Responsible Research and Innovation Learning (RRIL)

Responsible Research and Innovation Learning (RRIL)
Aim of the project The Erasmus+ project RRIL is aimed at broadening an understanding of the Responsible Research and Innovation* (RRIL) concept in Europe.The project is run for three years (2019-2022) by the consortium partners from three countries: Poland, Spain and Finland. Poland is represented by Kozminski University (Dr Agata Stasik and PhD student Alicja Dańkowska) in cooperation with the Foundation INGOS. The goal is to foster RRI in Europe by developing and testing training modules on the issues of public engagement, gender equality and ethics in research and innovation processes. The initial stage of the project is focused on conducting a qualitative research on acceptance and implementation of RRI strategies and practices in the respective national innovation systems.

Agata Stasik, Ph.D. is an assistant professor of management at Kozminski University with background in sociology and science and technology studies, with the special focus on the governance of new technologies. She did research on dynamics of shale gas development, the impact of the Internet on technological risk governance, risk communication, and crowdfunding of technological innovation. Her current research interests include new forms of governance in energy innovations, practices and impacts of future(s) anticipation, and new research methodologies. She has been visiting researcher at University of Vienna, University of Gothenburg.