Centre for Research on Social Change and Human Mobility (CRASH)


Centre for Research on Social Change and Human Mobility (CRASH)

The Center for Research on Social Change and Mobility (CRASH) takes a closer look at the concept of social change and the mobility, and looks at it in an interdisciplinary way, inviting researchers from various disciplines around the world to participate in this process.  

By combining qualitative and quantitative research methods in social sciences, we undertake empirical research on critical social problems in Poland, Central and Eastern Europe in relation to a wider social context. We take into account such phenomena as globalization, migration, pandemics, economic changes and new technologies that directly shape and change various areas of human life and entire societies. 

In the coming years, the Centre for Research on Social Change and Human Mobility will investigate into social, behavioural and economic issues concerning human mobility, the quality and character of work, the structure and flow of organization and community life in response to national and global processes of social and economic transformations.


Currently, as part of the BigMig: Cyfrowe i analogowe ślady migrantów w dużych i małych zbiorach danych oraz zdolności ludzkie (NCN OPUS 19) the My Migration Research Portal has been created to identify people's resources (psychosocial capitals).  

My Migration is a research portal where individuals, after answering questions, will receive free and automatically generated feedback on their resources (psychosocial capitals) and opportunities in the labor market.

The portal invites individuals who: 

1. have experienced going abroad of their own country, lived and worked there or are still there 

2. have not experienced living abroad, but may experience migration within the country, mobility in the labor market by changing jobs, employment breaks, promotions or starting their own business. 

The portal operates in three language versions:

Projects in CRASH

  • Ryan, L., Grabowska, I., Romero, V., López, M. E., eds. (2023). Bodies at borders: Analyzing the objectification and containment of migrants at border crossing. Lausanne: Frontiers Media SA. doi: 10.3389/978-2-8325-3971-2 
  • Grabowska, I., Jastrzebowska, A., & Kyliushyk, I. (2023). Resilience Embedded in Psychological Capital of Ukrainian Refugees in Poland. Migration Letters, 20(3), 421–430. https://doi.org/10.47059/ml.v20i3.2887  
  • Grabowska I. (2023). Return mobility and transnational intangible transfers. The case of Central and Eastern Europe, In: (eds.) Fauser M., Bada X. The Routledge International Handbook of Transnational Studies. DOI: 10.4324/9781003329978-9 (pp. 82-92). 
  • Grabowska, I. (2023). Societal dangers of migrant crisis narratives with a special focus on Belarussian and Ukrainian borders with Poland. Frontiers in Sociology, 7, 1084732. 
  • Kyliushyk, I., Jastrzębowska, A. (2023). Aid attitudes in short- and long-term perspective among Ukrainian migrants and Poles during the Russian war in 2022. Frontiers in Sociology, 8:1084725. doi: https://doi.org/10.3389/fsoc.2023.1084725. 
  • Grabowska, I., Jastrzebowska, A. (2023). Megatrendy na globalnym rynku pracy: demografia, kapitał ludzki i migracje. [W:] M. Ciszewskiej-Mlinarič (red.) Przyszłość jest dziś. Trendy kształtujące biznes, społeczeństwo i przywództwo. Warszawa: ALK. ISBN 978-83-66502-11-6. 
  • Grabowska, I., Jastrzebowska, A. (2023). Migratory Informal Human Capital of Returnees to Central Europe: A New Resource for Organizations. Central European Management Journal, Volume 31 Issue 1, ISSN: 2658-2430, https://doi.org/10.1108/CEMJ-01-2022-0014   
  • Grabowska I., Jastrzębowska A. (2023). Mobile transitions to adulthood and soft skills of Polish and Lithuanian return migrants. Rocznik Lubuski 48(1) (Anniversary Volume for Prof. Maria Zielinska).  
  • Fedyuk, O., Kyliushyk, I., Lashchuk, I. (2023). New (im)possibilities for agriculture and domestic services in Poland and Italy? Navigating legal solutions and social organisations’ support for Ukrainian women displaced by the full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022. CMR Working Papers 134(192)  
  • Garapich, M., Grabowska, I., Jaźwińska, E., White, A. (2023). Koniec fenomenu migracji poakcesyjnych? In: (eds.) Lesińska, M., Okólski, M. 30 wykładów o migracji. Warszawa. ISSN: 978-83-235-6102-6 
  • Grabowska, I., & Jastrzebowska, A. (2022). Migration and the Transfer of Informal Human Capital: Insights from Central Europe and Mexico. Routledge. ISBN: 9781003011545. DOI: 10.4324/9781003011545  
  • Chlasta, K., Sochaczewski, P., Grabowska, I., Jastrzębowska, A. (2022). MyMigrationBot: A Cloud-based Facebook Social Chatbot for Migrant Populations. Federated Conference on Computer Science and Intelligence Systems 2022, Volume: 31, pp. 51–59. DOI: 10.15439/2022F187  
  • Winogrodzka, D., Grabowska, I. (2021). (Dis)ordered Social Sequences of Mobile Young Adults: Spatial, Social and Return Mobilities. Journal of Youth Studies. https://doi.org/10.1080/13676261.2020.1865526 (open access).

