mgr Emil Chról

Social researcher in the field of sociological, cultural and political sciences 

PhD student at the University of Warsaw's Interdisciplinary Doctoral School. The main research topic of his doctoral studies is national identity. Research interests also include international relations, migration and diasporic issues. Qualitative researcher in many scientific projects, including OPUS and foreign projects, such as. Aspirations for return and secondary migration among Ukrainian refugees, project, No: 83347, managed by The Fafo Institute for Labour and Social Research and funded by Norwegian Directorate of Immigration.

At the Kozminski University he is a researcher in project “BigMig: Digital and non-digital traces of migrants in Big and Small Data approaches to human capacities” (2020/37/B/HS6/02342 OPUS), which is financed by Poland’s National Science Centre.

Publications in scientific journals

  • Chról, E. (2018). О процессе изучения польского как иностранного языка носителями украинско-русского билингвизма. Изучение ошибок учащихся. Слово, Высказывание, Текст в Когнитивном, Прагматическом и Культурологическом Аспектах, Материалы IX Международной научной конференции Челябинск 18—20 апреля 2018 года Том 2, 207-211. 
  • Chról, E. (2018). Monodramaty J. Griszkowca a japońska sztuka teatralna rakugo. Między Wschodem a Zachodem, między Północą a Południem 2, 229-241. 
  • Chról, E. (2018). Новая драма в Украине. Исследование украинской новой драмы на примере творчества Максима Курочкина. Lubelskie Studia Filologiczne, Prace młodych badaczy, 79-89. 
  • Chról, E. (2017). Внутренняя эволюция героев монодрам Евгения Гришковца. Seria wydawnicza Zeszyty Cyrylo-Metodiańskie, Problemy języka i kultury Słowian południowych, nr 6, 123-136. 
  • He has many years of experience in performing:  
  • translation and interpretation in two directions in various language configurations: Polish, Russian, Ukrainian, English  
  • creation and synchronization of subtitles for films  
  • transcription with simultaneous translation of qualitative interviews  
  • Skilled in performing PR, branding and social media development functions, in the role of SM manager at a large foundation. 
  • Enthusiast of R and qualitative analysis programs such as MaxQDA.