BigMig: Digital and non-digital traces of migrants in Big and Small Data approaches to human capacities

BigMig: Digital and non-digital traces of migrants in Big and Small Data approaches to human capacities
Our whole lives we have been raised with the notion that “international journeys educate” and through undertaking these opportunities we are able to open up our minds to the world. The whole idea of the 19th Century Grand Tour was to take tours to the principal cities and places of interests in Europe, formerly said to be an essential stages of education of youth with ‘good birth’ and ‘fortune’. In the 20th and beginning of the 21st Century a gap year has been popular among middle class students who from Europe and USA started mainly travelling to Asia; while previously they were mostly travelling to Europe and USA respectively. It is different however for Central and Eastern Europeans. They just go for work and additionally they can develop their human capacities and eventually transfer them home.
Can we say that international migration is a school of life? What distinguishes migration from other „school of life” experience? During changing cultural contexts we learn things which were never taught at school about: self, others, relationships, work. Migrants can be seen as onlookers who can through their experience bring perspective which muted in familiar context. It is different to watch the world through a keyhole, and differently through an open door.

Currently, as part of the research project BigMig: Digital and non-digital traces of migrants in Big and Small Data approaches to human capacities (NCN OPUS 19), the My Migration Research Portal has been created to identify people's resources (psychosocial capitals).
My Migration is a research portal where individuals, after answering questions, will receive free and automatically generated feedback on their resources (psychosocial capitals) and opportunities in the labour market.
The portal invites individuals who:
1. have experienced going abroad in their own country, have lived and worked there or are still there
2. have not experienced living abroad, but may be experiencing migration within their own country, mobility in the labour market by changing jobs, job breaks, promotions or setting up their own business.
The portal is available in three languages: (Polish) (English) (Ukrainian)
Kozminski University is currently recruiting for the position of:
at the Centre for Research on Social Change and Human Mobility (CRASCH)
Ref. no.: 15/NAUKA/OPUS_BM_24
Competition for a post-doc position in the research project (nr UMO-2020/37/B/HS6/02342) entitled “BigMig: Digital and non-digital traces of migrants in Big and Small Data approaches to human capacities”, carried out within the framework of the OPUS 19 competition and funded by the National Science Centre
Duties and responsibilities will include:
- Conduct research with migrants and return migrants to Ukraine (online and if possible in Ukraine) in Ukrainian language,
- Collecting and analysing qualitative data,
- Initiating and preparing scientific publications from the collected data in the project (in mixed methods approaches),
- Participating in international conferences to present research findings
- Carrying out other tasks as requested by the principal investigator
- Cooperating with other team members
- PhD degree (preferred) in sociology, political science or social anthropology,
- experience in conducting social research, especially in individual in-depth interviews,
- ability to use qualitative data analysis software (e.g. QDA Miner, Maxqda or Atlas),
- ability to conduct popular science communication on social media,
- level of proficiency in English (written and spoken) at minimum B2,
- proficiency in Polish; level of language proficiency (written and spoken) at least C1,
- proficiency in Ukrainian; minimum level of proficiency (written and spoken) at C1 level,
- participation and experience in research projects,
- experience of working with migrant organisations will be the added advantage
- having obtained the academic degree of PhD (PL: “doktor”) at a different higher education institution than Kozminski University, not earlier than 7 years before the year of becoming employed within the framework of the project. (*)
- the position may be applied for also by an individual who does not hold a PhD degree but will have met this requirement when they join the project (i.e. they have a scheduled doctoral defence on the date when the application deadline expires)
(*) This period may be extended by the period during which the applicant benefits from a long-term (i.e. longer than 90 days) documented sickness benefit or rehabilitation benefit granted on account of being unable to work. In addition, the said period may be extended by the number of months of a child care leave granted pursuant to the provisions of the Act of 26 June 1974 - the Labour Code (consolidated text in the Journal of Laws of the Republic of Poland of 2018, item 917 as amended), and in the case of women, by 18 months for every child born or adopted, whichever manner of accounting for career breaks is preferable.
Recruitment process
The conditions of selection and employment of applicants are in accordance with the Regulations on awarding funding for research tasks funded by the national science centre as regards research projects (Annex to NCN Council Resolution No 49/2020 of 29 April 2020), relevant to the OPUS 19 call, available on National Science Centre’s website.
The competition consists of two stages. The first stage involves verifying the submitted applications by checking if they are complete and if a given applicant meets the mandatory requirements, followed by a selection of applicants to be invited to the interview stage. The selection will be based on the applicants’ experience and skills in the context of the tasks to be performed in this position. An interview is the second stage of the competition.
The Competition Board reserves the right to: interview selected applicants only, organise additional meetings with selected applicants and project participants and partners, verify the information provided by each applicant, and close the competition without selecting anyone to be employed in the offered post-doc position.
The results of the competition will be published on Kozminski University’s website.
- an opportunity of full-time employment based on a contract of employment for the duration of 18 months,
- remuneration within the framework of the project is approximately 8 250 PLN gross per month,
- an opportunity to develop scientifically in a research team with a strong focus on project acquisition,
- an opportunity to improve one’s qualifications by taking part in development programmes offered by Kozminski University,
- a chance to take part in international scientific conferences,
- employment is planned to start at the beginning of July 2024 or as soon as possible after that date
Important information about the employment opportunity
- In the period of receiving remuneration for employment in the post-doc position in question, the person employed will be obliged:
- not to receive any other remuneration paid from funds granted to research projects financed within the framework of NCN competitions (calls) under the heading of direct costs,
- not to receive remuneration from another employer under an employment contract, including an employer with their registered office outside the Republic of Poland.
- if the person employed in the post-doc position in question obtains a PhD, DSc (PL: “doktor habilitowany”) degree, it will not impede their eligibility to continue working in this position within the framework of the project.
If you have any questions regarding the project and the content of the recruitment notice, please send them to the Principal Investigator, i.e. Professor Izabela Grabowska,
Other questions regarding the application process may be sent to
Persons interested in the position advertised are asked to submit the following application documents as a proof of fulfilment of the set requirements:
- a CV in Polish or English containing a list of publications
- a scanned copy of the PhD diploma (in the case of individuals not holding the degree yet – confirmation of scheduled doctoral defence);
- any documents proving the applicant’s familiarity with the required software, experience, skills, and abilities (e.g. internship/traineeship completion certificates, certificates of work history, training completion certificates, testimonials);
using the application form available at:
by June 16, 2024 (CEST) 23:59
We kindly inform you that by sending your application documents you agree to have your personal data included in the application processed by Kozminski University, Jagiellonska 59, 03-301 Warsaw for the purpose of the recruitment process conducted by Kozminski University for the position specified in the job offer, for the duration of the recruitment process.
Appendix no 1 – Rules of evaluation of applicants
Uprzejmie informujemy, że w wyniku przeprowadzonego konkursu nr ref.: 15/NAUKA/OPUS_BM_24, na stanowisko typu post-doc II w projekcie badawczym „BigMig: Cyfrowe i analogowe ślady migrantów w dużych i małych zbiorach danych oraz zdolności ludzki” (nr 2020/37/B/HS6/02342) ogłoszonego 24.05.2024 r., wybrana została Pani dr Ivanna Kyliushyk.