People in Centre

Prof. Izabela Grabowska

Professor Izabela Grabowska is sociologist and economist; full professor of social sciences; I was granted PhD by Department of Economics at University of Warsaw and Master Degrees (in economic sciences by University College Dublin and in sociology by University of Wroclaw); in 2021 I joined the Department of Economics at Kozminski University, and set up, as a director, CRASH Center for Research on Social Change and Human Mobility; in 2016-2021 I was a director of Interdisciplinary Doctoral School of SWPS University, Warsaw; in 2002-2019 I was Research Fellow at the Centre of Migration Research in Warsaw (currently I am a member of its Scientific Board); in 2008-2019 I was a member of IMISCOE Executive Board and Board of Directors; I am a national expert of the European Commission in: ESCO and European Mobility Partnership; now for European Labour Agency, for European Employment Services EURES; I am a co-author of research monograph: Migration and the Transfer of Informal Human Capital. Insights from Central Europe and Mexico (with Jastrzebowska; Routledge 2022); The Impact of Migration on Poland: EU Mobility and Social Change (with White, Kaczmarczyk and Slany, UCL Press 2018) and Migrants as Agents of Change (with Garapich, Jazwinska and Radziwinowiczowna, Palgrave Macmillan 2017); co-editor of Mobility in Transition. Migration Patterns After EU Enlargement (Amsterdam University Press 2013). I led research projects on: migrants’ careers, social remittances, peer-groups & migration (ended in 2020), life courses of young migrants & Brexit (ended in 2021), migrant liquid integration (H2020 MIMY, ended in 2023). In 2023 I won as a scientific coordinator Horizon Europe research project Link4Skills. 

Main most recent publications 

Selected Articles:

  • Grabowska I., Czeranowska O. (in press). Scenarios of Return (im)Mobilities and Pandemic. The European Sociologist. No. 46, Vol. 2. 
  • Winogrodzka D., Grabowska I. (2021). (Dis)ordered Social Sequences of Mobile Young Adults: Spatial, Social and Return Mobilities. Journal of Youth Studies. https://doi.org/10.1080/13676261.2020.1865526 
  • Grabowska I. (2020). The 2004 EU enlargement as an outcome of public policies: The impact of intra-EU mobility on Central and Eastern European sending countries. Social Policy and Society. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/S147474642000024X (open access).  
  • Grabowska I., Jastrzebowska A. (2019). The Impact of Migration on Human Capacities of Two Generations of Poles: The Interplay of the Individual and the Social in Human Capital Approaches, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 10.1080/1369183X.2019.1679414 (open access).  
  • Grabowska I. (2018). Social skills, workplaces and social remittances: A case of post-accession migrants. Work, Employment and Society, 32(5): 868-886.  
  • Grabowska I. (2016). The Transition from Education to Employment Abroad: The Experiences of Young People from Poland. Europe-Asia Studies, 68(8), 1421-1440.  
  • Grabowska I., Garapich M.P. (2016). Social remittances and intra-EU mobility: Non-financial transfers between UK and Poland. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 42 (13), 2146-2162.  
  • Engbersen G., Grabowska I., Leerkes A., Snel E., Burgers J. (2013). On the Differential Attachments of Migrants from Central and Eastern Europe: A Typology of Labour Migration. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 39(6), 959-981. 
  • Grabowska I. (2005). Changes in the international mobility of labour: job migration of Polish nationals to Ireland, Irish Journal of Sociology, 14(1), 13- 27. 
  • Selected Monographs 
  • Grabowska I., Jastrzebowska A. (2022). Migration and the Transfer of Informal Human Capital: Insights from Central Europe and Mexico. London: Routledge. 
  • White A., Grabowska I., Kaczmarczyk P., Slany K. (2018). The Impact of Migration on Poland. London: UCL Press. 
  • Grabowska I., Garapich M.P., Jazwinska E., Radziwinowicz A. (2017). Migrants as Agents of Change. Social remittances in an enlarged European Union. Basingstoke, London: Palgrave Macmillan. 
  • Grabowska I. (2016). Movers and Stayers: Social Mobility, Migration and Skills. Frankfurt Am Main: Lang. 
Ph.D. Agata Jastrzębowska

Social, organization and work psychologist. 

