Nonsense and propaganda online: internet communities and bots propagating misinformation

Nonsense and propaganda online: internet communities and bots propagating misinformation

Principal Investigator
prof. Dariusz Jemielniak
Overall budget
3 807 634 PLN
Project duration
60 months
Funded by
Project (no. 2020/38/A/HS6/00066) funded by the National Science Centre within the framework of the MAESTRO 12 call

The project addresses a phenomenon at the intersection of three major social changes:

  • Increasing distrust in institutional knowledge, and anti-intellectual and antiestablishment sentiments in the society,
  • A growing tendency to self-organize online communities around certain ideas, and new forms of cooperation online (peer production, open collaboration) and democratization of knowledge creation and distribution resulting in misinformation and disinformation,
  • A growing role of automated propaganda and disinformation tools (botnets, paid covert influencers, networks of self-perpetuating professional ideologists).

These challenges are all manifested in the emergence of a sociotechnical system of propagation of ideas, relying on a combination of spontaneous online groups questioning the existing knowledge system, as well as networks of bots developed to influence the public opinion and the political outcomes through disinformation, and paid professionals acting to the same effect. The project’s goal is to analyze the network, structure, and organizational culture of selected misinformation online communities (in particular, language, social structure, leadership, demographic dimensions, reputation systems, internal logic and beliefs, narratives and myths), in a study combining computer science, management, sociology, and ethnography. The project will rely on a novel Thick Big Data methodology, combining Big Data approaches (TribeFinding, SNA, Machine Learning, Sentiment Analysis) with qualitative ones (digital ethnography, narrative analysis). One of the tangible side-effects of the project will be developing research tools for Polish researchers, as well as an international bot detector. By performing a highly interdisciplinary project, using a wide array of research methods, the project will advance our understanding of online human and non-human misinformation (advances in knowledge). It will also provide practical and field-tested tools for hostile actors’ network detection (hired professionals and bots), as well as aforementioned open research tools for sentiment analysis and tribe finding localized for the Polish language, bringing major social and academic benefits.

The project is going to build on our current knowledge on open collaboration groups, and allow us to see how the cultural and organizational processes already known from them are enacted in misinformation and disinformation groups related to medicine, divisive social issues, and politics.

Principal Investigator of the research project „Nonsense and propaganda online: internet communities and bots propagating misinformation” announces a call no. 1/2023/945 for a National Science Centre Scholarship

The call for a National Science Centre Scholarship is announced within the framework of the research project entitled „Nonsense and propaganda online: internet communities and bots propagating misinformation” funded by the National Science Centre under an agreement no. UMO-2020/38/A/HS6/00066 (within the framework of the MAESTRO 12 call).

Information about the project: The project entitled “Nonsense and propaganda online: internet communities and bots propagating misinformation”, carried out at Kozminski University and managed by Professor Dariusz Jemielniak, PhD, DSc, aims to analyse the network, structure, and organizational culture of selected misinformation online communities (in particular, language, social structure, leadership, demographic dimensions, reputation systems, internal logic and beliefs, narratives and myths), in a study combining computer science, management, sociology, and ethnography. The project will rely on a novel Thick Big Data methodology, combining Big Data approaches (TribeFinding, SNA, Machine Learning, Sentiment Analysis) with qualitative ones (digital ethnography, narrative analysis). One of the tangible side-effects of the project will be developing research tools for Polish researchers, as well as an international bot detector.

Project description:


  • competence in English at the C1 level,
  • competence in the Python programming language at the intermediate level
  • ability to analyze data
  • being a:

- participant in a doctoral programme (within the meaning of the Act on Higher Education of 27 July 2005) or

- doctoral candidate at a doctoral school (within the meaning of the Act on Higher Education and Science of 20 July 2018)

Interest in network analysis will be an added advantage

Duties and responsibilities will include:

  • writing code in the Python programming language,
  • downloading, cleaning and analyzing data,
  • disseminating research findings, writing scientific papers,
  • collaborating with the Principal Investigator,
  • carrying out other tasks as requested by the Principal Investigator.