Professor Izabela Grabowska is sociologist and economist; full professor of social sciences; I was granted PhD by Department of Economics at University of Warsaw and Master Degrees (in economic sciences by University College Dublin and in sociology by University of Wroclaw); in 2021 I joined the Department of Economics at Kozminski University, and set up, as a director, CRASH Center for Research on Social Change and Human Mobility; in 2016-2021 I was a director of Interdisciplinary Doctoral School of SWPS University, Warsaw; in 2002-2019 I was Research Fellow at the Centre of Migration Research in Warsaw (currently I am a member of its Scientific Board); in 2008-2019 I was a member of IMISCOE Executive Board and Board of Directors; I am a national expert of the European Commission in: ESCO and European Mobility Partnership; now for European Labour Agency, for European Employment Services EURES; I am a co-author of research monograph: Migration and the Transfer of Informal Human Capital. Insights from Central Europe and Mexico (with Jastrzebowska; Routledge 2022); The Impact of Migration on Poland: EU Mobility and Social Change (with White, Kaczmarczyk and Slany, UCL Press 2018) and Migrants as Agents of Change (with Garapich, Jazwinska and Radziwinowiczowna, Palgrave Macmillan 2017); co-editor of Mobility in Transition. Migration Patterns After EU Enlargement (Amsterdam University Press 2013). I led research projects on: migrants’ careers, social remittances, peer-groups & migration (ended in 2020), life courses of young migrants & Brexit (ended in 2021), migrant liquid integration (H2020 MIMY, ended in 2023). In 2023 I won as a scientific coordinator Horizon Europe research project Link4Skills.