She works as a post doc in the BigMig research project: Digital and non-digital traces of migrants in Big and Small Data approaches to human capacities carried out at the Kozminski University in Warsaw (Poland), under the supervision of Professor Izabela Grabowska. 

Quantitative researcher, interested in the subject of the impact of the migration experience on human well-being and its resources. 

In 2009-2021, she worked at the SWPS University, where she held various organizational positions and did teaching, i.e., she was Dean's Represenative for Internships and Alumni or Expert at the Interdisciplinary Doctoral School for implementation doctorates and evaluation. Earlier, she completed MA studies (social psychology, 2008) and doctoral studies (psychology, 2016) at the SWPS University. 

In 2015-2016, she cooperated with the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, where she co-created the Polish Graduate tracking system. 

She creates her research agenda around four concepts: migration, social competences, interpersonal communication and Competency job fit. 

She is the originator and leader of the social campaign Talk to me kindly, the aim of which is to promote assertive communication in the society, in line with the model of Nonviolent Communication.

Main publications 

  • Grabowska, I., Jastrzebowska, A. (2022). Migration and the Transfer of Informal Human Capital: Insights from Central Europe and Mexico. Routledge: Taylor & Francis.
  • Jastrzębowska, A. (2020). Dopasowanie kompetencyjne człowieka do pracy (ang. Person-Job competency fit). Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Scholar. ISBN: 978-83-7383-990-8.
  • Grabowska, I., Jastrzębowska, A. (2019). The impact of migration on human capacities of two generations of Poles: The interplay of the individual and the social in human capital approaches, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Special Issue, 47(8), 1829-1847. DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2019.1679414.
  • Jastrzębowska-Tyczkowska, A. (2017). Od czego zależy zachowanie człowieka? Perspektywa psychologiczna oraz neuropsychologiczna. [W:] G. Jastrzębowska, J. Góral-Półrola, A. Kozołub (red.), Neuropsychologia, neurologopedia i neurolingwistyka. Opole: Wydawnictwo UO, s. 241-256, ISBN: 978-83-7395-772-5.
  • Jastrzębowska-Tyczkowska, A., Skarżyńska, K. (2016). Kiedy zadowoleni z pracy są także zadowoleni z życia? Rola kompetencji pracownika i jego dopasowania do środowiska pracy, Czasopismo Psychologiczne, 22, 2, 173-182, DOI: 10.14691/CPPJ.22.2.173, ISSN 1425-64460.
  • Michalaszek, A., Jastrzębowska, A., Kaczmarek, L. (2012). Metody Mouselab i WebDiP jako przykłady komputerowych metod śledzenia procesu, stosowanych w badaniu procesów decyzyjnych. W: W. J. Paluchowski, A. Bujacz, P. Haładziński, L. Kaczmarek (red.), Nowoczesne metody badawcze w psychologii (s. 207-222). Poznań: Wydawnictwo UAM, ISBN 978-83-62243-92-1.

She is a member of:

  • Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP
  • International Migration Research Network (IMISCOE
  • Polish Association of Social Psychology (PSPS
  • Polish Association of Organizational Psychology (PSPO)
PhD Paulina Smaszcz

PhD in social sciences in the field of sociology, Polish philologist, journalist, women capital expert, power and motivational speaker, buisness trainer. 

Communication, marketing and PR director of the IRCenter research company. 

For more than 25 years, she has been individually training business representatives (entrepreneurs, corporate and individual business employees), from board members and top managers to executives and sales representatives. She is also involved in training medical professionals, doctors, clinic owners, VIP clients and representatives of NGOs in Polish and European forums. 

As part of her own series of training courses and projects #kobietapetarda, she trains and guides business women; women returning to the labor market; supports women’s initiatives and start-ups and women who want to make changes in their professional and private lives. Women in midlife are the main characters in her Ph.D. 

