MIMY EMpowerment through liquid Integration of Migrant Youth in vulnerable conditions

MIMY EMpowerment through liquid Integration of Migrant Youth in vulnerable conditions

Université du Luxembourg (Leader), Institut für Landes-und Stadtentwicklungsforschung gGMBH, Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaft und Kunst Hildesheim/Holzminden/Goettingen, Universitet i Bergen, Academia de Studii Economice din Bucuresti, Malmö Universitet, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, The University of Sheffield, Közép Európai Egyetem, SWPS Uniwersytet Humanistycznospołeczny, EURICE - European Research and Project Office GmbH, Europese Confederatie van Organisaties voor Jeugdcentra, London Metropolitan University, Kozminski University
Overall budget
2 999 998,75 EUR
Project duration
Funded by
Horizon 2020, panel: MIGRATION-03-2019: Social and economic effects of migration in Europe and integration policies

MIMY (EMpowerment through liquid Integration of Migrant Youth in vulnerable conditions) is an EU-funded project aiming to improve the situation of young migrants throughout Europe. In order to derive evidence-based policy recommendations, we will examine the effectiveness of integration policies in an interdisciplinary research endeavour. Specifically, MIMY sets out to investigate the integration processes of young non-EU migrants who find themselves in vulnerable conditions across 18 case studies, 2 in each of the 9 countries involved in the consortium (Luxembourg, Germany, United Kingdom, Sweden, Norway, Italy, Poland, Romania, and Hungary). Each case study is meant to represent a specific local context, but may also target a specific subgroup of young migrants in vulnerable conditions.

Most importantly, MIMY will put the experiences of young migrants at the centre of its activities by directly involving tchem as peer researchers through participatory research. Young migrants in vulnerable conditions are a group that is at high risk to be exposed to exclusionary practices of individuals, local social processes, institutions, and policies.

Main project and consortium page

Project page on CORDIS

Prof. Izabela Grabowska

Professor Izabela Grabowska is sociologist and economist; full professor of social sciences; I was granted PhD by Department of Economics at University of Warsaw and Master Degrees (in economic sciences by University College Dublin and in sociology by University of Wroclaw); in 2021 I joined the Department of Economics at Kozminski University, and set up, as a director, CRASH Center for Research on Social Change and Human Mobility; in 2016-2021 I was a director of Interdisciplinary Doctoral School of SWPS University, Warsaw; in 2002-2019 I was Research Fellow at the Centre of Migration Research in Warsaw (currently I am a member of its Scientific Board); in 2008-2019 I was a member of IMISCOE Executive Board and Board of Directors; I am a national expert of the European Commission in: ESCO and European Mobility Partnership; now for European Labour Agency, for European Employment Services EURES; I am a co-author of research monograph: Migration and the Transfer of Informal Human Capital. Insights from Central Europe and Mexico (with Jastrzebowska; Routledge 2022); The Impact of Migration on Poland: EU Mobility and Social Change (with White, Kaczmarczyk and Slany, UCL Press 2018) and Migrants as Agents of Change (with Garapich, Jazwinska and Radziwinowiczowna, Palgrave Macmillan 2017); co-editor of Mobility in Transition. Migration Patterns After EU Enlargement (Amsterdam University Press 2013). I led research projects on: migrants’ careers, social remittances, peer-groups & migration (ended in 2020), life courses of young migrants & Brexit (ended in 2021), migrant liquid integration (H2020 MIMY, ended in 2023). In 2023 I won as a scientific coordinator Horizon Europe research project Link4Skills.