy 2023
XXV Jubileuszowa Gala Rankingu Liceów i Techników Perspektywy 2023

See also