Michał Bojanowski, Ph.D., is a sociologist (Ph.D. from the Utrecht University, Netherlands, 2012) who specializes in the statistical analysis of social networks and mathematical and the computational modeling of social phenomena. His scientific interests focus on the problems of rivalry mechanisms and cooperation in different social contexts. He authored several scientific articles in international scientific journals; among other things, he wrote about rivalry and cooperation in science and the structure and dynamics of strategic alliances between companies or peer networks in school classes. Moreover, he wrote on the methods of network analysis in exponential-family random graph models (ERGM) and the measuring of segregation levels in networks. He is the winner of the Polityka Scientific Award (2012). Bojanowski is a developer and trainer in the R programming language (https://www.r-project.org) with experience in scientific and business implementation gathered since the early 2000s. Bojanowski authored and co-authored packages that extend R functionality for network data analysis, modeling, and visualization.