Author of the mentoring book “Bądź Kobietą Petardą. Jak zająć się sobą i żyć świadomie.” (Be The Powerful Woman — How to focus on yourself and live consciously), which won the BOOK OF THE YEAR 2021 award, and the book “Mama i Tata to MY.” (Mum and Dad — that’s us), in which she and the best experts in Poland dispel myths about children’s health and nutrition. 

Nominated and awarded in competitions: “KOBIETA Z PASJĄ” (Woman with Passion), “KRÓLOWA DOBROCZYNNOŚCI” (The Queen of Charity), “KOBIETACHARYZMATYCZNA” (CharismaticWoman), “LWICA BIZNESU” (Business Lioness), “METAMORFOZA ROKU” (Metamorphosis of the year), “GWIAZDA STYLU” (Style Star), “KOBIETA, KTÓRA INSPIRUJE 2020.” (A Woman who Inspires) 

She was the only Polish woman featured in the international publication GLOBAL INFLUENTIAL WOMEN. 

She created an original personal branding project for women (business and cognitive competencies), “BĄDŹ KOBIETĄ, KTÓRĄ CHCIAŁABYŚ SPOTKAĆ” (Be the woman whom you’d like to meet) #ProjectPSK, the project and the series of interviews — “KOBIETY PETARDY” (Powerful Women) and the Academy of Communication and Public Relations by Paulina Smaszcz (level basic, master, professional).


  • Smaszcz-Kurzajewska P., Grabowska I. (2018). Życie jako projekt 20 lat później [Life as a project 20 years later], Rocznik Lubuski


  • Smaszcz-Kurzajewska P. (2008). MAMA I TATA TO MY! Obalam mity o zdrowiu, rozwoju, żywieniu dzieci. Warszawa: IGA PRODUCTION. Seria felietonów: 
  • Smaszcz-Kurzajewska P. (2016). Jesteś kobietą. Przeproś!, Inspirujący Magazyn dla Kobiet Kreatywnych,15.04. 
  • Smaszcz-Kurzajewska P. (2015). Miłość i biznes. Małych firm się nie kocha, czyli miłość tylko do terminu zapłaty, Lounge Magazin, 15.10. 
  • Smaszcz-Kurzajewska P. (2015). Nie musimy oglądać horrorów wystarczy, że obejrzymy reklamy o kobietach, Lounge Magazin, 15.11. 
  • Smaszcz-Kurzajewska P. (2015). Korona na gumkę sklejona kropelką czyli czas na święta kobiet, Lounge Magazin, 15.12. 
  • Smaszcz-Kurzajewska P. (2016). Dojrzałość kobiet. Nowy trend, moda czy tylko kaprys, Lounge Magazin, 15.02. 
  • Smaszcz-Kurzajewska P. (2016). Dobry wygląd nie zna wieku., IK Magazyn Kobiet Spełnionych, 15.06. 
  • Smaszcz-Kurzajewska P. (2018). Mocniej, więcej, szybciej!, Live &Travel, 15.02. 
  • Smaszcz-Kurzajewska P. (2018). Musisz, trzeba, udawaj, graj, Live &Travel, 15.03. 
  • Smaszcz-Kurzajewska P. (2018). Reklamy tv o dojrzałych kobietach, Live &Travel, 15.04. 
  • Smaszcz-Kurzajewska P. (2018). Słowa znaczą tyle ile wart jest ten co je wypowiada, Live &Travel, 15.05. 
  • Smaszcz-Kurzajewska P. (2018). Kobiety sukcesu się wspierają. Live &Travel, 15.06. 
  • Smaszcz-Kurzajewska P. (2018). Jestem taka zajęta, Live &Travel, 15.07. 
  • Smaszcz-Kurzajewska P. (2018). Nie jestem “koniem dorożkarza”, Live &Travel, 15.08. 
  • Smaszcz-Kurzajewska P. (2018). Presja społeczna wobec kobiet, Live &Travel, 15.09. 
M.A. Dominika Winogrodzka

Sociologist, social researcher. She holds a Master’s degree in Sociology (Market Research and Public Policy Analysis specialization) from the Institute of Sociology of the Jagiellonian University. She is currently a PhD Student of the Interdisciplinary Doctoral School at SWPS University. She is preparing a PhD dissertation on the impact of spatial mobility on young people’s situation in the labour market. Her research interests concentrate on youth studies, career studies and mobility studies. She specializes in and conducts courses in the methodology of qualitative social research. She has published in renowned journals, both international (ournal of Youth Studies, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, International Migration, Journal of International Migration and Integration), and national (Studia Socjologiczne, Przegląd Socjologii Jakościowej, Studia Migracyjne-Przegląd Polonijny). She is a laureate of numerous scholarships from the National Science Centre (SONATA BIS, OPUS) and Rector's SWPS University scholarship.  