We offer:

  • an opportunity to develop scientifically in a research team with a strong focus on project acquisition,
  • a chance to take part in international scientific conferences

Terms of awarding a scholarship:

  • NCN Scholarship, paid to a scholarship recipient pursuant to a scholarship agreement; planned scholarship period: 12 months starting from March 2023, with the possibility of prolongation until the end of the project.
  • The amount of the scholarship depends on the tasks of a scholarship holder to be performed; the maximum amount of the scholarship, planned in the project, is PLN 5000 per month

The conditions of selection of candidates and the terms of awarding a scholarship are defined in the Regulations for Awarding NCN Scholarships for NCN-Funded Research Projects, annex to Resolution No 25/2019 of the NCN Council.

Information about the recruitment process: Persons meeting the requirements and interested in the position advertised are asked to send the following required documents to the e-mail address by 17.02.2023. Please state in the email subject line the following text: NCN scholarship (call no. 1/2023/945).

The call consists of two stages. The first stage involves verifying the submitted applications by checking if they are complete and if a given candidate meets the set requirements, followed by a selection of candidates to be invited to the second stage of the call – the interview. The candidates will be selected on the basis of: (1) whether they meet the set requirements and (2) the evaluation of the Task, completed by the candidates.

The Task: Each candidate is asked to prepare a written answer to the following questions:

  • Please, describe in several sentences how you would approach the task of data scraping from Reddit and Youtube?
  • Please, describe in several sentences how you would approach the task of analyzing a social network between accounts collected this way?

The answer should not be longer than 1 page. The Task will be evaluated by the Principal Investigator, in the context of the tasks to be performed in this position. The Task will be evaluated on the basis of the following point score: 3 points – very good; 2 points – good; 1 points – average 0 points – poor.

Required documents:

  • a CV in Polish or in English, including and describing: the candidate’s research achievements (including publications); research-related achievements (scholarships, awards and research experience gained in Poland or abroad, research workshops and training courses, participation in research projects, conferences); the candidate’s competence to carry out specific tasks in the research project (including information about the level of competence in English)
  • a completed Task
  • a scanned copy of a valid PhD student ID or a scanned copy of a certificate confirming that the candidate is a:

- participant in a doctoral programme (within the meaning of the Act on Higher Education of 27 July 2005) or - doctoral candidate at a doctoral school (within the meaning of the Act on Higher Education and Science of 20 July 2018)

  • any documents proving the candidate’s experience and skills are welcome (for example internship or traineeship certificates, training completion certificates, testimonials etc.).

Submission of the incomplete documentation is the basis for rejection of the application during the formal evaluation.

Additional information: The recruitment committee reserves the right to: interview selected candidates only, verify the information provided by each candidate and close the call without selecting a Scholarship Recipient.

A candidate will be evaluated on the basis of the rules of evaluation stated in the Regulations for Awarding NCN Scholarships for NCN-Funded Research Projects, annex to Resolution No 25/2019 of the NCN Council.

If you have any questions regarding the project and the content of the recruitment notice, please send them to the Principal Investigator, i.e. Professor Dariusz Jemielniak, PhD, DSc, to the following e-mail address:

Other questions regarding the application process may be sent to

The results of the call are planned to be announced by 17 March 2023

The results of the call will be published on Kozminski University’s website.

The decision of the recruitment committee cannot be appealed against.

This is to inform you that by submitting your job application, you give your consent for your personal data provided in your application to be processed by Kozminski University, ul. Jagiellońska 59, 03-301 Warsaw for the purpose of the recruitment process managed by Kozminski University, as part of a single recruitment process aimed to let you apply for the position named in the job notice, throughout the duration of the recruitment process, and - in the case of persons who are not offered position, their data will be stored for a period of 3 months from the end date of the recruitment process.

Appendix no 1 - Notification obligation GDPR

We kindly inform that as a result of the call (call no. 1/2023/945) for a National Science Centre Scholarship in the research project „Nonsense and propaganda online: internet communities and bots propagating misinformation” (no. 2020/38/A/HS6/00066) announced 3.02.2023 by the Principal Investigator Professor Dariusz Jemielniak, PhD, DSc, Mr. Junaid Ahmed was awarded the NCN Scholarship

Kierownik projektu

pt.: „Nonsens i propaganda online: społeczności i boty propagujące dezinformację w internecie”

ogłasza konkurs nr 2/2023/945 na stypendium naukowe Narodowego Centrum Nauki

Konkurs na stypendium naukowe NCN odbywa się w ramach projektu pt.: „Nonsens i propaganda online: społeczności i boty propagujące dezinformację w internecie”, finansowanego ze środków Narodowego Centrum Nauki na podstawie umowy nr UMO-2020/38/A/HS6/00066 (w ramach konkursu MAESTRO 12).


