HYPERLOOP: The potential for the development and implementation of vacuum railway technology in Poland in the social, technical, economic and legal context

HYPERLOOP: The potential for the development and implementation of vacuum railway technology in Poland in the social, technical, economic and legal context
Aim of the project
The Project will focus on answering the question whether it is worth to invest in the development of Hyperloop technology in Poland, and if so why it is worth to invest in it and how to support it.
Numerous international studies have shown that Hyperloop may become one of the new modes of transportation within a decade and this technology should be particularly suitable for distances between 100 and 500 km. Polish startups and scientific teams are currently among the top ones globally, however their future success is dependent on support from public and private parties.
Project impact
The Project’s result will be procurement of an analytical and consulting Report dealing with the topic in a holistic way. It’s structure will be close to a hybrid of due diligence and impact assessment. It will include a broad spectrum of issues determining the possibilities of development and potential implementation of Hyperloop technology.