Entrepreneurial Exit Planning Strategies and Conditioning Factors in Poland

Entrepreneurial Exit Planning Strategies and Conditioning Factors in Poland
Aim of the project
The goal of the research is an attempt to identify and assess the phenomenon of entrepreneurial exit subject to Polish conditions, including:
• Identification of exit strategies planned by entrepreneurs (exit intentions) and condition defining factors, such as human capital and relational capital;
• Identification of needs in connection with the actual performance of the exit strategy;
• The building of the entrepreneur profile depending on declared intention of exiting.
Both quantitative and qualitative methods shall be used in the research. The primary source of data for the quantitative analyses shall be the results of questionnaire–based research conducted among a group of 300 entrepreneurs and active in the SME sector. The source of data for qualitative analyses shall be interviews conducted with a group of six–ten experts with experience in support for entrepreneurs in the process of exiting.

Wybitny ekspert w dziedzinie przedsiębiorczości rodzinnej i nadzoru właścicielskiego. Autorka licznych publikacji dotyczących nadzoru korporacyjnego, family business i funkcjonowania rad nadzorczych. Odbywała staże zagraniczne w International Business School w Jönköping, Oxford Brookes University Business School oraz School of Business, Economics and Law, University of Gothenburg. Za osiągnięcia naukowe otrzymała wiele nagród, w tym nagrodę indywidualną Ministra Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego.