Prof. Grzegorz W. Kołodko receives "Amber of the Polish Economy" Award at the National Economic Summit 2024


Prof. Grzegorz W. Kołodko, affiliated with the Department of Economics at Kozminski University and the TIGER Research Center, received a special distinction at the National Economic Summit 2024. The "Amber of the Polish Economy OSG 2024" award was presented to him "for outstanding scientific achievements in the field of economics and his undeniable role in reforming the Polish economy." The award ceremony, including the presentation of the statuette and diploma, took place during the event's inaugural gala.

The full ceremony can be viewed online:

The summit brought together leading representatives from politics, economics, academia, and business, who discussed key challenges facing the Polish economy. Topics included the impact of geopolitics, national security, and the future of domestic industry in the context of the war in Ukraine and the escalating situation on NATO's eastern border.

This year’s theme, "State-Economy-Security," served as a common thread for numerous initiatives and projects undertaken by the Government and individual ministries, sparking a highly engaging and multi-faceted discussion throughout the event.

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