She collaborates with the Center for Research on Social Change and Human Mobility​ (CRASH) at Kozminski University, where she is a researcher in “BigMig: Digital and non-digital traces of migrants in Big and Small Data approaches to human capacities” project (OPUS-19, National Science Center scholarship). At the SWPS University, she is involved in the projects such as "Education-to-domestic and- foreign labor market transitions of youth" (Sonata Bis 5, NCN) and "MIMY: Empowerment through liquid Integration of migrant youth in vulnerable condition" (Horizon 2020). She is a laureate of grant Preludium-20 from the National Science Centre, she led the project “Work (in)stability and spatial (im)mobility from the perspective of young people on the move. Impact of the Covid-19 pandemic”.

Main publications:  

  • WINOGRODZKA D., Trąbka, A., Pietrusinska J. M. (2023). “It’s about mindset”. How do young migrants in Poland build their resilience?, JOURNAL OF ETHNIC AND MIGRATION STUDIES, s.1-21. affiliation: Uniwersytet SWPS 
  • WINOGRODZKA D. (2023). ‘Stability is a foggy concept’: work stability from the perspective of young people with mobility experiences, JOURNAL OF YOUTH STUDIES, s.1-21. affiliation: Uniwersytet SWPS. 
  • WINOGRODZKA D. (2023). „Nie jest to życie, które oni rozumieją, w ich mniemaniu moje życie jest bardzo niestabilne”. Młodzi dorośli o stabilności zawodowej własnej i swoich rodziców, PRZEGLĄD SOCJOLOGII JAKOŚCIOWEJ, 19 (4), s. 12-45, affilation: Uniwersytet SWPS 
  • Arendas, Z., Trąbka, A., Messing, V.,  Pietrusińska, M. J., & WINOGRODZKA, D. (2023). Agency of Migrant Youth in Hostile Sociopolitical Environments: Case Studies from Central Eastern Europe. Social Sciences. 12(4), 210, affilation: Uniwersytet SWPS 
  • Czeranowska O., WINOGRODZKA D. (in print). Career trajectories, skills transfers and work stability of educated Polish migrants returning from the UK, INTERNATIONAL MIGRATION, affiliation: Uniwersytet SWPS. 
  • WINOGRODZKA D., Grabowska I. (2022). (Dis)ordered social sequences of mobile young adults: spatial, social and return mobilities, JOURNAL OF YOUTH STUDIES, 25 (2), s. 242-258, affiliation: Uniwersytet SWPS. 
  • WINOGRODZKA D., Sarnowska J. (2019) Tranzycyjny efekt jojo w sekwencjach społecznych młodych migrantów, PRZEGLĄD SOCJOLOGII JAKOŚCIOWEJ, 15 (4), s. 130-153, affiliation: Uniwersytet SWPS. 
  • WINOGRODZKA D., Mleczko I. (2019). Migracja płynna a prekaryzacja pracy. Przykłady doświadczeń zawodowych młodych migrantów z wybranych miast średniej wielkości w Polsce, STUDIA MIGRACYJNE-PRZEGLĄD POLONIJNY, 1(171), s. 85-106, affiliation: Uniwersytet SWPS. 
  • Pustułka P., WINOGRODZKA D., Buler M. (2019). Mobilne pokolenie wyboru? Migracje międzynarodowe a płeć i role rodzinne wśród Milenialsek, STUDIA MIGRACYJNE-PRZEGLĄD POLONIJNY, 4(174), s. 139-164, affiliation: Uniwersytet SWPS. 
  • Sarnowska J., WINOGRODZKA D., Pustułka P. (2018). The changing meanings of work among university-educated young adults from a temporal perspective, PRZEGLĄD SOCJOLOGICZNY, 67 (3), s. 111-134, affiliation: Uniwersytet SWPS.


