International Schools at KU

Among many activities, Kozminski University annually organizes International Schools and International Seminars. Program is dedicated to students from our partner universities from all around the world, and is an an unique opportunity to study at KU, visit best companies in Poland and take part in cross-cultural activities.
Below you can find updated information about international schools and seminars organized by KU and our partners.
Date: 07-17.01.2020
Coordinator: Laurent Scaringella
Group: 23
Date: 07-18 .01.2019
Coordinator: Laurent Scaringella
Group: 21
Date: 08-19.01.2018
Coordinator: Laurent Scaringella
Group: 28
Date: 09-20.01.2017
Coordinator: Laurent Scaringella
Group: 25
Date: 11-22.01.2016
Coordinator: Laurent Scaringella
Group: 22
Date: 07-16.01.2015
Coordinator: Laurent Scaringella
Group: 24
Date: 07-17.01.2014
Coordinator: Laurent Scaringella
Group: 25
Date: 30.09.2019-27.01.2020
Coordinator: Melinda Rippe
Plan: here
Group: 15
Date: 18.02-14.06.2019
Coordinator: Melinda Rippe
Group: 9
Date: 02.10.2017-26.01.2018
Coordinator: Melinda Rippe
Group: 13
Date: 21.09.2015-18.12.2015
Coordinator: Patrick-Michael Vabre
Group: 25
Date: 29.09.2014-19.12.2014
Coordinator: Patrick-Michael Vabre
Group: 20
Date: 16.09.2013-12.12.2013
Coordinator: Patrick-Michael Vabre
Group: 30
Date: 13.09.2012-15.12.2012
Coordinator: Thierry Phitoussi
Group: 30
Coordinator: Thierry Phitoussi
Group: 30
Date: 13.09-29.10.2010
Coordinator: Celine-Marie Maximin
Group: 30
Date: 21.09.2009-18.12.2009
Coordinator: Remi Jardat
Group: 30
Date: 07-10.07.2015
Coordinator: Adam Martin
Plan: here
Group: 20
Coordinator: Georg Ploetz
Group: 20
Coordinator: Uwe L. Heil
Group: 20
Date: 25.06.2013
Coordinator: Barbara Szmidt
Group: 25
Date: 04-07.12.2012
Coordinator: Martin Kornmeier
From December 4-7th 2012 Kozminski University hosted an international seminar (ISEM 2012) for the second time in its history. The seminar was organised in direct cooperation with their partner university Baden-Wuerttemberg University of Cooperative Education. Included among the participants were; the students from the above mention universities and students from Romanian-German University in Sibiu and T.C. İstanbul Kültür Üniversitesi in Istanbul.
This year the seminar was entiltled, „Analysing the impact of mega-events: theoretical background, indicators and key factors of influence.” This was an unprecedented opportunity to meet experts directly involved in organising events of this kind. Among the guest speakers of the seminar were representatives of PriceWaterhouseCoopers, officials responsible for promotion of Poland during the 2010 Expo in Shanghai and Euro 2012 Championships Poland-Ukraine as well as Mr. Jurek Owsiak, founder and head of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity Foundation and the Woodstock Festival.
This project has been funded with support from the Foundation for Polish-German Cooperation
Date: 14-18.05.2012
Coordinator: Dennis Kripp
Date: 21-31.07.2011
Coordinator: Martin Kornmeier
Plan: here
Group: 29
Date: 22-31.07.2010
Coordinator: Martin Kornmeier
Date: 23.07-01.08.2009
Coordinator: Martin Kornmeier
Date: 17.02-12.06.2020
Coordinator: Alexandra Laasri
Plan: here
Group: 9
Date: 30.09.2019-27.01.2020
Coordinator: Alexandra Laasri
Group: 19
Date: 01.10.2018-25.01.2019
Coordinator: Alexandra Laasri
Group: 12
Data: 18.02-14.06.2019
Koordynator: Alexandra Laasri
L. uczestników: 18
Data: 02 – 06.2018
Koordynator: Alexandra Laasri
L. uczestników: 14
Data: 02.10.2017-26.01.2018
Koordynator: Alexandra Laasri
L. uczestników: 15
Data: 02 – 06.2017
Koordynator: Alexandra Laasri
L. uczestników: 15
Data: 02-06.2016
Koordynator: Alain Ouvrieu
L. uczestników: 32