System for dispute resolution concerning illegal speech in cyberspace (eletronic arbitrage)

System for dispute resolution concerning illegal speech in cyberspace (eletronic arbitrage)



Principal Investigator
dr hab. Przemysław Polański
Overall budget
187 500 PLN
Project duration
01.01.2020 - 31.12.2020
Funded by
National Centre for Science and Development

Aim of the project

The project aims to combine law and technology in order to develop a business model and successfuly market electronic arbitrage focused on fighting illegal content posted by Internet users on portals in Poland. The idea is to deepen the commercial aspects of a model for fighting illegal content developed as part of the OPUS project and build a prototype of a web-based platform based on real needs of platform operators as well as Internet users in Poland aimed at resolving disputes concerning legality of third-party content posted by users. The project will involve finding a business partner(s) willing to share their ideas and practical experiences.

Project impact

In the long run, a success of building a viable business model as well as successful prototype of e-arbitrage in Poland could lead to extension of the project scope to other areas of illegality (copyright, privacy, unfair commercial practices, child porn, terrorism etc.) as well as cross-border to other EU Member States.


Prof. Przemysław Polański

Profesor nadzwyczajny zatrudniony w Katedrze Metod Ilościowych i Zastosowań Informatyki. Zainteresowania badawcze prof. Polańskiego są interdyscyplinarne: obejmują prawo nowych technologii.

Autor monografii, kilkudziesięciu rozdziałów w monografiach oraz licznych artykułów krajowych oraz międzynarodowych (w tym z przypisanym współczynnikiem impact factor).

Kierownik grantu finansowanego ze środków Narodowego Centrum Nauki dotyczącego modelu zwalczania bezprawnych treści w Internecie.