  • Pietrusińska, M. J., WINOGRODZKA, D., & Trąbka, A. in collaboration with J. Oliveira, & R. Catherine (2023). RESEARCHING YOUNG MIGRANTS IN VULNERABLE CONDITIONS. METHODOLOGICAL AND ETHICAL GUIDELINES BASED ON THE MIMY PROJECT, affiliation: Uniwersytet SWPS 
  • Pustulka P., WINOGRODZKA D. (2021). Unpacking the Mobility Capacities and Imperatives of the ‘Global Generation’. In: Cairns D. (eds) THE PALGRAVE HANDBOOK OF YOUTH MOBILITY AND EDUCATIONAL MIGRATION. Palgrave Macmillan, s. 47-61, affiliation: Uniwersytet SWPS
  • Member of the Center for Research on Social Change and Human Mobility at Kozminski University (CRASH) 
  • Member of Youth Research Centre at SWPS University 
  • Member of the European Sociological Association (ESA) 
  • Board Member in The Foundation for The Development of Social Research 
M.A. Ivanna Kyliushyk

Political scientist, social researcher; graduate of Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University (MA in history with specialisation in museology and protection of historical and cultural heritage), University of Warsaw (MA in social sciences and humanities with specialisation in Eastern Europe). She is currently a doctoral student at the University of Warsaw (Ph.D. in political science) and an M.A. student (applied sociology and social anthropology).  

Member of the Centre for Research on Social Change and Human Mobility (CRASH) at Kozminski University. Researcher in the project “BigMig: Digital and non-digital traces of migrants in Big and Small Data approaches to human capacities” (OPUS-19, NCN), and researcher in the Warsaw Talent Cluster project.  

She is also a researcher in project: “MIMY: Empowerment through liquid integration of migrant youth in vulnerable conditions” (Horyzont 2020) and prior to that she was a researcher in project: “The Impact of COVID 19 on Ukrainian Women Migrants in Poland” (financed by the Heinrich Böll Foundation). 

In the years 2017–2023, she was a social activist working with the Ukrainian House Foundation, where she coordinated integration and cultural projects.  

She is research-focused on Ukrainian migration, inclusion, and political participation of foreigners, their integration, including in the job market, and public policies related to migration. 

Her doctoral dissertation addresses the rights and political participation of foreigners in Poland. 

Main publications:

  • Fedyuk, O., Kyliushyk, I., Lashchuk, I. (2023). New (im)possibilities for agriculture and domestic services in Poland and Italy? Navigating legal solutions and social organisations’ support for Ukrainian women displaced by the full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022. CMR Working Papers 134(192), afiliacja: ALK. 
  • Kyliushyk, I., Jastrzębowska, A. (2023). Aid attitudes in short- and long-term perspective among Ukrainian migrants and Poles during the Russian war in 2022. Frontiers in Sociology, 8:1084725. doi: https://doi.org/10.3389/fsoc.2023.1084725, afiliacja: ALK. 
  • Grabowska, I., Jastrzebowska, A., & Kyliushyk, I. (2023). Resilience Embedded in Psychological Capital of Ukrainian Refugees in Poland. Migration Letters, 20(3), 421–430. https://doi.org/10.47059/ml.v20i3.2887, afiliacja: ALK. 
  • Cope, B., Keryk, M., Kyliushyk, I. (2021). Sytuacja ukraińskich migrantek w Polsce w czasie COVID-19, online, 44 s., afiliacja: UW.  
  • Kyliushyk, I. (2020). Политические права иностранцев из третьих стран в Польше. Результаты количественных исследований (Prawa polityczne cudzoziemców z państw trzecich w Polsce. Wyniki badań ilościowych). Studia Politologiczne, 58, s. 173–187, afiliacja: UW. 
  • Kyliushyk, I. (2019). Legal Conditions for Employment of Foreigners in Poland in Theory and Practice. Zoon Politikon, online, 125–144, afiliacja: UW. 
  • Kyliushyk, I. (2018). Prawa polityczne cudzoziemców w Polsce. Zoon Politikon, online, 5–21, afiliacja: UW. 