Informacje o projekcie:

Projekt pt. „Nonsens i propaganda online: społeczności i boty propagujące dezinformację w internecie”, realizowany w Akademii Leona Koźmińskiego, pod kierownictwem prof. dr hab. Dariusza Jemielniaka ma na celu analizę sieci, struktury i kultury organizacyjnej wybranych internetowych społeczności dezinformacyjnych (w szczególności, ich języka, struktury społecznej, przywództwa, kwestii demograficznych, systemów reputacji, wewnętrznej logiki i wierzeń, narracji i mitów) w studium łączącym informatykę, zarządzanie, socjologię i etnografię. Projekt będzie opierał się na nowatorskiej metodyce Thick Big Data, łączącej podejścia Big Data (TribeFinding, SNA, Machine Learning, Sentiment Analysis) z podejściami jakościowymi (etnografia cyfrowa, analiza narracyjna). Jednym z widocznych efektów ubocznych projektu będzie stworzenie narzędzi badawczych dla polskiej społeczności naukowej, jak i międzynarodowego wykrywacza botów.

Opis projektu:


Wymagania wobec kandydata/kandydatki:

  • Zaawansowana umiejętność programowania w języku Python;
  • Znajomość metod czyszczenia i analizy danych;
  • Znajomość języka angielskiego na poziomie C1;
  • Posiadanie statusu:
    • studenta/ki studiów: drugiego stopnia lub ostatnich lat jednolitych studiów magisterskich, realizowanych w uczelniach na terytorium Polski lub
    • uczestnika/czki studiów doktoranckich (w rozumieniu ustawy z dnia 27 lipca 2005 Prawo o szkolnictwie wyższym) lub
    • doktoranta/ki w szkole doktorskiej (w rozumieniu ustawy z dnia 20 lipca 2018 r. Prawo o szkolnictwie wyższym i nauce).


Zadania wykonywane na stanowisku:

  • analiza danych sieciowych, w tym analiza sentymentu;
  • tworzenie narzędzi do scrapingu (pozyskiwania danych z Internetu);
  • upowszechnianie wyników badań, wsparcie w przygotowywaniu publikacji naukowych;
  • współpraca z Kierownikiem projektu;
  • inne prace zlecone przez Kierownika projektu.



  • możliwość rozwoju naukowego w zespole badawczym aktywnie pozyskującym projekty;
  • możliwość uczestnictwa w międzynarodowych konferencjach naukowych.


Warunki zatrudnienia:

  • Stypendium naukowe NCN, wypłacane Stypendyście/stce na podstawie umowy stypendialnej, planowany okres zatrudnienia: od maja 2023 r. lub najszybciej, jak to możliwe, na 6 miesięcy z możliwością przedłużenia.
  • Wysokość stypendium jest ustalana w zależności od zakresu powierzonych zadań. Maksymalna wysokość stypendium przewidziana w projekcie wynosi 5000 zł miesięcznie.

Warunki wyłonienia i zatrudnienia kandydatów określa Regulamin przyznawania stypendiów naukowych NCN w projektach badawczych finansowanych ze środków Narodowego Centrum Nauki określony uchwałą Rady NCN nr 25/2019 z dnia 14 marca 2019 r.


Informacje na temat procesu rekrutacyjnego:

Osoby spełniające wymagania i zainteresowane ofertą prosimy o przesłanie poniższych dokumentów aplikacyjnych do dnia 09.05.2023 r. na adres e-mailowy, z dopiskiem w tytule wiadomości: „Stypendium naukowe NCN 2/2023/945”


Konkurs składa się z dwóch etapów.

W pierwszym etapie nastąpi weryfikacja zgłoszeń pod kątem ich kompletności oraz spełniania przez kandydata/kę wymagań wskazanych w ogłoszeniu, a także wybór kandydatów/ek zakwalifikowanych do drugiego etapu – rozmowy kwalifikacyjnej. Wybór ten zostanie dokonany na podstawie: (1) spełniania przez kandydata/kę wymagań wskazanych w ogłoszeniu oraz (2) oceny wykonania przez kandydata/kę Zadania, co najmniej na poziomie dobrym.

