Professor Anna Błachnio-Parzych works in the Department of Criminal Law. Her scholarly interests focus on European criminal law, comparative law, substantive criminal law – especially economic and procedural criminal law – and the philosophy of law. She received several scholarships from the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Crime, Security and Law and the Centre of Penal Theory and Penal Ethics (Institute of Criminology) at the University of Cambridge. She is a member of international research networks: Quasi-Criminal Enforcement Mechanisms and European Criminal Law Academic Network. Professor Błachnio-Parzych is also a member of scientific associations like the Polish Scientific Association of Criminal Law or the Association Internationale de Droit Penal (AIDP). She is a judge and attorney at law certified by the Polish administration. Moreover, she works as jurisprudence specialist assistant in the Criminal Chamber of the Polish Supreme Court.
Scientific projects:
– grant of the Poland’s National Science Centre, competition Sonata Bis: “Gwarancje odpowiedzialności penalnej a odpowiedzialność administracyjno-karna” (Guarantees of Penal Responsibility And Administrative-Criminal Responsibility; 2019–2023), principal investigator;
– grant of the Poland’s National Science Centre, competition Sonata: “Zbieg odpowiedzialności represyjnej. Modele rozwiązania problemu kumulacji kar w systemie odpowiedzialności represyjnej” (The Concurrence of Repressive Liability. Models of Solutions to the Problem of Cumulation of Penalties for the Same Act; 2014–2016), principal investigator.