Hackers in neckties? Applications of social sciences in computer security
Hackers in neckties? Applications of social sciences in computer security
Aim of the project The main scientific goal of the project is to identify social determinants in the careers of computer security specialists. The goal will be achieved through sociological research in the professional environment, by recruiting participants at industry conferences. Data for triangulation will be obtained by recruiting people related to the informal environment, i.e. participants of legal, though elite, hacking competitions.
Project impact
The scientific result of the project will be publication international impact and a report popularizing the results (the so-called White paper). The scientific goal will translate into the application goal, i.e. building a network of contacts and preparing a workshop for employees and students of the Kozminski University. The result of activities in the field of applied sciences will be the preparation of a network of contacts for further research and the preparation of data to improve the recruitment of specialists and training of managers.