Chapters in monographs:

  • Kyliushyk, I. (2021). Виборчі права іноземців у виборах місцевого самоврядування у Польщі (Prawa wyborcze cudzoziemców w wyborach samorządowych w Polsce), w: Pustovyi O., Kyliushyk I., Chról E. (red.), Zeszyty Naukowe Koła Doktorantów „Ucrainica”, tom 1-2, 9–22, afiliacja: UW. 
  • Kyliushyk, I. (2021). Українська міграція до Польщі: причини, кількість, характер (Migracja ukraińska do Polski: przyczyny, ilość, charakter), w: Pustovyi O., Kyliushyk I., Chról E. (red.), Zeszyty Naukowe Koła Doktorantów „Ucrainica”, tom 1-2, 31–42, afiliacja: UW. 
  • Kyliushyk, I. (2020). Konfrontacja Rosji i OBWE po rozpadzie Związku Radzieckiego”, w: Turłukowski J. (red.), Rozpad ZSRR i jego następstwa prawne. Zarys Problematyki, 231–255, afiliacja: UW.
Kazimierz Zieliński

PhD of Information Technology, scientific researcher in Social Informatics, academic lecturer 

Post doc in the research project “BigMig: Digital and non-digital traces of migrants in Big and Small Data approaches to human capacities” carried out at the Kozminski University in Warsaw (Poland), under the supervision of prof. dr hab. Izabela Grabowska. 

He conducts research in the realm of Social Informatics with use of natural language processing, text mining, big data analysis, processing of data from social media, Wikipedia, dialogue systems. 

Since 2019 Lecturer and Assistant Professor at the Polish-Japanese Academy of Computer Technology- Warsaw, Poland (PJATK). In 2019 he defended his PhD thesis   “Formal model, methods and algorithms for detecting controversy of Wikipedia articles and search queries”. 

  • “Tell Me How You Feel: Designing Emotion-Aware Voicebots to Ease Pandemic Anxiety In Aging Citizens”, 2022, preprint http://arxiv.org/abs/2207.10828 
  • Published code of a dialog system for booking of services (project RPMA.01.02.00-14-b405/18-00), 2022,    https://github.com/selidor-hub/DialogueSystem 
  • “Computing controversy: Formal model and algorithms for detecting controversy on Wikipedia and in search queries”, Information Processing & Management, Vol. 54, Issue 1, January 2018, p. 14-36 
  • “Document controversy classification based on the wikipedia category structure”, Computer Science, 2015, Vol. 16 (2) 
  • “Predicting Controversy of Wikipedia Articles Using the Article Feedback Tool”, Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Social Computing, August 2014 
  • “Mobile telecommunication systems changed the electronic communications and ICT market”, 2013, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology
mgr Emil Chról

Social researcher in the field of sociological, cultural and political sciences 

PhD student at the University of Warsaw's Interdisciplinary Doctoral School. The main research topic of his doctoral studies is national identity. Research interests also include international relations, migration and diasporic issues. Qualitative researcher in many scientific projects, including OPUS and foreign projects, such as. Aspirations for return and secondary migration among Ukrainian refugees, project, No: 83347, managed by The Fafo Institute for Labour and Social Research and funded by Norwegian Directorate of Immigration.

At the Kozminski University he is a researcher in project “BigMig: Digital and non-digital traces of migrants in Big and Small Data approaches to human capacities” (2020/37/B/HS6/02342 OPUS), which is financed by Poland’s National Science Centre.

  • Chról, E. (2018). О процессе изучения польского как иностранного языка носителями украинско-русского билингвизма. Изучение ошибок учащихся. Слово, Высказывание, Текст в Когнитивном, Прагматическом и Культурологическом Аспектах, Материалы IX Международной научной конференции Челябинск 18—20 апреля 2018 года Том 2, 207-211. 
  • Chról, E. (2018). Monodramaty J. Griszkowca a japońska sztuka teatralna rakugo. Między Wschodem a Zachodem, między Północą a Południem 2, 229-241. 
  • Chról, E. (2018). Новая драма в Украине. Исследование украинской новой драмы на примере творчества Максима Курочкина. Lubelskie Studia Filologiczne, Prace młodych badaczy, 79-89. 
  • Chról, E. (2017). Внутренняя эволюция героев монодрам Евгения Гришковца. Seria wydawnicza Zeszyty Cyrylo-Metodiańskie, Problemy języka i kultury Słowian południowych, nr 6, 123-136. 

He has many years of experience in performing:  

  • translation and interpretation in two directions in various language configurations: Polish, Russian, Ukrainian, English  
  • creation and synchronization of subtitles for films  
  • transcription with simultaneous translation of qualitative interviews  

Skilled in performing PR, branding and social media development functions, in the role of SM manager at a large foundation. 

Enthusiast of R and qualitative analysis programs such as MaxQDA.