W drugim etapie kandydaci zostaną ocenieni zgodnie z kryteriami zawartymi w Regulaminie przyznawania stypendiów naukowych NCN w projektach badawczych finansowanych ze środków Narodowego Centrum Nauki określonym uchwałą Rady NCN nr 25/2019 z dnia 14 marca 2019 r.



Każdy z kandydatów jest proszony o przygotowanie pisemnej odpowiedzi na następujące zagadnienie:

  • Zaproponuj i opisz metodę scrapowania danych z LinkedIn. Wskaż główne trudności takiego zadania.


Odpowiedź nie powinna być dłuższa niż jedna strona A4. Zadanie zostanie ocenione przez Kierownika projektu, w kontekście zadań wykonywanych na stanowisku. Zadanie zostanie ocenione według następującej skali punktowej:

  • 3 punkty – bardzo dobre wykonanie
  • 2 punkty – dobre wykonanie
  • 1 punkt – przeciętne wykonanie
  • 0 punktów – słabe wykonanie


Wymagane dokumenty:

  • CV w jęz. polskim lub angielskim, uwzględniające: dorobek naukowy kandydata (w tym publikacje), osiągnięcia wynikające z prowadzenia badań naukowych (stypendia, nagrody, doświadczenie naukowe zdobyte w kraju lub za granicą, warsztaty i szkolenia naukowe, udział w projektach badawczych, konferencjach); kompetencje do realizacji zadań w projekcie badawczym (w tym informacje o poziomie znajomości języka angielskiego).
  • Wykonane Zadanie.
  • skan ważnej legitymacji lub kopia zaświadczenia o posiadaniu statusu:
    • studenta/ki studiów: drugiego stopnia lub ostatnich lat jednolitych studiów magisterskich, realizowanych w uczelniach na terytorium Polski lub
    • uczestnika/czki studiów doktoranckich (w rozumieniu ustawy z dnia 27 lipca 2005 Prawo o szkolnictwie wyższym) lub
    • doktoranta/ki w szkole doktorskiej (w rozumieniu ustawy z dnia 20 lipca 2018 r. Prawo o szkolnictwie wyższym i nauce)
  • mile widziane dokumenty poświadczające posiadane doświadczenie i umiejętności ( zaświadczenia o odbyciu stażu bądź praktyk, certyfikaty szkoleniowe, referencje itp.)


Złożenie dokumentacji niekompletnej stanowi podstawę do odrzucenia zgłoszenia w trakcie oceny formalnej.


Informacje dodatkowe:

Komisja stypendialna zastrzega sobie prawo do: przeprowadzenia rozmowy z wybranymi osobami, weryfikacji informacji podanych przez kandydata/kę oraz do zakończenia konkursu bez wyłonienia Stypendysty/ki.


Ocena kandydata/ki zostanie dokonana w oparciu o kryteria oceny wskazane w Regulaminie przyznawania stypendiów naukowych NCN w projektach badawczych finansowanych ze środków Narodowego Centrum Nauki określonym uchwałą Rady NCN nr 25/2019 z dnia 14 marca 2019 r.


Wszelkie pytania merytoryczne dotyczące projektu i treści ogłoszenia, można kierować do Kierownika projektu, tj. prof. dr hab. Dariusza Jemielniaka, na adres email:

Pozostałe pytania związane z aplikowaniem można kierować na adres


Rozstrzygnięcie konkursu przewidywane jest do dnia 31 maja 2023 r.

Wyniki konkursu zostaną zamieszczone na stronie internetowej Akademii Leona Koźmińskiego.


Od decyzji Komisji stypendialnej nie przysługuje odwołanie.


