Ph.D. Agata Jastrzębowska

Ph.D. of psychology; social, organization and work psychologist. 

She works as a post doc in the BigMig research project: Digital and non-digital traces of migrants in Big and Small Data approaches to human capacities carried out at the Kozminski University in Warsaw (Poland), under the supervision of Professor Izabela Grabowska. 

Quantitative researcher, interested in the subject of the impact of the migration experience on human well-being and its resources. 

In 2009-2021, she worked at the SWPS University, where she held various organizational positions and did teaching, i.e., she was Dean's Represenative for Internships and Alumni or Expert at the Interdisciplinary Doctoral School for implementation doctorates and evaluation. Earlier, she completed MA studies (social psychology, 2008) and doctoral studies (psychology, 2016) at the SWPS University. 

In 2015-2016, she cooperated with the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, where she co-created the Polish Graduate tracking system. 

She creates her research agenda around four concepts: migration, social competences, interpersonal communication and Competency Job fit.

She is the originator and leader of the social campaign Talk to me kindly, the aim of which is to promote assertive communication in the society, in line with the model of Nonviolent Communication.

Grabowska, I., Jastrzebowska, A., & Kyliushyk, I. (2023). Resilience Embedded in Psychological Capital of Ukrainian Refugees in Poland. Migration Letters, 20(3), 421–430.

Kyliushyk, I., Jastrzębowska, A. (2023). Aid attitudes in short- and long-term perspective among Ukrainian migrants and Poles during the Russian war in 2022. Frontiers in Sociology, 8:1084725. doi:

Grabowska, I., Jastrzebowska, A. (2023). Megatrendy na globalnym rynku pracy: demografia, kapitał ludzki i migracje. [W:] M. Ciszewskiej-Mlinarič (red.) Przyszłość jest dziś. Trendy kształtujące biznes, społeczeństwo i przywództwo. Warszawa: ALK. ISBN 978-83-66502-11-6.

Grabowska, I., Jastrzebowska, A. (2023). Migratory Informal Human Capital of Returnees to Central Europe: A New Resource for Organizations. Central European Management Journal, Volume 31 Issue 1, ISSN: 2658-2430,

Grabowska I., Jastrzębowska A. (2023). Mobile transitions to adulthood and soft skills of Polish and Lithuanian return migrants. Rocznik Lubuski 48(1) (Anniversary Volume for Prof. Maria Zielinska).

Grabowska, I., Jastrzebowska, A. (2022). Migration and the Transfer of Informal Human Capital: Insights from Central Europe and Mexico. Routledge: Taylor & Francis.

Jastrzębowska, A. (2020). Dopasowanie kompetencyjne człowieka do pracy. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Scholar. ISBN: 978-83-7383-990-8.

Grabowska, I., Jastrzębowska, A. (2019). The impact of migration on human capacities of two generations of Poles: The interplay of the individual and the social in human capital approaches, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Special Issue, 47(8), 1829-1847. DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2019.1679414.

Jastrzębowska-Tyczkowska, A. (2017). Od czego zależy zachowanie człowieka? Perspektywa psychologiczna oraz neuropsychologiczna. [W:] G. Jastrzębowska, J. Góral-Półrola, A. Kozołub (red.), Neuropsychologia, neurologopedia i neurolingwistyka. Opole: Wydawnictwo UO, s. 241-256, ISBN: 978-83-7395-772-5. 

Jastrzębowska-Tyczkowska, A., Skarżyńska, K. (2016). Kiedy zadowoleni z pracy są także zadowoleni z życia? Rola kompetencji pracownika i jego dopasowania do środowiska pracy, Czasopismo Psychologiczne, 22, 2, 173-182, DOI: 10.14691/CPPJ.22.2.173, ISSN 1425-64460.

Michalaszek, A., Jastrzębowska, A., Kaczmarek, L. (2012). Metody Mouselab i WebDiP jako przykłady komputerowych metod śledzenia procesu, stosowanych w badaniu procesów decyzyjnych. W: W. J. Paluchowski, A. Bujacz, P. Haładziński, L. Kaczmarek (red.), Nowoczesne metody badawcze w psychologii (s. 207-222). Poznań: Wydawnictwo UAM, ISBN 978-83-62243-92-1.

She is a member of:

  • Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP
  • International Migration Research Network (IMISCOE
  • Polish Association of Social Psychology (PSPS
  • Polish Association of Organizational Psychology (PSPO)