Informujemy, że przesyłając dokumenty rekrutacyjne zgadza się Pani/Pan na przetwarzanie przez Akademię Leona Koźmińskiego, ul. Jagiellońska 59, 03-301 Warszawa, Pani/Pana danych osobowych zawartych w dokumentach w celu realizacji procesu rekrutacji, prowadzonego przez Akademię Leona Koźmińskiego, w ramach realizacji jednego procesu rekrutacji, na stanowisko wskazane w ogłoszeniu, przez czas trwania rekrutacji oraz w przypadku osób, które nie zostały zatrudnione, dane przechowywane będą przez okres 3 miesięcy, licząc od dnia zakończenia procesu rekrutacyjnego.


Załącznik 1 – Obowiązek informacyjny RODO

Uprzejmie informujemy, że w wyniku konkursu nr 2/2023/945 na stypendium naukowe Narodowego Centrum Nauki w projekcie badawczym „Nonsens i propaganda online: społeczności i boty propagujące dezinformację w internecie” (nr 2020/38/A/HS6/00066), ogłoszonego 25.04.2023 przez Kierownika projektu prof. dr hab. Dariusza Jemielniaka, wybrany został Pan Kuba Białczyk.

Principal Investigator of the research project

„Nonsense and propaganda online: internet communities and bots propagating misinformation”

announces a call no. 3/2023/945 for a National Science Centre Scholarship


The call for a National Science Centre Scholarship is announced within the framework of the research project entitled „Nonsense and propaganda online: internet communities and bots propagating misinformation” funded by the National Science Centre under an agreement no. UMO-2020/38/A/HS6/00066 (within the framework of the MAESTRO 12 call).


Information about the project:

The project entitled “Nonsense and propaganda online: internet communities and bots propagating misinformation”, carried out at Kozminski University and managed by Professor Dariusz Jemielniak, PhD, DSc, aims to analyse the network, structure, and organizational culture of selected misinformation online communities (in particular, language, social structure, leadership, demographic dimensions, reputation systems, internal logic and beliefs, narratives and myths), in a study combining computer science, management, sociology, and ethnography. The project will rely on a novel Thick Big Data methodology, combining Big Data approaches (TribeFinding, SNA, Machine Learning, Sentiment Analysis) with qualitative ones (digital ethnography, narrative analysis). One of the tangible side-effects of the project will be developing research tools for Polish researchers, as well as an international bot detector.


Project description:



  • competence in English at the C1 level,
  • competence in the Python programming language at the intermediate level
  • ability to analyze data
  • being a:
    • participant in a doctoral programme (within the meaning of the Act on Higher Education of 27 July 2005) or
    • doctoral candidate at a doctoral school (within the meaning of the Act on Higher Education and Science of 20 July 2018)


Interest in network analysis will be an added advantage


Duties and responsibilities will include:

  • developing algorithms to identify online propaganda content,
  • monitoring and analyzing suspicious bot activity on social media,
  • preparing reports on the latest trends in online misinformation,
  • working on tasks assigned by the principal investigator, concerning the identification and battling disinformation.


We offer:

  • an opportunity to develop scientifically in a research team with a strong focus on project acquisition,
  • a chance to take part in international scientific conferences


Terms of awarding a scholarship:

  • NCN Scholarship, paid to a scholarship recipient pursuant to a scholarship agreement; planned scholarship period: 12 months starting from November 2023 or as soon as possible after that date, with the possibility of prolongation until the end of the project.
  • The amount of the scholarship depends on the tasks of a scholarship holder to be performed; the maximum amount of the scholarship, planned in the project, is PLN 5000 per month


The conditions of selection of candidates and the terms of awarding a scholarship are defined in the Regulations for Awarding NCN Scholarships for NCN-Funded Research Projects, annex to Resolution No 25/2019 of the NCN Council.


Information about the recruitment process:

Persons meeting the requirements and interested in the position advertised are asked to send the following required documents to the e-mail address by 06.11.2023. Please state in the email subject line the following text: NCN scholarship (call no. 3/2023/945).


Required documents:

  • a CV in Polish or in English, including and describing: the candidate’s research achievements (including publications); research-related achievements (scholarships, awards and research experience gained in Poland or abroad, research workshops and training courses, participation in research projects, conferences); the candidate’s competence to carry out specific tasks in the research project (including information about the level of competence in English)
  • a scanned copy of a valid PhD student ID or a scanned copy of a certificate confirming that the candidate is a:
    • participant in a doctoral programme (within the meaning of the Act on Higher Education of 27 July 2005) or
    • doctoral candidate at a doctoral school (within the meaning of the Act on Higher Education and Science of 20 July 2018)
  • any documents proving the candidate’s experience and skills are welcome (for example internship or traineeship certificates, training completion certificates, testimonials etc.).


Submission of the incomplete documentation is the basis for rejection of the application during the formal evaluation.


Additional information:

The recruitment committee reserves the right to: interview selected candidates only, verify the information provided by each candidate and close the call without selecting a Scholarship Recipient.


A candidate will be evaluated on the basis of the rules of evaluation stated in the Regulations for Awarding NCN Scholarships for NCN-Funded Research Projects, annex to Resolution No 25/2019 of the NCN Council.


If you have any questions regarding the project and the content of the recruitment notice, please send them to the Principal Investigator, i.e. Professor Dariusz Jemielniak, PhD, DSc, to the following e-mail address:


Other questions regarding the application process may be sent to


The results of the call are planned to be announced by 15 November 2023


The results of the call will be published on Kozminski University’s website.


The decision of the recruitment committee cannot be appealed against.


This is to inform you that by submitting your job application, you give your consent for your personal data provided in your application to be processed by Kozminski University, ul. Jagiellońska 59, 03-301 Warsaw for the purpose of the recruitment process managed by Kozminski University, as part of a single recruitment process aimed to let you apply for the position named in the job notice, throughout the duration of the recruitment process, and - in the case of persons who are not offered position, their data will be stored for a period of 3 months from the end date of the recruitment process.


Appendix no 1 - Notification obligation GDPR

We kindly inform that as a result of the call (call no. 3/2023/945) for a National Science Centre Scholarship in the research project „Nonsense and propaganda online: internet communities and bots propagating misinformation” (no. 2020/38/A/HS6/00066) announced 23.10.2023 by the Principal Investigator Professor Dariusz Jemielniak, PhD, DSc, Mr. Junaid Ahmed was awarded the NCN Scholarship.

Uprzejmie informujemy, że w wyniku konkursu (nr ref.: 20/NAUKA/PROJEKT/KZSS/23) na stanowisko typu post-doc w projekcie badawczym „Nonsens i propaganda online: społeczności i boty propagujące dezinformację w internecie” (nr 2020/38/A/HS6/00066) ogłoszonego 19.09.2023 r. wybrana została Pani Aleksandra Nabożny.

Ogłoszenie o konkursie dostępne jest na stronie Akademii Leona Koźmińskiego –

Prof. Dariusz Jemielniak

Full Professor and head of Management in Networked and Digital Environments (MINDS) department, Kozminski University, and faculty associate at Berkman-Klein Center for Internet and Society, Harvard University. He is a corresponding member of the Polish Academy of Sciences. His recent books include “Collaborative Society” (2020, MIT Press, with A. Przegalinska), “Thick Big Data” (2020, Oxford University Press), “Common Knowledge?: An Ethnography of Wikipedia” (2014, Stanford University Press). His current research projects include climate change denialism online, anti-vaxxer internet communities, and bot detection.  He serves on the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees. 

Recent publications:
Jemielniak, Dariusz (2012) The New Knowledge Workers, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing
Jemielniak, Dariusz and Kostera, Monika (2010) Narratives of irony and failure in ethnographic work, Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, vol. 27(4)
Hunter, Carolyn, Jemielniak, Dariusz and Postuła, Agnieszka (2010) Temporal and spatial shifts within playful work, Journal of Organizational Change Management, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 87-102
Jemielniak, Dariusz (2009) Time as symbolic currency in knowledge work, Information and Organization, vol. 19, pp. 277-293

Ph.D. Leon Ciechanowski

Leon Ciechanowski is a cognitive scientist, philosopher, culture science expert. He is a graduate of philosophical Studies in English and cultural studies at the University of Warsaw, and intercollegiate studies at the “Artes Liberales” Academy. Leon is working in the domain of human-computer interaction, Phenomenology, and a sense of agency/control. He is currently completing his Ph.D. in Psychology at the SWPS University and is involved in the study of chatbots, robots, and wearables in cooperation with MIT. He is also a consultant for various business sectors (banking, data analytics, telecommunication). In his spare time, Leon loves to popularize (neuro)science as a member of the “Brain!” foundation.